4DPO today (This is an old thread!!!!)

Hi ladies, I'm still around. Thought I'd share my first bump photo with you. I took one when I found out I was pregnant then just did another last night.

Hope your news is good with your results Caitlyn and good luck with your glucose test Ella!


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Ella, I bus to my doctor's and it takes about an hour and a half, give or take, to get there.

And Kristy, wow your bump is already starting, eh? That's awesome :D You must be thrilled.
Oh have fun with that drink Ella... I was gagging by the end... Flipping gross! And it just doesn't sit right all day! Probably not what you want to hear but it's true lol.
Glad you got an appt Caitlyn, hopefully it'll shed some light! Sucks that you have to bus it in this weather, they're always late!
Bump is coming along really well! Mine is getting in the way of everything pretty much!
AFM, I didn't heed your warnings and while I tried to do the little things instead of carrying boxes etc i still overdid it... I couldn't sit still working my 4 hrs of flu tonight because my hips and back were so sore... I think it's SPD though and its just getting worse. For the last week and a bit my pelvis feels so loose, like unstable and especially this week it's causing me trouble and radiates all the way around from my hips to my pubic bone. Freaking sucks... I was considering booking in for physio to assess it a few days ago and I thought well maybe if I pay more attention to my posture and try to do a bit of stabilizing exercises it'll be better, but it's just not... First things first, no lifting or carrying anything for a while!
ugh yeah... drink wasn't too bad but by the end it really isn't very nice anymore!! I don't drink a lot and definitely not in a small amount of time unless I'm really thirsty... and I drank this 410ml in about 5 minutes, whereas normally I'd put it down for a while and drink again 10 minutes later and then again 15 minutes later or whenever I feel like it... rather than smashing it all down at once!
Off for my blood test in about half hour!

Bump is coming along Kristy! Mine is getting bigger, but still don't feel big at all... when I sit down you can't even tell I'm pregnant, it looks more like a jelly belly :haha: Even hubby said it the other day that I don't look pregnant when I sit down! You can tell when I'm standing though! It tends to be much harder when I'm standing!

Can't believe it takes you an hour and a half on the bus Caitlyn!! Don't you have any doctors closer to where you are?? Or do you just not want to change doctors??
My doctor is only a 10 minute walk away :)

And Talia, TAKE IT EASY!! Just get Kurtis to do the lifting!! (I kept getting told off for lifting when we moved, and I was only 18 weeks at the time!)
Thanks. I didn't think I'd have a bump this early but looks like I take after my sisters and my mum. DH keeps rubbing my belly and telling the baby to keep growing so that it makes me really really fat.. Not sure if I should take that as a good thing or not.

Hope your test comes back fine Ella.
Talia, try and get some rest. Nothing worse than over doing it. Hope you feel better soon.
Book for physio, Talia. Bad girl :p I told you to be careful and not overdo it. Especially this far along, you could go in to preterm labour.

Ella, hope your test come back perfect :) The drink sucks for sure and in know what you mean about not usually drinking much at a time. At least it is done and over with. How was tour midwife appointment?

Kristy, I'd say it is a good thing- I wanted to be hugely pregnant and never was. I carried my son in my back.
Test wasn't too bad to be honest, not as bad as I thought about it..... Took Lucas on the bus to the hospital then met up with Jay and he took him home. I went into town quickly, picked up Jay's books I ordered and had a quick look at a few aftershaves for Jay, I got one online but wanted to smell some first! :winkwink: Ended up buying one that I couldn't find it the shops, only cause they other one I wanted was out of stock and this one was the best value for money :winkwink: Haha..... Went to the midwife after, everything was good, measured 28cm, weight was still the same as last time (3 weeks ago) which I'm happy with! And she listened to the hb and felt how he was laying, seemed to be head down (for now). My BP was slightly low (96/68 I think) but when I mentioned that I hadn't eaten anything and only had the Lucozade she said that's probably why it's low!
Anyway - everything was/is all good and don't have my next appointment until 34 weeks, which is end of January - seems ages away!!!
Hopefully get my results tomorrow! Really hope it comes back clear cause I hadn't even thought of xmas, imagine if I wouldn't be allowed to eat any of the lovely cakes and chocolate and stuff!! :dohh: I'd not be happy!! :haha:

So did you get your results yet Caitlyn?? (forgot what the time difference is...)
Glad your appointment went well, Ella :) I am so excited for you ladies :D

It looks like AF is here, by it is pretty light right now. Doc says progesterone is 14 and I have read anything over 10 is good. She gave me an HCG (guess I should never waste tests, as she seems to love doing those lol- I didn't test this am) And she is referring me back to my fertility specialist.
:blush: I'm sorry gals! I thought I would be ok to do a little bit to help but no siree. Was up every two hours overnight, so uncomfortable... But managed to go work at the hospital today... Walking has limbered me up I think.... We'll see what my body says in the evening. I think I'll try to book for physio just to see if there's something I can do to make it easier on my hips otherwise I'm in for a long 10 weeks and probably a crappy labour....

Ella, that's the thing with online shopping you can't touch or smell or anything!! Lol

Caitlyn, glad to hear you finally got your result and that it was good. Did she say anything else to you? All that way for an appt just to hear the number and get sent back to your Fs... Lame-O. And yes don't waste a test! Sucks that AF is showing up maybe... Fx crossed for next cycle! So what now? Will you still take the prog as a little back up next time? Or not really necessary?
Are you kinda bummed that your progesterone came back normal?? Or are you happy about it? It's good that she's sending you back to your fertility specialist though, hopefully they can help you!! Bummer AF is here though!! :hugs: Think of it this way: you can have a drink (or several) at xmas!! :winkwink:

Glad you managed to work Talia! It's annoying waking up all the time at night though, isn't it??!
Hopefully your hips will get a little better soon!! :hugs:
Uughhhhhhhh I just have to vent! I'm soooo frustrated with my stupid baby brain. I had an appointment at 5 and I just remembered... It's 830 at night!!! Fuck fuck fuck! I feel so bad! Argh!! And they even called to confirm it yesterday, and I have to pay for the session cuz I was a no show!! Screw this stupid preggo sack of brain cells! Blaaaahhhhhh!!
Ahw!! Bet it's annoying, mainly cause you have to pay for it! :dohh: And it is really frustrating when you forget things like that!! :hugs:
Yep, I've done things like that. Blah. It super sucks. ♡ sorry about that, Talia. How are your hips feeling today?

To answer all the questions about my doc/ the progesterone: I like my doc and have had her since I moved to Edmonton, so I was 11. She knows my history, so it is worth the commute. I am kinda bummed that it isnt the progesterone as we now have to figure out why I spotted for basically eleven days after O. And it isn't the first time that's happened either. But I may take progesterone cream this month just to see, as everything really does fit. I'll have to figure out how to use it appropriately to help ttc, as all the info on it is for premenepausal or menepausal women. But I am both glad and sad that I am going back to Dr. Segel. I hope it just happens before whatever appointment is set up for me... I dont technically have insurance. I mean we do, but we pay out of pocket and then Derek's work pays us back... I dont know how that will work for the fertility specialist...

What's going on in your worlds, ladies?
I can imagine you're kinda bummed about going back to your fertility doctor.... But it'll be nice to try and find out what's going on! Hopefully it does happen before then though! Maybe the progesterone cream will still work/help anyway!

I got a call from the midwife today, my glucose test came back all clear! No GD for me :happydance: yay!! Really happy about that! Not much else going on, finished my xmas shopping for Jay yesterday (Lucas was done already) just gotta do the food shopping and wrap everything and Jay's gotta get me some presents... And we'll be ready to go! YAY! Looking forward to it!

Happy 30 weeks btw Talia!!
Hey ladies! Slow day at flu today so I managed to crochet most of a baby hat lol then I took myself for a pedicure! My feet were grossly dry etc... Haha of course I realized when I pulled up my pants that I haven't shaved my legs for ages!! Hahah yeti! Oh well!! felt so nice and now I have red toes with snowflakes! At least my toes are ready for Xmas!
Yay for no GD Ella!! That's awesome! I would be so sad about missing out on all the Christmas goodies!
Thanks for clearing up all our questions, Caitlyn! Haha that sucks that you have to be reimbursed for your appts. Makes things difficult!
Chirp chirp... Crickets!! What's up ladies!

Had Kurtis's family Christmas yesterday! Was really nice, bought 2 dresses for the holidays/baby shower! The one i wore yesterdAy Makes me look crazy preggo...But for 8.99$ on clearance at Target cant go wrong! This pic was after dinner so 30weeks plus 30lbs of turkey dinner! Hahah!


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Omg Talia you look so cute! I wrote a reply before but apparently forgot to hit send. Oops lol. Anyways, 30 weeks! Time to choose a date for pics haha! :D

I am so broke I am making my Mum's present, but so far so good! It is a (cheaply) blown up photo of my son, sister and nephew, blown up to 24" x 36" so 2 x 3'? Anyways, it is cute and then I am making my own frame for it out of trim lol!
Ah look at that bump!! You do look very pregnant in that picture! :thumbup: Looking good though!!

Hey that's still a good present Caitlyn!!

Hubby had me order my xmas present :haha: He wanted to get me a Wii U, had a look on ebay for a while but they all went for too much money so we got one on a different website where we can pay per month.... we already bought some xmas presents on there, but decided to get this aswell and then pay money towards it straight away so the monthly payments won't be too much - plus it's interest free anyway! And I'm so excited!! Can't wait to play with it :haha:

So I don't know if I told you but Jay's brother is staying with us again - for 3 weeks..... Jay's sister came over for a little while aswell earlier, she left around 9pm and Simon (Jay's brother) was at the gym, he went to a spinning class and then stayed out so after his sister left I said to Jay: hey, you know what.... we're actually alone!! And Lucas is asleep..... hint hint :winkwink: So we went upstairs, about 5 minutes later the phone rang - we were gonna ignore it but then I said to Jay "that's probably your mum making sure your sister is on her way home" (she gets treated like a baby, as she's the baby of the family, but she's 21 on wednesday!!! :dohh:) So we decided he'd better go and check and as he was on his way downstairs Simon came through the front door..... :dohh: Bad timing!!!
Oh no! Bad timing indeed. Hopefully you'll get another chance soon :D I have been spotting/bleeding for 16 days and hubby won't touch me lol. Hopefully it is over soon, as hubby leaves soon for Vegas... lol.

I'd like to try the U :) Looks fun... but I also want the PS4 and the Xbox one. Hahaha :rofl: Game consoles are so neat now! I don't get a gift this year from Derek. I bought him 24 tickets for paintball so that should be fun. Got my brother the same.
How come you don't get a gift from Derek?? :( You can't do xmas with no gifts!! Trust me, I did it for 18 years of my life, it's much more fun with gifts :haha: - my parents/family doesn't do xmas with gifts as they are christian and do it the christian way - as in: xmas isn't about the gifts, it's about Jesus being born......
But then again, in Holland we do have another tradition, it's called 'sinterklaas' which is kinda like it, though it's more for the kids and usually much smaller than xmas (you only tend to give someone 1 gift or maybe 2, depending on how much you can cram into the small amount that people tend to spend)

I'm not a big fan of games consoles.... Jay got me a psp years ago which I play occasionally, I take it with me when I fly to Holland usually.... though nowadays it's Lucas that uses it to watch videos on on the plane.... (it's only a 1 hr flight)
He got me a DS 2 years ago and I literally never play it... I played it on xmas and maybe for a little while after and then again last year at xmas cause he gave me some new games but that's it! I used to have a DS before I met him and sold it on cause I never played it....
He's got an xbox 360 - hardly ever plays on it anymore, he likes gaming on the pc better, though we do play guitar hero on it every now and then. He also used to have a PS3 but sold that years ago cause he never played it.
And then we've got a wii, which gets played quite a bit - I used to do wii fit plus every day for a while and other than that every now and then, especially when we have people over we play it. So the Wii U will definitely get some good use out of it!! So definitely worth the £300 we're paying for it (over time):haha:

Anyway enough about me :haha: How are you 2 doing?? How's the move coming along Talia?? And are you getting more excited about baby or are you too busy with moving first?? I was gonna ask if you were organised and ready for baby yet but you can't really do much if everything is boxed up.... So I'll have to ask you that after you've moved :winkwink:

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