Ahw poor Rowan!!! Hope you can get it sorted soon!!
If his hole is too small surely that would've caused problems before?? Maybe something with his kidneys?? (can kids get kidneystones??)
Hope he feels better soon!!
We just got back from our hospital tour! Was nice to see where we'll have our baby!!

Pretty similar to our old hospital though! I guess they're all similar
Only bad thing was, we took the bus there and were gonna take it back aswell.... as we got out the hospital a bus turned up, but we had to go 2 minutes down the road to pick up a baby carrier I bought from someone on fb. So we thought we'd take the next bus. Got to the bus stop, sat down for a bit and then Jay spotted the sign that said next bus: 51 minutes!!!!!!

So we were like, we might aswell walk home!!
3 miles later we're home..... but I'm in pain!!! Baby was hurting me whilst walking, just really uncomfi. My belly hurt when we got home, even sitting down. But just now I got some shooting pains in my cervix and getting some period like cramps in my back.... Can you feel BHs in your back???

Not sure I ever felt them with Lucas!