We were talking about it today.... but we both don't really wanna spend too much money on insurance considering you still have to pay tax aswell (which shouldn't be too much, maybe like £100 a year or something) and then pay for your petrol or diesel. And we really don't wanna go, 'oh hey we got some spare money, let's spend it on car insurance and petrol' and then have no money left to spare - which is the exact situation we're in now (minus the car haha)
So we don't wanna go from having no spare money to buy stuff with or save or go out with to the exact same of having no spare money! (just cause we want a car, well, I want a car - jay's not bothered, but he doesn't like driving, I love it!!!)
Though on the other hand like I said to Jay, it might spare me a lot of high blood pressure and aggrevation as otherwise I'll be either stuck in the house most of the time with Lucas and a baby OR I'll be walking, with a baby in a pram and a 3 year old next to me and if he's in one of those moods of walking really slow constantly or not wanting to go whichever way we're supposed to go or just not listening - I'm sure you know what that's like! That's just gonna make me wanna pull my hair out, or leave Lucas behind on a street corner!!

So in a way, a car would help quite a bit! Also, it would be easier for me to see my sister and to see my family in Holland as I won't have to fly and it would probably be cheaper to drive there with the 4 of us than it would be to buy flights for the 4 of us!
Anyway.... we need to speak to Jay's dad really to see if he knows any 'tricks' to get cheaper car insurance... And we need to see what our money is gonna be like exactly (rather than just using one of those calculators online going off your paycheck before tax etc) so we can see exactly how much 'spare' money we've got!
Hope you girls had a good day!!!
We had a lovely roast beef dinner tonight, my husband is such a good cook! And I made a sort of apple puff pastry pie thingy for afterwards, which was awesome, even if I do say so myself! Jay's parents and his sister were over for dinner and we played some games on the wii! Then I had a little chat with my mum on Skype. And now I'm off to bed, so night night - Hope you're all doing alright and I will probably speak to you girls in the morning!!