4DPO today (This is an old thread!!!!)

Yeah can't believe I'll be in single figure weeks (+6 days) tomorrow!!!
Not long now!! And Talia has got even less time left!!!
So exciting!!

Oh you should take Rowan on your toboggan :) We did last year with Lucas, we borrowed one off a friend (a little plastic one) cause all the shops were sold out! We went off a little hill and there was a curb at the bottom, we hit that with the back of it and it cracked! WHOOPS!! So we bought them a new one once we found one in the shops! haha
We haven't got any snow now though! :( bummer! Hopefully we'll still get some in the new year, cause technically winter has only just started!

Yay for another possible donation though!! Hope you get one!!

I'm so tired today! I ended up getting up with Lucas this morning cause Jay was out of it and I was reading my book at about 9.30/10 am and kept falling asleep! Then I put it away and managed to stay awake! Had a quick nap this afternoon whilst I was watching Step Up on the tv, but that was REALLY short I think - maybe like 15 minutes.... So I'm still tired! Luckily I get to sleep in tomorrow! YAY!! :haha:

Hope you're all (still) having a good time!!
Hey ladies!! Sorry I'm on a quick break at flu, it's crazy! There are 400 confirmed cases in the province so people are flooding in now, Caitlyn go get yours if you still haven't!!

Gotta update you guys though, it's not on FB yet but Kurtis proposed on Christmas Day! Just had to spill to you guys! Ill write more later!
Ahw yay!! Congrats!!! :happydance: - I'm guessing you said yes :winkwink:
When's the wedding gonna be?? Or don't you know yet??

How about those flu jabs, can everyone get them in Canada?? In the UK only people who are more at risk (like old people and pregnant women) get it - I'm sure other people would be able to get it 'privately' but they'd have to pay for it.... I guess it's different over there anyway as you have to pay for your healthcare anyway - or at least for your insurance....
Awww just popped in to catch up and I had to say congrats, Talia!!! ♡♡♡ Sooo sweet! Do tell the story!

No donation tonight. Will write more later, too sleepy lol. But aww so happy for everyone :D
Alrighty! Here we go... So a bit of background on a little story from when we were dating long distance ( me in Edmonton, Kurtis in Kelowna)... We had this inside joke between us that had to do with the lion king and I remember my cousins having simba and nala stuffed animals that had magnets in their noses so they would 'kiss' and I found a set on ebay... I shipped the simba to Kurtis in Kelowna in an orange box that i had painted to look like an animal crate and filled it with some green Easter basked grass stuff and I kept the Nala. On one of my trips, I surprised him by arriving a day early, leaving only the Nala on his doorstep and hiding around the side of the house...surprise! Fast-forward to now, the simba and Nala will be on display in our lion king nursery! Anyways, now onto the proposal!

So Christmas morning we were on our way over to Kurtis's parents to open gifts and have a nice breakfast... Just as we were leaving, Kurtis is texting his mom incessantly and starts tearing up, blames it on the city and colour song and I think nothing of it and bug him about him 'being hormonal and pregnant' ( not the first time he's gotten teary over nothing lol) anyways he's driving and keeps catching himself speeding on the highway, going about 130km/hr when usually and esp lately he's been a pretty careful driver. We joke about it saying he's excited to open presents etc.
Get to his parents, all is well and Kurtis tells me to go change into my pyjamas, I hadn't worn them because we were planning to go to the store to grab a card but I wanted to open presents in my pyjamas lol!
Anyways, we open presents, patti gives cam his gift first, it's a flash for his camera and says 'see you needed to open it first so you can take pictures of everyone on Christmas morning'
Open everyones gifts and there's one gift, kind of plainly wrapped still sitting under the tree, can't even see a tag... Someone asks about it and Kurtis says 'I know we said we weren't getting anything for each other but I had to...' Immediately, I get mad and say 'kurtis! I was so proud of myself yesterday when I went shopping I didn't even get something small for you!! I stuck to it!! Not fair!'
So I reluctantly open the gift and see that it's the painted box that I had shipped the simba in, it felt empty except for the Easter grass so I was glad in the end that he hadnt actually gotten me anything just did something cute and sentimental. Nonetheless I open it and check the grass and ask if there's anything in it and that's when I see Kurtis come around the corner with a little white box. Immediately bawling, he gets down on one knee and all I say is 'kurtis! You can't do this right now, it's not fair, you're gonna make me cry all day!' In my head I realize what a terrible reaction that must sound like so I tell myself to shut up! He of course takes a second and then asks me to marry him. I say of course! and we soggily hug and laugh and cry for a few minutes as Cam is taking pictures at random... So sweet. Finally I can see enough to take a look at the rings and its his Nana's engagement and wedding band set, super special and important to the family as Kurtis's Opa passed away a few months after Kurtis moved in with me... I never met his Nana but they were the glue of the family! I'm honoured to wear their rings.

That's the story! Sorry it was so long!
Awww!!!! SO sweet! And my friend totally had those kissing Nala and Simba stuffies. That is so ridiculously adorable hahaha! Aww. You guys are so romantic hahaha!

Happy Birthday to your puppy for yesterday by the way :D
Aww thanks! Ya when we were doing the long distance thing we would always think up cutesy things, we called it 'scheming'! Always trying to one up each other. Yup our little pup is 6 years old I can't even believe it, she shares her birthday with Kurtis's brother, went went out for dinner to celebrate and the boys went to the hockey game and we went to see anchorman while we waited to pick them em, so hilarious!
Oh ya I meant to put in the 'after' info... So yes what he had text his mom when he got teary was 'can I ask Tal to marry me today?' And they literally got all that plan together in the time it took to drive there... While I got changed into my pjs patti showed Kurtis where the rings were hidden etc and of course the speeding etc was all due to nerves haha and I didn't know this but usually they have breakfast before presents and usually Cam hands them out but patti was so excited we skipped straight to presents and she was handing them out so quickly that we didn't even finish opening one and the next gift was waiting! Lol so happy I get to be 'officially' part of the family! Eeee!

Oh jeez I keep forgetting parts! So I guess Kurtis had planned to propose the day we moved in to our new house but we were so exhausted and it just 'didn't feel right', but he just had this feeling like 'today is the day' when he woke up Christmas morning. What neither of us knew, which Cam told us at breakfast was that it was the exact same way he proposed to Patti, on Christmas morning, in their pjs with an empty shoe box! Isn't that nuts? Crazy coincidence!
Lol awww so sweet :) <3 You must be over the moon!
Ahw that's so sweet!!! Bet you're really happy!!
Getting married YAY!!! Join the married gals club :winkwink: Bet you can't wait to have this baby now so you can look for a nice wedding dress!!

And it's funny you call his (I'm guessing) granddad Opa - that's what we call granddads in Holland. Grandma is Oma. So my parents are Opa & Oma to Lucas (&Logan) and Jay's parents are Nanny & Granddad. :)
Yes Kurtis is half Dutch and German, van roijen's on his moms side! Funnily enough we had 'Dutch tomato soup' for dinner tonight, it's probably called something else in Dutch but its like tomato based with meatballs and beef chunks... Was quite yummy, it was my first time!
Didn't realise there's a specific Dutch tomato soup :haha:

So we're staying at my sister's house now, got here last night and staying until wednesday..... me and Jay are sleeping on a sofabed which is very small. I'm honestly not really bothered by the size of the bed, but it's so hard!!! As soon as I got in it last night I was like: oh no! This is gonna be a rough night - I get achey hips in our bed which has a memory foam mattress which is pretty soft, so I knew this was gonna be BAD for my hips!!
My parents brought a travelcot from Holland (cause we don't have one) and we usually use an extra little mattress in the travelcot, but I decided yesterday when we left that Lucas might aswell sleep on his normal mattress with his own bedding, which would be too big to go in a travel cot. So I brought his normal mattress with us. And last night I put the little extra mattress that we use in the travelcot on top of the sofabed so it would be a bit softer - unfortunately it didn't help too much!! :(
I've got a feeling I'm gonna have some rough nights until we get back home - can't wait!! :haha:
Ick that sucks about the bed. Ours at home is fairly hard so soft beds mess with me, but lately if im on my side this one hurts my hips. Can't win lol. But hopefully you can get decent sleep still. You know you'll need it haha. What is happening at your sister's that you're over there? Just New Year's or..?

What does everyone have planned for New Year's Eve? Anything exciting? I'm just going to a house party, and going to try to put Rowan to sleep so I can have a couple drinks but we will see.
For New Years my friend who got married in September is having a sit down dinner party, cabin themed so cozy sweaters etc. I'm excited, sounds like she's busting out her new china etc and putting in a fancy meal!
Just for new years... I don't get to see her very often cause she lives about 125 miles away and we don't have a car. Trains are way too expensive! I could probably fly to Holland for cheaper than taking the train :winkwink: When we wanted to go over for my nephew being born the train would've cost us £99 for me and Jay and Lucas (Lucas is free) for a return. So we only really tend to go over when my parents are over (as ofcourse they drive over there anyway). So I only see her about as often as I see my parents. Might change once we have a car again - but Jay'll need a job first. Hopefully that happens soon!! :)

Hope you girls have a nice new-years!
Man Ella it's so different here! In our province the two main cities are Edmonton and Calgary and they are about 180 miles apart and often people will drive down for a weekend... I've even known people to drive down to go to a specific burger joint hahah I wish there was an Edmonton-Calgary train though. It still is pretty pricey to fly... Driving is pretty much the only way to get around for cheaper in Canada, we used to drive to kelowna, where Kurtis lived a few times a year and that's about a 14 hr drive and it's only about halfway into our neighbouring province! It boggles my mind how small Europe is! Lol but glad you get to spend some quality time with your family for the new year!

This is honestly the first year I don't wanna end because its been so good! I know 2014 will be great but wow I feel so lucky for the year I've had! Have fun tonight and ring it in with lots of love!
I would drive over to my sister's every so often if we had a car.... but we can't afford a car at the moment so I can't! And like I said trains are too expensive, and also it took me 4.5 hours last time to get back (my brother and his wife drove us up here when my sister had her baby and then we took the train back, cause you CAN get cheap tickets if you buy them plenty in advance - but you HAVE to take the train that you booked, rather than just any old train, that's only if you book it in advance though to get cheaper tickets). We left my sister's place at 7pm and didn't get back home until 11.30pm and that was pretty exhausting having to change a few times, dragging a 2 year old around and waiting at a cold station for half an hour for the train I needed.... it wasn't something I'd do again in a hurry :haha:

But yeah, flying to Holland to see my parents, can be pretty cheap maybe like £25 each way for an adult (unfortunately Lucas has to pay full price now aswell, cause he's over 2 years old) so if all 3 of us would go it would probably be about the same amount as the train to my sister's :haha: Or a bit more probably. Also depending on when you book it and who you're flying with.

We were talking about it yesterday with my parents, how in America and Canada sometimes people go out for dinner like 2 hrs drive away..... you're like: why would you drive that far??? Just for dinner... haha Most people in the UK would say it's far if you drive 30-45 minutes to go out for dinner - In Holland it would take you about 3-4 hrs to drive from one end of the country to the other - in England it would be a lot longer, at least 10 to drive from Scotland down to the south coast of England. But it's a lot different from America and Canada. We had a holiday in both countries before, where we drove from new york all the way across America, via Canada (Niagara Falls & Edmonton & Banff aswell) then down through Yellowstone Park, Bryce Canyon, Las Vegas, San Fransisco and then back through like Denver and some other places back to Philadelphia .... that took us 7 weeks!! (that was with stops ofcourse and seeing a lot of sights etc.) but it would take you a long time anyway to drive from one side of the country to the other.
Hahah ya it's just crazy because its normal to even commute to work about 30-45 mins both ways! It's just life here! Most of my family lives within an hour drive so dinner drives arent as bad. And ya I think Kurtis said that holland basically fits between here and just a bit further than Calgary (lethbridge).. How can that be a country?! And its not even one of the smallest!
Sometimes it's cheaper to fly out of Calgary because its a better connecting airport so I've driven down to catch a plane. I love the expanse of our country, that road trip would have been gruelling though... Lots of sights to see though! My favorite is the mountains, ha even that, to go skiing, it's a 3 hr drive, not unheard of to do a day trip to jasper or banff, you just have to leave at 5 or 6 am!
Yeah long drives aren't unheard of here... my buddy wanted to do a quadding day trip in Waipress, I probably spelled it wrong... but anyways, it is about a 5/6 hour drive there. Derek and I don't usually do day trips like that now but we've gone to Calgary which is about a three hour trip just to go to their zoo and we will probably do that this summer again.

So looks like I may have O'ed. Got two donations on time at least :) And my old due date will be 12/13dpo depending on when ff says I O'ed, but I think I felt it last night. Am going to see about another donation today but may be busy. But yes I think I will hold off testing until AF or old due date on the 12th as I rarely make it to 12 or 13dpo so would almost definitely be pregnant.

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