Yup, max of 21 days!! I've got a little blackboard in the kitchen which I am counting down on... and at the moment it says 21 days (and a small (7)

Cause I decided a few days ago that I should be counting down until 42 weeks instead of 40

Doctors should really just tell everyone their duedate is at 42 weeks, since you know that you'll definitely have your baby by then and no one will get disappointed! (unless you don't want to be induced)
We'll have family over to come and visit and see the baby, but Jay doesn't want anyone staying with us, I don't really either, cause with Lucas I had way too many people coming over at once and staying with us and I was determined to stay up and do everything and be social, which I shouldn't have!! I know that now!!

But it kinda depends on when baby is born anyway.... Jay would like to have like a week or 2 of just us, but I'm not too bothered as long as they aren't all coming over at once and wanting to stay with us. We don't really have room for that anyway. But yeah, like I said it kinda depends on when he's born as my parents can only come over for a weekend, as mum is working during the week and they've only got 1 weekend in March that they don't have anything else on. The first weekend (the one straight after I'm due, 8th) they've got a big party planned for my grandad's birthday. Then the 15th they've not got any plans yet (unless they're visiting their new grandson

) and then the 22nd they're going skiing in France for a week, so they won't be back in time to make it the last weekend (29th) either. So if he's born anytime after the 15th then they won't see him until April. Which in a way would be nice, like I said to have some rest and get used to it first, but then again I'd like them to see him earlier and I hope he won't make us wait that long!!

But we'll see.
I have no idea what to expect of having 2 kids! Just glad Lucas is a bit older and you can actually ask him to do things (if he'll listen is another thing

) and you can explain things to him and he'll (sort of) understand! And he is usually very helpful so I'm sure he'll want to help me if I'd ask him to get a nappy for the baby or something like that. He always takes our plates to the kitchen (without us asking him to) after dinner!!

Wonder how long that'll last

Sure he won't be doing that anymore when he's older, not willingly anyway
Today we came past the hospital in the bus and he said: go see the baby!!

So cute, he remembers going there to see the baby on the scan
There should be lots of video's on youtube on how to tie your sling in different ways.... I used to have one, but I think I gave it to a charity shop as I didn't use it.... I was gonna give it to another girl from the March group, but I can't find it anywhere so I reckon I already got rid of it when we moved.
Kristy already found out didn't you?? I thought you were having a boy.... or am I confusing you with someone else??
You're gonna find out aren't you Caitlyn?? (though I know you're like 99% sure it'll be another boy)