well, I already told you what my plans were for the day... so we did that!
Mw appointment went well, no weight gain (yay!!), everything good. She said baby's head is very low, my notes said 2/5 palpable (so 3/5ths engaged) so that's a good start! Though I know that doesn't necessarily mean anything, but it's nice to know that things are at least moving in the right direction!
She had trouble making sure that it was actually the head down there, cause he was so low!
Not finished Lucas' cake yet, cause we got home later than expected and I HAD to sit down for a while before starting that, as my feet were killing me!
And then my parents turned up so we sat and chatted to them for a while. Jay's doing dinner now and I'm gonna finish the cake after dinner....
I bet you love folding laundry Caitlyn?!

I don't mind folding it, it's the putting it all away and ironing that I hate!
Talia, definitely go for a massage! I'd love one

I get really sore hips at night aswell, I HAVE to lay on my back sometimes because they're both so sore I can't lay on them! Usually helps to just get up and go to the toilet, even though I'm only up for a minute then, but it just takes the pressure off them for a little while I guess!

Hope they feel better tonight!