4DPO today (This is an old thread!!!!)

Woo! Plum! And 4 days until I get to see him! Eee! :D :dance::happydance::headspin::happydance::dance:
Starting to bring out the big fruit guns!! That's exciting that your scan is coming up so quick!! Eek! Can't wait! I wish they could tell gender so early, I'm holding out for girl just for the fun of it!

Ha and we posted at the same time!
Lol posted at the same time. That's cute about the elimination communication. I heard the midwife mention it as I was leaving. Definitely helps to save a diaper or two lol. That's awesome. And yeah, Rowan was only 6 lbs 8oz so he fit in newborn a while and SWAM in 0-3. He is still a little guy lol. Diapers fit well in sweatpants of the same size as he was for us. Jeans are a bit trickier until about 6 months, then the bum is a bit looser.
You're not the only one, Talia. I think DH and I are the only ones saying boy so far.
I'm thinking girl aswell!! And yay for 12 weeks!!!! :happydance:

Duedate tomorrow... thought earlier that maybe something was happening, but no! it was just gas again!! :dohh:
Booked another midwife appointment for next week including a sweep and she'll also book a date for induction then! Hopefully I won't need either one, but I reckon I probably will!!

I've got some sort of graze/scratch or something on one of my inner labia and it KILLS to pee!!! Earlier I was thinking: you know, maybe I don't really wanna give birth with that down there. But then again, it's gonna hurt anyway, so might aswell do it now! Before it heals and it happens again during labour :haha:
I have no idea where it came from but it hurts like hell to pee!! Can't wait for it to be better, at least if it was after giving birth it would make sense and I'd have a good reason to be hurting when going to the toilet! haha - I dread going to the toilet every time now!! :dohh:
Ohhhh that sucks hunny! Maybe it was itchy and you were scratching while asleep? Either way, that sucks.

When did you ladies start feeling bub?
Ouch Ella! That sucks! But you're right it's gonna be the least of your worries when you're in labour even if it does kill to pee! Hope it heals up before and that and that your narrowly avoid an induction again!

AFM, went to change Royen when she woke up and dry diaper and huge pee in the potty! Beyond impressed! Haha first time ever being able to reuse a diaper at a change lol I feel so silly for getting excited about it hahaha oh well
I think it may have happened the other night when we had sex, or I may have scratched myself when I put some thrush cream on there the other day... it was a little itchy (haven't really had any other symptoms of thrush though) so I thought I'd put some cream on just in case.... Weird thing is that it hurt last night, then I went to bed and went to the toilet before bed and it was fine. Then when I woke this morning and it really stings to pee!! It's been sore all day! Thinking about maybe seeing if I can get an appointment with the doctor tomorrow (after Jay gets back from work, so I won't need to bring Lucas) to get it checked out, just in case!! He/she might be able to give me something to heal it quicker or soothe it.

With Lucas I first started feeling him move when I was about 16 weeks, this one was around 14 weeks I think!! It was very subtle though and it took me a while to be sure that it was him!! Not long now Caitlyn!! :)
Oh, and I just finished my cross stitch - it just needs his name, date of birth and weight in it!! But obviously that'll have to wait!!


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You could start on his name :winkwink: Lol.But such a cute project :) And I hope you decided to go get something for it :) No need for extra aches right now.

And Talia, I would be excited too hehe. Such fun :)
I could start on his name, but then I have to be careful with people seeing it (around the house, if people come over) And if I do all the writing at once (which won't take long at all!) it'll be easier to get them lined up nicely, as I'll know exactly how many squares I'll need for each line cause it would make quite a bit of difference having his date of birth being like 7th of march or 20th of march (cause of the size of the numbers) - if that makes sense!

Anyway, DUE DATE TODAY!!!! :happydance: So happy I made it!! And at least now I know he can come anytime and he should be perfectly healthy!!!

I've been getting Lucas to tell him that it's time to come out, but it's not worked yet :winkwink:

Ahw just looked at the pool thing I set up and you were wrong :( Talia said 28/2 and girl and Caitlyn said 1/3 and girl - maybe you'll get the weight or length right :winkwink: (though looking at the tiny weights you put in... :haha: Lucas was 3720 and you girl put in 3350 and 3402)
Yay!!!!! Which practice did you get on with? I am sooooo happy for you, you're gonna love it!!

Hahah our guesses sucked pretty bad then I guess! Lol oh welllll can't wait to see what the real answer will be!!
I got in with Beginnings which is awesome as it is only one bus ride for me :D I was hoping to get in with them :)

And yay! Due date today! So exciting... less than 14 days and he will for sure be here :D So much fun! Did The monkey sign get fixed to say his name after all?

How is Royen, Talia? Still adorable?
Nice that's who my friend was with for her home birth. Gaelynn was one of her midwives!

Royen is still cute as ever. Yesterday evening was tougher, she just wouldn't settle for bed and again witht the constant wanting to feed! She was sooo overtired but wouldnt close her darn eyeballs! And Kurtis is sick so he really wanted to avoid getting her sick so I mostly had to deal with her by myself lol it's funny how you get to rely on your oh to give you break! But her night was her usual 4 hr stretches once she finally got to sleep.
yay for getting a midwife!! And the one you wanted aswell!! Lucky you!!!

Yeah Talia, how is Royen?? Did anyone guess right for you btw?? (the date she was gonna be born)

The sign with his name hasn't been put up yet, waiting for my dad to make it - he was gonna get a 'slice' of a tree and 'engrave' his name in it. So we won't get that until he's born, cause my parents won't come over before then (obviously!) But that's fine because we're still keeping his name a secret until he's born.... There's only a few people that know his name - my parents, cause of the sign and Jay's brother, cause I slipped up and my friends in London, but they won't say anything anyway cause I never really see them anymore. Other than that obviously you guys and other people on bnb know, but it's not like they know anyone that they're gonna tell.
Ya we had guesses almost every day the week she was due... The closest from my shower was early in the morning on the 23rd but someone at Kurtis's work guessed the right date and height and said 9lbs 2 I think... So pretty darn close!
My mum keeps saying the 12th of March, cause that was my sister's birthday - she passed away when I was 12 (she was 23, car accident). I really wanted that to be the date of birth if we were having a girl, as she'd have my sister's name as her middle name.... but since we're having a boy I don't really want him born on that day.... don't know why really, but I wanted to have a girl on that day!!
Seems most of my family has mentioned a date now... first up is tomorrow night - my brother's guess! Fingers crossed he's right! :haha:
I remember you mentioning your sister and wanting that date for a girl. But even if Logan is born on that day, it will still be a nice tribute, even if he isn't a girl. :flower:

So I had some spotting again... old blood... I am hoping it is just whatever didn't come down from my pap on monday. It seems to be gone today... Monday can't come quick enough... lol. Then I can relax and enjoy the rest of the pregnancy. I'm still not certain if I found him on the doppler yet... I think I do but then doubt it almost immediately... sigh. Found one for a few seconds in the 174-179range, but then also found a steady one around 134 elsewhere... but that might have just been the in and out of blood by my hips. Sigh. Lol. Stop hiding, baby!! Lol.

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