I was watching One born every minute..... it's really weird watching that knowing it's gonna be me soon! Within the next 25 days!! Aaaaaah!!!!
I saw the dads holding their babies after and was like: I remember Jay when he first held Lucas, I hope he's gonna be like that with Logan aswell!!
He was sooooo in love with that boy straight away!!
I tidied the baby's room today, there was still some mess from decorating it and we needed to sort out the toys aswell - in Lucas' room mainly, but there were some in the nursery aswell. So I did that this morning! Then tidied Lucas' room - we had a sofa that we wanted to put in his room (well Jay wanted to, so I just went with it!) Then I took Lucas to the playground for a bit..... And then we got our new curtains, so I put those up - Jay wasn't happy about it though, cause I stood on a chair, but he wasn't there!!

I think it's fine to stand on chairs etc, as long as you're being extra careful!!! I'm not disabled, just pregnant!!

So we got some things sorted that we wanted to do before baby comes. So fingers crossed he now knows that we're (as good as) done and he's allowed to come now!!
What have you been upto?? Other than watching Cars2 (AGAIN!!

I bet Lucas would ask me to watch the same film over and over if he'd actually sit and watch one, cause he's forever asking me to play games on the wii U, cause he loves watching it (and he thinks he plays too!

- even if we give him an xbox controller, when we're all playing together and don't have any wii remotes left!)