4DPO today (This is an old thread!!!!)

Ooops fells asleep before replying lol. Got my donation. Woo! Good thing too, as no time for that today. Might swing by tomorrow AM to get a quick donation as well cause we have a two year old's party Rowan has been invited to. Which will be odd as I haven't seen the mum in over two years. But Roro will probably enjoy himself, so that will be worth it.

I forgot to reply to your measurements questions. He is under the 5th percentile in weight, and not growing as he should weight wise. Height is 10th percentile but a steady rise on the curve so they aren't worried about that. Just his weight. He is reaching all his milestones aside from talking though, and he communicates quite clearly what he wants. I dunno. :shrug:

I should have stayed in bed today... wake up to LOTS more snow. Go awaaaaaaay already, snow! It has been 6 months of it. Sooo sick of it. But Rowan gets to meet his Great Uncle today (Derek's Uncle from across the country) so I get to meet him too. Should be an alright day. He has come to see Derek's dad who has been put in a home as his health and mind have just been deteriorating steadily and Der's mum can't watch him all the time as she works full time.

Looks as if the rise in temp for me yesterday was only because I didn't sleep great. Back to a lower temp but I took it an hour early... but we didn't have a fan on or window open as we normally do so I think the range is probably right. I have the feeling I did not O yet. I have faith I will catch the LH surge on my OPKs. Gotta have faith lol. It genwrally lasts more than a day and I have been testing daily, so I hope so.

Okay done my novel lol.
Oh wow! 5th percentile is quite low!! But hey, at least he'll be nice and slim :winkwink: or skinny, whatever you wanna call it!! :haha: As long as he's gaining weight steadily he should be fine!
Boys are usually a bit slower when it comes to talking though. Lucas was walking by 10 months but didn't really start talking much until this year, or just before he turned 2 and now he's just learning words like crazy!!! It's so cool to see how quickly he learns new words....
One day Jay (hubby) was saying a dutch word he likes - piemel - which means penis :blush: he likes just randomly coming out with things like that... and then Lucas repeated it, it was sooo funny!! :rofl:

Ooooh I bet you're fed up with the snow now!! We've had some snow here, quite a lot in the north of the country but not so much here in London. The weather can't really seem to make up it's mind though! A while ago it was nice and sunny and we even turned the heating off in the house. And then 2 days later it was snowing again! It's raining at the moment. Been quite nice-ish lately, though kind of going from sun to rain and back again every so often....
Can't wait for it to start being nice and warm again so we can put our washing outside (not got enough space to hang it up inside and our house is very cold without heating on so it takes at least day to dry! We only heat Lucas' room and the living room to save money)

We haven't done much today. Me and Lucas went for a little walk, with some tantrums every now and then. And then got back home and had some lunch, he had a sleep whilst me and hubby played a board game and I've been trying to clean our sofa's :S But it doesn't seem to be working very well.... Well spent 4 pound that was on that can of carpet/upholstery cleaner :p haha
I'm gonna try again in a minute and then it's dinnertime again - making pancakes for dinner tonight! Lucas loves them!!! :)

We're having the day off when it comes to BDing. Got my ewcm though I think..... So that's good. Pretty sure I'm good to O tomorrow :) FX!!!

Have fun with Derek's uncle and good luck with your opks haha :p Kind of glad I'm not using them this month!! :haha:
Hello there lady..... :)
Think my ovaries might've popped the cork early. My temp was pretty high this morning, probably slightly affected by temping late, but when i used the bbt adjuster just to see what that said it would've/might've been at my normal temping time it said 36.52 which is still quite a rise from 36.20
Guess only time will tell! Still gonna try to bd today and maybe tomorrow just to cover our bases....but i think even if i ovulated yesterday that we timed the bd pretty well! :)
Woo that is exciting! I think we are both doing well as far as BDing/insems this time around. I am actually mildly stressed that I won't O this month because my OPKs are so faint. I am still in bed though and haven't done them this morning. And I know from the past I can O pretty late (surge on CD 19) so I just have to be patient. But I don't wanna! Hahaha.

I have to go get a toy for a little girl's bday party today and I have no clue what to get her... she is turning two, and I haven't seen her mum is about four years. But I have to keep reminding myself that Rowan will have fun. Sometimes I have social anxieties if I don't really know someone... It is fairly new since having Rowan.

Did you manage to clean your couch? I have a spray that is eco friendly and helps. And a steam cleaner- but I just recently got a toy couch and armchair and ottoman as a hand-me-down for Rowan, and although it is muuuuch better, I spent a good hour on each item and they are still kind of dirty. But it is yeeeears of other children constantly playing with/on them- they were even in a dayhome at one time. So they were pretty grimey.

The issue with Rowan's weight is he wasn't really gaining, he dropped off his curve altogether. It was kind of scary actually... I am hoping he is back on the curve, though. He seems to be eating more instead of always asking for the booby. He gets checked again in May.
Well it seems we can't bd again today, and probably not tomorrow either, cause hubby seems to have an allergic reaction to a showergel on his penis :S Great!! :dohh:
So hoping it's been enough, and hoping I did ovulate yesterday cause then the bd would've been timed better if we can't bd today :p
Hopefully you will be ovulating very soon!! Don't give up :p

When it comes to birthday presents I usually just tend to go to the shop and see what they've got in my price range and then pick something. For little girls turning 2 it's usually something for role play, I bought 1 little girl a little wooden toaster (for (fake) bread) and another girl I bought some Duplo for and another one I bought wooden puzzles for. I usually just try to imagine what I'd buy for my own daughter if we'd have one...

No I didn't manage to get it very clean at all, it kind of seems the same, it might've helped a little, but not much. We're gonna borrow a steam cleaner off a friend. Do they really help?? It's all pretty much ground in dirt from when my sister-in-law had these sofa's. They used to be Jay's parents' sofa's but they passed them on to his sister and she passed them on to us.... Really want new sofa's but we can't afford it, so that'll have to wait!!

Hopefully Rowan will be gaining weight properly again!! Lucas is about 13 kilo's now, and he's almost 26 months. Haven't weighed him in a while though cause he won't let me. Wonder when we'll get the letter about his 2-2.5 yr check up...
Hello there lady..... :)
Think my ovaries might've popped the cork early. My temp was pretty high this morning, probably slightly affected by temping late, but when i used the bbt adjuster just to see what that said it would've/might've been at my normal temping time it said 36.52 which is still quite a rise from 36.20
Guess only time will tell! Still gonna try to bd today and maybe tomorrow just to cover our bases....but i think even if i ovulated yesterday that we timed the bd pretty well! :)

Yay!! For early O!! We are right there together..I think I owed two days ago so Im either 1 or 2 DPO today!! GL
Looks like you might've O'ed yesterday or the day before :) I think FF will probably put it on yesterday....
Prettyjen, looks like you O'd yesterday! :) Good luck, hunny! You definitely did all you could to catch it this month ;) LOL

Oh no Eltjuh! Your poor hubby. We have a friend over for dinner and hanging out, and he cringed cause I told hubby why I laughed aloud (sorry). That sucks, but at least you are pretty sure you O'd already and BDing isn't super important. We haven't been able to yesterday or todat, so tomorrow I am going to get another donation. Going between creamy, watery and EWCM today. Told my mum we were trying again so I have someone to complain to if it doesn't work again this month. But positive vibes. It will work. Lalala. Positive. :headspin: I think waiting to O is driving me bananas. This tww will be nothin' compared to last time, last time I had O'd by now and was already in the tww so it was okay to moan about it because it was genuinely worse than the wait to O. Nope. If I start complaining, kick my butt lol. I am impatient though, that is my downfall.

I got the little girl a dolly and an aquadoodle teddybear. You can only draw on it with water. Kind of neat so I got Rowan one too. And I don't like gift bags because you just toss them most of the time, so I got her a plastic basket that she can use to put toys in later as a "gift bag" to hold the presents. Less waste that way.
Correction: Don't think I ovulated now! My temp went right back down today.... so I have NO idea what's going on and not feeling positive at all anymore! Thought we'd done pretty well but considering hubby's 'condition' at the moment don't think there will be any more BDing :wacko:
That means even if I'd O today we only BD 3, 4 and 6 days before O which is not great!!
I'm totally confused about my cm aswell, checked it this morning and it seemed like ewcm mixed with thick creamy.... Never seen that before!!

So what did your mum say?? She happy??

STOP COMPLAINING!!! :rofl: Only joking!!! I'm complaining too!! So much for the 'take it easy' approach this month!!!

We don't really do gift bags usually, just wrap it in wrapping paper. I guess that creates a lot of waste... but it's recycleable so that's good!!
The teddybear sounds like a good gift though! We just got Lucas an Aquadoodle mat for his birthday this year.

Noooo... I'm not happy!!! :cry: :dohh:
Oh well, better focus on Lucas going to nursery for the first time today.... I'll probably update on that later.
And think I might try to see if I can get hubby to 'play' :p haha
Just came back from Lucas' nursery....he was a bit upset but he did alright for a first day. Hopefully he'll do a little better every day. (he's only going 2 days a week though to start with).

So I just did an opk since I've got them anyway and thought maybe that'll shed some light as to what's going on with me..... Well I'm pretty sure it was positive, so probably haven't ovulated yet and should be ovulating soon! - NOT HAPPY!!!

Here's a pic....


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Yes, that OPK looks positive to me. Uh oh. Well, try to see if hubby will play still, and just dip the tip hahahahaa ;) Your poor hubby. And if you can't, I just read a post where a lady is pregnant and the last day she bd'd was the Monday and O'd Thursday. So even if you can't, as long as your cm is fertile, it will be alright and you'll be in with a chance.

I am still laying in bed. Rowan is asleep still and smiling in his sleep, so cute. Took an OPK and still negative. Going crazy :tease: Can I just O? And this morning my cm is creamy, hope that gets better throughout he day... wish I could O and catch the first EWCM that I saw and used right away. Then maybe it would be a girl as well :) But the donor has no girls, only all boys, so I guess we will see. My bet is on another boy, though.

And my mum ruined it by saying she already pretty much knew cause I had said everyone wasbalright to go ahead with it again. Lol. Boo lol. But we just kinfa left it at that. I am sure she will be thrilled with the news when we are finally pregnant. And a good ear if we aren't, for the most part. She lost her last, after the huge surprise baby that was my sister Willow (18 years age difference) she tried to give her a younger sibling, but lost "him" as a mmc at 9 weeks, discovered at 11 weeks and a few days. So I don't know how much of my ttc discussing will hurt her, as she gave up after that. Well they tried for another year I think, but then felt my mum was getting too old and the risks were too high. I know she would be supportive, but I also know it will be a stab to the heart for her. But she will be thrilled with another grandbaby when it happens.

How long does Lucas stay at nursery?
Just came back from Lucas' nursery....he was a bit upset but he did alright for a first day. Hopefully he'll do a little better every day. (he's only going 2 days a week though to start with).

So I just did an opk since I've got them anyway and thought maybe that'll shed some light as to what's going on with me..... Well I'm pretty sure it was positive, so probably haven't ovulated yet and should be ovulating soon! - NOT HAPPY!!!

Here's a pic....

Sorry for the late O. I Od 3 days late this cycle?? Not really sure why :(. All we can do is wait it out now. Maybe you can do the nasty one more time :)
We're hoping we'll be able to BD again tomorrow...but I've mentally prepared myself for bfn's all the way this cycle....
If you compared me to that lady you saw the thread about though (BD monday and O thursday) that would mean I'd have to ovulate today... As she last BD 3 days before O and I last BD on friday, so that's 3 days ago! Hopefully there are some strong swimmers in there so they'll still be alive by the time I O haha.
Should O soon though considering that opk was positive. So fingers crossed it happened today, or maybe tomorrow if we can still get another BD in tomorrow!!
Not technically a late O though, cause I usually O between CD18 and 20 (CD19 today).

Ugh... stupid ttc!! :p haha

I get what you mean about your mum! I'm sure she'll be supportive though and maybe she's made peace with the fact that she is done having babies and passed that task onto you instead!

If your donor only has boys you probably have like a 90% chance of having a boy haha... I wonder whether we can have girls... hubby's sister has got 3 boys - I think she's gonna keep trying until she has a girl though cause she's fallen out with her mum (and most of the rest of the family) and thinks if she gives her mum a granddaughter it'll solve everything.... Jay's mum really wants a granddaughter, so obviously I hope WE get to give her the first one! :haha: (she has 4 grandsons at the moment). I reckon the mc we had in October was a girl... don't know why, just think it was a girl....
Would be nice though if you'd have a girl :) that way you get to have 1 of each and you get to show your donor that he does produce girls :haha: Bummer you can't have babies with your hubby cause you KNOW he makes girls right?? He's got 2 girls right?

Lucas would usually stay for 3 hrs - he's allowed 15hrs a week, so that would mean he could go every day. But we're starting him with just 2 days a week and only want him to go a max of 3 days and to get him settled in he's going for an hour until he is happy to stay there for an hour by himself and then he can stay there for the full 3hrs. He's just so attached to us that he really doesn't like it when we leave, he probably thinks we won't come back for him! Hopefully he'll settle in soon!
Well I am still hopeful for you :) you should O in the next day or so, and you didn't take a test yesterday, so you may even O today. I am thinking positive for you heehee :) And the month I got pregnant with Rowan I got a +OPK on CD 19 and today is only CD 14 so I still possibly have another full week before I O lol!

Stupid ttc indeed lol!

I don't know how the donor would feel if the next was a girl... He has wanted a girl forever, and they are even seriously considering adopting a girl. So I think if the next is a girl it might be hard on him, and I worry that it may put a rift in our relationship. But I think his relationship with Rowan will ensure they stick around. I really want a girl, though. They generally visit their mamas more when they grow up. I don't want to be all alone.

I get to clean my house today, yay. Eyeroll. Today is steamclean the mess my little dog left all over the carpet in the livingroom... she hides away and pees indoors as she hates going outside. She is lucky I love her, lol.
Just added London to a weather and time app I have on my phone so I can quickly check what time it is there :) It is 7 hours ahead of me :) and a LOT nicer weather there today lol!
Well, let's just be hopeful for each other then! haha. Cause then we can both give up for ourselves and not get too disappointed if it's a bfn :p :haha:

Boys visit their mums too!! Hubby is a bit of a mummy's boy and so is Lucas btw. Hubby would DEFINITELY be even more of a mummy's boy if his mum was a bit nicer. She's a nice person but she can be a bit weird when it comes to certain things. Like she'll say she's gonna ring us and never does.... They never ring us, we always ring them! And they don't make a lot of time for Lucas. We're not so bothered about us but we are about Lucas, especially considering when we were pregnant she said: oh I can finally have a bond with a grandchild (as she doesn't see the other 3 anymore, she's never seen the last 1 actually) and then she doesn't seem to bother very often. Though they do have a bit of a hard schedule with her working nights and his dad working during the day so they only see each other during the weekend and they do live 1.5 hrs away from us (which isn't a lot in America/Canada, but it is over here! :haha:) And we don't have the money to go down to see them and we don't have a car either - trains are really expensive here!
Anyway, there's still hope for you, Rowan might turn in to a BIG mummy's boy haha!! I'm sure he'll visit and the next LO will aswell, even if it's a boy :winkwink:

I do think I ovulated today tbh, cause I had some cramps... so maybe.... We'll have to wait and see what my temp is like tomorrow....

Oh don't you just love cleaning your house!! :winkwink: I hate doing it but usually once I get going I'm ok and love it when it's all clean and tidy again! Luckily I have an awesome husband who helps usually. And I don't even have to ask him either! :)

I'll have to keep track of time over there aswell, cause I'm always wondering what time it is, or why you're not replying :rofl:
The weather has been nice here, it's been nice for a couple of days now :) Loving it!!
Well I will probably be alone a lot earlier than I would like, hubby is seventeen years older than me. It makes me worry that I will be all alone. Maybe I will have to move in to an old folks home just to have company lol. I guess that is years away still, but it crosses my mind.

Yay for ovulating! Here's to hoping you catch that egg :spermy:

I hate cleaning because hubby's son who is nearly 19 uses our house as a flop house and his daughter who is nearly 17 just doesn't put things away. Garbage gets left everywhere, things get moved, spilled and left to stain... Nothing I ever do leaves a dent in the mess. But still I try. I really wish they would either help or gtfo.
Oh no, sounds awful!! Hubby's brother who stays over at ours every so often is very messy, always has his crap all over the place :S So I'm always glad when he's gone - though I do like it when he's over... he just needs to keep his stuff in his bedroom :haha: At least hubby tells him to move his stuff and tidy it up (a little). I take it your hubby doesn't tell his kids to tidy or clean up then???
I'd find that so annoying!!

I get what you mean about the age thing... I don't worry about it too much, apart from when hubby goes on about how he'll only live until he's about 60 :dohh: Don't know why he says that, think he just reckons he'll die early! He's only 6 years older than me though so not too big of an age gap.

I restarted my 'diet'/calorie counting today! Been a little naughty, had some chocolate but it's my first day back on it from just eating whatever and whenever so I reckon I'm allowed to be a little off goal.... Fingers crossed I'll be losing some weight quick, cause I am the heaviest I've ever been (without being pregnant) so I need to lose some weight!! Feel really fat sometimes... especially when I took some pictures of myself in just underwear so I can see the difference once I have lost weight! It looks so much different in pictures than it does in real life and it looks so much different being half naked than it does with clothes on!!! :dohh: I wanna lose about 20 kilo's (which is like 44lbs)
Yay, I can be your weight loss cheerleader :) I want to lose 20-30lbs, but probably will do it after baby two. I worry about dieting while nursing. I am looking forward to roller derby in a few years though, that should be fun.

Sorry for the late reply, I am steam cleaning still. It takes forever but starting to look better. Maybe I should just pay to have it professionally done. Making dinner though and then off to the donor's so I will message you later. :hugs:
Passing time on the bathroom floor hahhaa ;) :spermy:

I have a good feeling about this month.

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