4DPO today (This is an old thread!!!!)

:haha: Yea I'm an Aussie, this summer hasn't been too bad (I'm in SE Queensland) we've only had a "few" 40C days but it's been sitting mid 30's the whole summer and I've been living in Air con even though I'd rather have windows open for fresh air. Our winters never get as cold as yours though. We barely hit below 10C and never get snow in Queensland.

My hips started hurting only when I laid on my back, then both sides started (when rolling over, etc) then it affected my walking/standing. Some nights I crawl to the toilet because they're that bad and can't stand but it'll all be worth it in 20 weeks :winkwink:
I wish it never got below 10 here... I'd be in tshirts year round hahaha. It has hit -40 a few times this winter... and it is still -15 ish this week... luckily today is only -7. I can't wait for warmer weather. I really don't belong in this crazy province lol. I honestly ask my hubby if we can move to Australia every week in the winter (which lasts 8 months or so here). His response is always that they won't accept us until he has skills they need so maybe when he becomes a journeyman in his trade. SIGH. Even then I know he wont leave his family. I could leave mine but not forever. For a few years, though, I would haha.

And ick, yes definitely get a belly support band and I hope that that helps... crawling the the bathroom doesnt sound fun at all :(
Haha yea, we all freeze if it gets under 10C lol. I've heard visa's into Australia are hard to get. I know what you mean about not being able to leave your family for too long. Ryan and I have spoken about moving to America for a few years (once we have the $ to do it) we both love America I say that we were born in the wrong country lol.
Going to get a pregnancy massage next week for my birthday so hopefully it helps.

How are you going? You've already passed one mile stone- 10 weeks and 12 weeks is just around the corner!!
I was born in the wrong country... I always say that!! People keep asking me if I'm gonna teach Lucas Dutch, cause I'm Dutch.... and I'm like: uhm.... yeah maybe, maybe when Jay is back at work (which I've just realised he is now and I'm still speaking English).... I tell them I always liked English better, even when I was a kid, so I must've been born in the wrong country! :winkwink:

Oh, and I would say it's not THAT hard being away from family, but I guess I'm not halfway around the world! My family lives in Holland, and that's only a 50 minute flight.... or about 8 hrs drive (including the ferry)
8 hours drive is nothing here haha. We visit my step dad's family in Victoria which is about 16 hours with the ferry. I'd move there without many qualms.

Woo! I'm a real fruit now :) Yay lime. Lots of stretching pains today. A week and four days until my ultrasound! Woo! Can't wait for first tri to be done. It always drags for me and the rest flew by with Rowan. Once I can feel him regularly (or her I guess) it will go faster.
1 more week till my duedate tomorrow and only 3 weeks until baby will definitely be here!! I keep wondering when he'll come, can't help but check the toilet paper every time I go to the toilet.... :haha:
Checked my cervix a few times, it's still back, can't get to the opening, but it's soft and I think it's getting shorter (effacing) which is a good thing! But I had a hard time trying to reach it earlier so not 100% sure if it's getting shorter!
Everything is really swollen down there though! :blush: must be pressure from baby!
I asked my midwife last time when they offer sweeps and she said not till 41 weeks!! :( was hoping I'd get one at 40 weeks, but we'll see, maybe I won't need it! :winkwink: (doubt it!)

There have already been so many 'March' babies born!! And it's not even March yet!! There's been about 11 who were due after me! I think overall there have been about 18 babies born that were due in March! Can't believe it!!

Yay for being a real fruit now Caitlyn!! Not long till you're going into 2nd tri!! Can you believe it?? I bet you're excited!! I am for you!!! :happydance:
Lol so close, Ella! He will be in your arms soon enough :D

And yes, I am excited to finally be out of first tri and for the fun and exciting things of second tri to come, like movement and gender determining :D Although I know it is a boy hehe.
I used to live 8hour drive away from family and it was only hard at Holiday times and when I had my mc- although when I called my mum and told her; She called one of my sisters and organsied to drive up and spend a week with me. My sister had to get my dad to drive as my mum and sister don't drive (parents split up when I was 5 and barely talk). It was a nice surprise when I woke up to them banging on my door the next day.

Yay! 3 weeks does not seem that long when I'm looking at roughly 20 weeks and Caitlyn has 30 weeks (give or take)

Yay! For Lime!!!! I hated first tri. Every little thing had me worried.
Now I'm just counting to 24 weeks (baby can be born and live in Aus)
3 weeks definitely isn't that long.... unless everyone around you (in your due date group) is having babies and you're waiting to start labour :haha:
I remember last time with Lucas, the last 2 weeks seemed to take FOREVER!!! Only cause I was overdue and was in denial at first of going overdue... I was like: just cause everyone in my family go overdue doesn't mean I am going to be late!! Still have a little hope this time that I might not go overdue ... as first babies are more likely to be late, so considering this is my second, maybe my body knows what to do and starts a bit earlier :winkwink: Oh well, all we can do is wait and see!!
Yea I guess, you'd be sitting there getting impatient- at least I would be.
I have a feeling I'm going to go early but that'll probably mean I'll be late.
Hopefully it won't be too long before your little man arrives :)
Hey girls, just up feeding at 630 am... We finally had a text book night!! Feeds every 3 ish hours and actual sleep in between ! Yay, Royen def had days and nights switched up so it was pretty torturous!

I love that first tri is almost over for you Caitlyn, I find it drags too but at least you get to have a 4 ish week head start, I find second tri you're like ' I still have how many weeks until 3td?

Ella you're getting close! I was convincing myself I'd be early and it all started on my due date! Hope you don't go much over! And yes march is right around the corner!

Oh am Im so jealous that you live in aus! I'm sure I'd love it there but honestly the heat you get there would probably roast me! I can't even imagine if pregnant!! Ugh:!
Wooo! One more week until you're due, Ella!!! He will be in your arms in less than 21 days! Can you believe it?!! Everything nice and ready for his arrival? I forget if you saod family was coming to help you out? My Mum was only able to get a few days off when I had Rowan but she has taken a week off this time so yay :D I am hoping the transition from one to two kids won't be as hard as I fear it will... I am certain I will sleep less as Rowan will be up more. With him I got to nap lots, it was nice. And I will have to figure out newborn nursing wraps for my sling... I only knew one way to wrap them in the soft sling and it wouldn't work for a newborn. And oh man I can't even avoid going outside in the winter next year as Rowan will be three and not as easily amused inside. SIGH. Lol.

Hey, Kristy... are you finding out the sex of the baby?
Yup, max of 21 days!! I've got a little blackboard in the kitchen which I am counting down on... and at the moment it says 21 days (and a small (7) :haha:)
Cause I decided a few days ago that I should be counting down until 42 weeks instead of 40 :P Doctors should really just tell everyone their duedate is at 42 weeks, since you know that you'll definitely have your baby by then and no one will get disappointed! (unless you don't want to be induced)
We'll have family over to come and visit and see the baby, but Jay doesn't want anyone staying with us, I don't really either, cause with Lucas I had way too many people coming over at once and staying with us and I was determined to stay up and do everything and be social, which I shouldn't have!! I know that now!! :haha: But it kinda depends on when baby is born anyway.... Jay would like to have like a week or 2 of just us, but I'm not too bothered as long as they aren't all coming over at once and wanting to stay with us. We don't really have room for that anyway. But yeah, like I said it kinda depends on when he's born as my parents can only come over for a weekend, as mum is working during the week and they've only got 1 weekend in March that they don't have anything else on. The first weekend (the one straight after I'm due, 8th) they've got a big party planned for my grandad's birthday. Then the 15th they've not got any plans yet (unless they're visiting their new grandson :winkwink:) and then the 22nd they're going skiing in France for a week, so they won't be back in time to make it the last weekend (29th) either. So if he's born anytime after the 15th then they won't see him until April. Which in a way would be nice, like I said to have some rest and get used to it first, but then again I'd like them to see him earlier and I hope he won't make us wait that long!! :haha: But we'll see.

I have no idea what to expect of having 2 kids! Just glad Lucas is a bit older and you can actually ask him to do things (if he'll listen is another thing :winkwink:) and you can explain things to him and he'll (sort of) understand! And he is usually very helpful so I'm sure he'll want to help me if I'd ask him to get a nappy for the baby or something like that. He always takes our plates to the kitchen (without us asking him to) after dinner!! :) Wonder how long that'll last :winkwink: Sure he won't be doing that anymore when he's older, not willingly anyway :haha:
Today we came past the hospital in the bus and he said: go see the baby!! :) So cute, he remembers going there to see the baby on the scan :)

There should be lots of video's on youtube on how to tie your sling in different ways.... I used to have one, but I think I gave it to a charity shop as I didn't use it.... I was gonna give it to another girl from the March group, but I can't find it anywhere so I reckon I already got rid of it when we moved. :dohh:

Kristy already found out didn't you?? I thought you were having a boy.... or am I confusing you with someone else??
You're gonna find out aren't you Caitlyn?? (though I know you're like 99% sure it'll be another boy)
Yes, I found out at 19w6d and he is indeed a boy and Ryan is boasting that he takes after his dad:dohh:

Talia, I'm glad she's getting into a nice routine for you! At least you will be able to get some sort of rest.

I'm very undecided as to if I want people to come stay/help with the baby as I don't want it to be overboard like Ella said. I already have a feeling that our mothers and one of my sisters (I have 4 and 1 SIL) are going to smother us and the baby as they already do now :haha:
Oops, sorry Kristy :flower: I forgot lol. Darn foggy baby brain starts so early...

I am watching my neighbour's daughter who is four for 5 hours. I'm so pooped hahaha! Derek isn't even home to help.

Ella, Derek will be back at work so I will be happy for the help from my mum, but I could see how having too many people over would be overwhelming. The first three months I didn't have any visitors at all aside from my Mum, it got lonely. That's so cute that Lucas remembers seeing the baby on the ultrasound, I hope Rowan gets excited too.

And yes, I am finding out that he for sure has a penis ;) But it is a boy so I don't *need* to ;) but I will anyways haha. May even throw a gender reveal mini party
haha, you bored Caitlyn???! :winkwink:

I've been working on Logan's birth sampler (cross-stitch). It's almost finished..... well, half of it is finished cause I've still gotta do the lines and with the Tatty Teddy/Me2You bears there's always SO much to do, cause of all the little hairs!! So that'll probably take me about as long as the rest of it did! :haha: And then I'll have to add his name, date of birth and weight to it when he's born. So as soon as I've finished everything else he's allowed to come so I can finish it :winkwink: Only 4 more days until I'm due!! (tomorrow)

What have you been upto Caitlyn??
You'll have to post pictures of it when you're done :)

Today I am going to my first prenatal but just with my GP so I bet I wont get to do anything cool like hear the heartbeat. Siiigh. Still can't find it on the doppler. Sniff. One week and I get to see him though :D

Oh and Derek has been kind of neutral this whole time, basically ignoring that I am pregnant aside from laughing at my dinner choices (the other night was waffles with nutella and bananas and whipped cream... cause that was all I could imagine going down without a fight and I was correct) but I digress. Last night he was actively looking for names. It was sweet.
YAY!!!! You're soooo close now!! Almost 12 weeks :happydance:
Not long till you'll have your first midwife appointment (if you have a mw... you were on a waiting list or something right??)

Jay has just finished painting the hill under that tree in Logan's room (you've seen pictures right??) So baby is allowed to come now! :winkwink:

I will definitely post pictures when it's done! Didn't get that much done on it today though, probably get some more done after dinner when Lucas is in bed.

Last night we decided we'd try to get baby out (the 'old fashioned way')..... Didn't go exactly to plan!! :haha: TMI, but Jay was on top and then I farted :blush: :dohh: I didn't mean to, didn't even feel it coming, it just happened and they kept coming, just tiny little pops!! :dohh: We tried to ignore the first one but then just burst out laughing - luckily both of us were laughing!!
It was funny afterwards, but kinda killed the mood so yeah, that didn't last very long :haha: Hopefully he can forget about it and try again sometime this week :haha:

How goes Ella?! You're getting so close!! Any good labour symptoms?

Loved the dance party Caitlyn, I feel like I don't check in often enough but I don't have too much to say on my end, Royen is getting easier everyday... Even last night we went to an Oscar party and she slept the whole time, fed once and slept. Fed when we got home and slept til 330 fed and slept til 830! Easy peasy! It's amazing I just don't want to jinx it!

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