4DPO today (This is an old thread!!!!)

Hubby and I were just talking about if we'd conceive next month.... I told him that if we'd conceive in May then the baby would be due in february, so I decided to check exactly what would be my duedate.... I'm expecting AF on the 28th, so that would make that my lmp and duedate would be 2nd of february, which is literally 5 days before my duedate with Lucas. And if 'potential baby' would be born 2 weeks late it would be born 4 days before Lucas' birthday :haha: :rofl: That would NOT be so great!
So we decided to definitely not try next month, but I said to hubby: I'll bet that I fall pregnant next month anyway, just cause that's just our luck haha... even if we don't try! :dohh:
Anyway, just wanted to share that! - Silly me!! :kiss:

I'm off to bed now! I've bothered you enough for the day!!
FX for both of us!!! :hugs:
Eurgh. I just wrote a novel and bnb wouldn't load or post it. Grr. Anyways, I don't mind seeing messages from you. In a few days we will have been talking daily for an entire month, isn't that crazy? But it distracts me from my insanity.

I hope this month is your month so you don't have to dwell next month on rushing through to get to June to avoid similar bdays. I think because Roro already has his cousin sharing his bday that a sibling also having one close would be alright. But that's our family and we couldn't help him sharing his bday with his cousin who is two years older (and who I am pretty sure has a high functioning form of autism).

Now my uterus is achy. Like talk about add insult to injury lol! I just want to O and get it over with. I want to know that I am in fact Oing. Going to hang out with the donor but no more donations until the OPKs get darker. Otherwise I am wasting everyones time.

Learned the first few stitches for crochet :) by summer I should be able to make bonnets and pixie hats I hope :)
Omgosh. 5:30am and he is still in his own bed!!! I am going back to sleep :dance:
haha YAY! Good job Rowan!! :thumbup:

Did you see I got my crosshairs today??? Exciting!! But I still haven't really thought about it much.

If your uterus is achy, maybe that's a good sign??? Maybe you did O??? :shrug: And maybe you're growing a little bean in there :p haha
Woohoo! And they put them on Monday, so you still have a chance. I bet your body is cooking up a baby right now :)

So I looked at the scattered handful of months where I recorded just cm and one month where I temped at the very beginning a few days, the middle (around cycle day 17) and the end of the month and it seems pretty consistent that I do O and around day 20. So I have regained some hope. It is only CD17. This is why I haaaate hate hate waiting to O. It has always frustrated me. I hope we catch it this month, I don't wanna do it again LOL.
Oh man! I'm really tired today! I think it's cause i've been having to get up early every morning, when i usually get a lay-in most mornings cause jay gets headaches if he sleeps too long so he gets up when lucas does. But i've been having/wanting to take him to nursery lately so i have to get up early!

I posted a picture of the cake i made for jay on fb. :) it tasted really nice aswell and i think lucas agreed cause he asked for more so i gave him a little more , then he went to jay and said: daddy, more cake! Then he picked up my piece of cake and started eating that! Little monster! So i think he's having some cake for dessert when he finishes his dinner....

what have you been upto today?

Oh i started playing that candy crush saga last night, cause everyone kept sending me requests for it and i refused to play it but i'm so addicted now! Haha
I am tired too. We ended up sleeping in until 11, lol oops. He moved to my bed around 6:45. We could have gotten up but I was waaay too tired for that. So we snuggled and went back to sleep lol.

Got a deal with the donor. We'll do every other day leading up to, and then the day of and the day after +OPK, which I am hoping will be around Sunday. It is scary to think that my LP will only be 7 days if I O on CD 21... Eep. Is that enough time? Maybe that is why I spotted with my son all through first trimester...

Isn't Candy Crush soo addictive? I hate the jelly lol.
I hate the double jelly!! I'm was in the same level as you earlier I think... but the double jelly is annoying, cause you don't get enough moves!!! (is there any way of getting more moves? by getting a certain amount of points or something like that??? do you know??)

I think your LP is supposed to always be the same length, so even if you O late you'll just delay when you're due to get AF.... at least that's what I've read before and to me it's been right (I think, though I usually tend to O around the same day!) My last 2 cycles my LP has been 12 days (so that's 12 days past ovulation and then on 13dpo AF would start - FX that doesn't happen this time!!) I'm a bit more hopeful today, but trying not to think about it too much and not to obsess!

Hope you'll O soon!! Can't have you not O'ing this month!! We're supposed to be cycle buddies! (and bfp buddies hopefully!)
I am happy that my OPK is a whole lot darker than it was yesterday. Means I am on the right track, thinking O will be around Sunday. I am thinking I was wrong last month, taking the near + as an actual positive. I think I O late, and my cycle length is pretty steady 28-31 days, so if I O CD21 let's say, best case scenario my LP is 10 days, worst case is 7. I know ten days is like on the edge of being long enough... whatever. No stress. I will get pregnant and sustain the pregnancy like last time. Zen. Positive thoughts.

I haven't hit double jelly, I am stuck on my level lol! I think you have to pay for more moves.
Yeah i hate it when you have to pay for things on games! I've just moved on to the 3rd stage but can't seem to complete the level (i always want to have 3 stars so i keep trying and trying and losing lives haha)

Glad your opk is darker! Fx you'll O soon! Didn't you temp last month?? Oh wait yeah you said you just dug your thermometer out again right?! Can't wait to see you get those crosshairs!

We're in bed already, it was 9.40 when we went to bed! We were gonna watch a film but hubby didn't sleep well last night so i said why don't we just go to bed and go to sleep cause i'm up early again tomorrow so i can't really go to sleep too late cause i really need my sleep! (At least 8hrs)
Half an hour before I can play again haha... Jelly+ whipped cream is officially the worst lol! And I am going through it once, doesn't matter what star amount I get, and then will go back and get better scores after if I feel like it lol.

We're going to have breakfast for dinner tonight, as per my step daughter's request. And then off to some dumb car show my husband wants to go to... and then the donor's place.

And yeah this is my first time temping this time around cause I don't sleep solidly and figured that would mess with temps. And it does, but only a bit. It is worse when hubby opens the window at night and has the fan on and it's only 6 outside.
:haha: I hope you were talking about playing candy crush :rofl:

We did this thing which Jay calls 'cooking on the table' - you grill meat on a little cooker thing on the table! Unfortunately the room still smells of it now! So hopefully it'll go if we keep the windows open for a bit today!

Stupid FF has changed my crosshairs, it says I O'd on the tuesday now! And that would mean we only BD 4 & 5 days before O!!! :cry:
If I take that second +OPK out it changes it back to the monday.... :dohh:

Good idea btw about the every other day plan you made with your donor! What does hubby think of it all?? Does he not find it hard that someone else has to give you what you need to have a baby?? :shrug: Can't be very nice for a man knowing that some other man is fertilising your woman's eggs OR even just knowing that you can't do it yourself!
Well I am sure he would like to do it himself, if he could, but my hubby is awesome... he believes that any man can squirt and father a child, but it takes a real man to raise them and be a Dad. He doesn't care that they aren't biologically his, he is 100% their Daddy. Also, pretty sure the taboo aspect of it turns him on hahaha. :rofl:

4 and 5 days before is still possible, especially if you had EWCM around then. I still have hopes for you! Come on little soldiers, find your target! :spermy: :spermy: :spermy:

Is cooking on the table kinda like fondue? Like a pot of oil? Or is it like a grill? Either way, mmmm lol! I want a fondue set... the one thing you're supposed to get tons of at your wedding and I would have loooved it, but nooo. Not even one lol!

And I could have not been talking about the game... I hate Jell-O. Yuck. The only part that would be good is the whipped cream haha!

Going to the museum with my friend and his youngest son today :D Exciting. .. I hope Rowan loves it there!
I agree that any man can father a child, but it does take a real man to be a dad!
It's good though that your hubby is so good with it :)

Yeah that cooking on the table is like a grill... There's a picture on fb (also 1 of the cake - if I hadn't mentioned that before!) We just got money on our wedding, and some small presents like a bottle of wine....
It looks so cool on tv when people go 'register' for their wedding, I wish we did that here or in Holland (though I know you can do it in some shops here, as my sister did that).

Can't wait for sunday, cause then I can have a lay-in haha, I'm still tired, starting to really cream in again! :sleep: And after that I can't wait for wednesday when I am gonna do my first test.... Not sure whether to go by O being monday or tuesday though... Should be 3 or 4 dpo today, depending on what date I go by.

I need more lives on CCS!! I'm so addicted now! And really stuck on level29!! I can't even make it through, you need to get rid of whipped cream and double jelly!!! :wacko:

What kind of museum are you going to??? Over here it's almost time to cook dinner!! (though we do eat early, cause of Lucas... 5.30pm as he goes to bed at 6.30)
I'll have to check out the pics on fbook :D We just got up-well me about an hoir ago at 9 and Rowan at aboit 9:30. Going around noonish to the natural history museum, I believe. We have a few museums and one has a few different things, the others are historical sites/ houses. I am excited for the summer; there is this one that has a bunch of houses from different time periods that were relocated to this park so you can see the actual house, not a replica. Although some, like the fort, are replicas I believe. Anyways, they usually host the highland games there, which I am also looking forward to.

My OPKs are getting very dark! I will be surprised if they aren't + tomorrow, so CD19, just like with Rowan. Hopefully it's a good sign! Lol. And I would use the first day of +OPK because they tell you to stop taking them after the first sign of a +. And you felt like you did Monday, so ignore the dumb computer programme lol.

Kay we're going for a shower :) Oh, and I am stuck on level 23 I think. The rows of whipped cream and double jelly.
haha you always make me chuckle :haha: Just the way you say things sometimes, it's funny :) I reckon we'd get on pretty well in real life :winkwink:
I actually made an actual friend on here when I was pregnant with Lucas, who I actually still see (sometimes). She was pregnant at the same time and due on the same date. We kept in touch via text whilst we were in labour aswell, her son was born 1 day after Lucas. And the funny thing is that her birthday is 1 day before mine, she's just 1 year younger than me I think....
Her mum had some kittens after our kids were born and I told her I wanted one, so I went and picked it up! And we've been to each others kid's birthday party and things like that! She lives about an hour away from us, so we don't see each other as often as we'd like, but it's still nice! :)

YAY!!! :happydance: We like dark OPKs!!! When you do your next one you should upload a picture!!!

I'm just about to make dinner, should've done it already but I have a habit of getting into whatever I'm doing and forgetting about the time :haha:
Well I could technically take a picture of the last OPK now as I keep them for a comparaison :blush: Heehee... Aaaanyways... :p

I think we'd be friends in real life as well :) I made a friend the last time around, we were cycle byddies and then bump buddies but she lives in the states, so we have never met in person. And she had a miscarriage and eventually got pregnant again 3 months later, so her son is a few months younger than Rowan. And she just had another baby, a little girl on Valentine's Day. Which definiyely kicked off my baby fever hahaha!
I don't like it when other people get pregnant when I want to get pregnant..... :blush: My sister is pregnant and she's the only person I'm actually happy for that she's pregnant! :haha:
Know a couple more people that are pregnant (I'm sure I told you before) and I really wasn't very happy about them being pregnant before me!
I just can't wait!!!!

Yeah take a picture!!! - It's pretty normal to keep them for comparison btw :p I keep my pregnancy tests, usually until AF arrives - unless I get so angry that it's another bfn or that I did it to myself again and throw it out haha!
I'm watching this program, called 'sun, sex and suspicious parents' - it's a program that follows 2 groups of friends (usually about 3 or 4 friends) that are about 18 years old and go on their first holiday without their parents, usually to party islands.... And they don't know that their parents follow them out there and get to see everything they do, which the parents usually aren't very happy about, but then they're usually quite proud that they can actually take care of themselves (sort of :haha:)
It always makes me wanna go on a holiday like that! I'm 24 years old and have never really been on a partying holiday before!! Wish I'd done that when I was still single, it wouldn't be AS much fun now that I'm married!!

Don't get me wrong I like being married, but sometimes you know..... you kinda wish you'd done more things before getting married. But ofcourse I couldn't help it that I met my husband so early on in my life and even if we weren't married obviously you can't go round kissing other people (I don't sleep with people, hubby was my first and only :cloud9:)

Sorry, just wanted to get that out of my head/off my chest :haha: Hubby probably wouldn't understand cause he's been on plenty of holidays like that - like the time I met him :rofl:
I get very jealous, but usually more so when they actually give birth. Sometimes I will even get so upset that I cry. Not fun, lol. I feel bad because I genuinely am happy for them, but sad for myself at the same time.


That shows the super light one too.

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