Lucas was pretty upset getting his haircut! He did stop crying at one point though, so there's some improvement! I would do it myself, but he still doesn't like me doing it and I don't wanna mess it up!
He also picked a present to give to his little brother when he's born!
I bought some travel size shampoo for my hospital bag and some maternity pads. Also got some pads for the bed, just in case my waters decide to break on their own whilst I'm in bed this time! Not sure when I'm gonna use them though!
And I also got some dummies for baby. Pretty sure we're all done getting stuff now!! Think my hospital bag is as good as sorted aswell, I was gonna get some pj bottoms for during/after birth but then thought I'd just use some that I've already got and then get some nice new pj's afterwards! Saves me money at the moment and it's a good excuse for me to go shopping
Hubby is working again tomorrow aswell! Which is good!!

Fingers crossed it continues again!
His head is alright, he had another headache yesterday but it's not been too bad! He's used to getting headaches every day anyway.
March 10th is not THAT far away!! That's 3 days after I'm due! So only 5 weeks and 4 days away! Though I can sympathise that it seems ages away! Especially when you're looking forward to it
At least you've got us to entertain you with our labour watching soon! And with baby pictures!!