How come you don't get a gift from Derek??

You can't do xmas with no gifts!! Trust me, I did it for 18 years of my life, it's much more fun with gifts

- my parents/family doesn't do xmas with gifts as they are christian and do it the christian way - as in: xmas isn't about the gifts, it's about Jesus being born......
But then again, in Holland we do have another tradition, it's called 'sinterklaas' which is kinda like it, though it's more for the kids and usually much smaller than xmas (you only tend to give someone 1 gift or maybe 2, depending on how much you can cram into the small amount that people tend to spend)
I'm not a big fan of games consoles.... Jay got me a psp years ago which I play occasionally, I take it with me when I fly to Holland usually.... though nowadays it's Lucas that uses it to watch videos on on the plane.... (it's only a 1 hr flight)
He got me a DS 2 years ago and I literally never play it... I played it on xmas and maybe for a little while after and then again last year at xmas cause he gave me some new games but that's it! I used to have a DS before I met him and sold it on cause I never played it....
He's got an xbox 360 - hardly ever plays on it anymore, he likes gaming on the pc better, though we do play guitar hero on it every now and then. He also used to have a PS3 but sold that years ago cause he never played it.
And then we've got a wii, which gets played quite a bit - I used to do wii fit plus every day for a while and other than that every now and then, especially when we have people over we play it. So the Wii U will definitely get some good use out of it!! So definitely worth the £300 we're paying for it (over time)
Anyway enough about me

How are you 2 doing?? How's the move coming along Talia?? And are you getting more excited about baby or are you too busy with moving first?? I was gonna ask if you were organised and ready for baby yet but you can't really do much if everything is boxed up.... So I'll have to ask you that after you've moved