4DPO today (This is an old thread!!!!)

Haha that made me laugh! Do you lay down with your legs up for 15 minutes afterwards aswell? Haha.

My temp went up a bit this morning (taken at normal time) so fingers crossed it's gonna keep going up and we've done enough....

I'm spending time sitting on a sofa at the nursery place, cause i have to stay here just in case lucas won't settle. He cried for about the first 15 minutes or so but he's fine now. Been spying on him through the window every now and then. Think he's playing outside now cause i can't see him and his coat is gone. Can't wait to pick him up though and see how he's done! Hope he'll be happy to see me! Gotta go to the shop after to get some stuff for hubby's bday cake i'm making tomorrow. It's his 31st bday on thursday. And he wanted a spongebob cake... REALLY??! :haha:

Really hope this is both of our months, though like i said i'm not hopeful
I saw that it went up, and it is above where I would place a coverline, so I am thinking you O'd yesterday. Guess we will have to wait and see. Mine went back down, so still a waiting game for me. Hoping for a +OPK soon. Hate this wait for O, it is so much worse that the tww. At least that doesn't go beyond 16 days without being pregnant. I enjoy the first week or so after O where it is too early to tell anything so I don't obsess as much. At least I try not to.

Omgosh the temperatures are supposed to go in to the double digits here soon :dance: That will also help take my mind off ttc. I actually have never ttc with help while it was warm out. We started in October doing ICI, and did that until December, and then the first month I relaxed and tried HI it worked. Of course that doesn't seem all that long of trying, but I was trying to save up and tracking my fertility for two years before we finally started. Each vial of semen was around 1000 $ and we could afford 3 months.

I am glad thag Lucas seems to be doing well :) Rowan can spend time with Memere and Pepere (my mum and step dad) without getting too upset, but near bedtime if we are going to watch a movie and dinner before we pick him up late, he gets upset and misses me. It is kind of natural to be so attached, though. Think of when we were cavemen, a two year old without their parents was in danger. Same thing with them crying as a newborn when we aren't holding them/ put them in their rooms alone... that is why Rowan sleeps with us after he gets up in the middle of the night. It is just a survival mechanism. I think here in North America there is too much of a pressure to put your young children elsewhere. Most of the world is fine sleeping with their children. And when they get to be a bit older tou can explain to them to stay in their beds etc. Hubby isn't overly thrilled at the idea of having two in bed with us, though.
Oh no, I'm really not ok with a child sleeping in the parents' bed - no offence!! each to their own obviously!! - But Lucas has never slept in our bed, apart from when he was a newborn he'd sleep in the bed with just me for 3 hrs in the morning after his 6am feed when daddy got up anyway...
And we've never had any problems with getting him to sleep. Seen it too often that people are having trouble with their kids sleeping in their bed and they just won't go to sleep if they are in their own bed/own room.... My friend has to lay on the floor next to her daughter's bed because she's so used to sleeping with her mum.... I'm glad we never did it! But like I said, it's everyone's own choice. It's not upto me to tell you how to raise your child or to judge you for your choices. :)

Keep losing hope more and more every day, did another OPK and that was DEFINITELY positive!! there was NO mistaking it! But I'm wondering whether that was cause of me being a bit dehydrated (cause I don't generally drink a lot). Though someone on one of the other threads said that they didn't think urine being more concentrated affected opk's but I don't know...
So there's still a chance I haven't ovulated yet - maybe my temp went up a little because it's warmer?? :shrug:
Ugh.... I hate this!! I bet it's because the doctor said it might be cause of stress that I'm not ovulating in time/like normal and that's now messed me up! :haha: We'll see what happens... I'm just gonna get back to BDing whenever we can again.... :dohh:

So what have you been upto today???
I've not stopped all day, took Lucas to nursery, sat there waiting for 2 hours, then went to the shop, walked home, cleaned up the kitchen, made Jay's cake (still got to decorate it) then got my big food shopping delivered (as we don't have a car) Then sat down for a minute just to get a phonecall off someone about the house situation (not helped much) and then cooked dinner, had dinner and am sitting here typing this right now. Still gonna decorate Jay's birthday cake cause I don't want it to dry out!

Anyway, I'm finished with my essay now :haha: Cause I need to say goodnight to my little boy! :baby: Sleepytime! :haha:
I know a lot of people disagree with my stance, but I don't mind sitting with him until he falls asleep. It won't happen forever. Right now he still nurses to sleep so I have to cuddle him in his bed, and then he wakes up and I go get him and bring him to ours. I know it isn't a popular choice and I am okay with how others choose to raise their kids. Shrug :shrug:

You need to post pictures of the cake when you are done making it! I will watch fbook for it ;) Sounds like your day was busy, though. I am still trying to get the pee out of our carpet. Sigh. That will be my day. And eventually going to the donor's maybe. We will see.

Well it can't be long until you O, the OPKs don't stay positive forever, so any minute now ;) Maybe try not to worry about it, relax and BD when hubby isn't in pain. I hope you carh that eggy.
I'll upload a picture on fb on thursday when it's his birthday cause he's not allowed to see his cake until then! :) Took me about 2 hrs to decorate it! And now I'm shattered and my legs are hurting really bad (they already were, but they're worse now).

How are your opk's looking?? getting closer yet??
Phht is all I have to say about the OPKs. I am thinking this month will be a laaate O and I don't have the patience for that lol. I was hoping to have caught it with my EWCM the first time, but it looks like nope lol. My OPKs used to gradually get darker when I was using the CB ones... wonder if these ones will just be like negative negative negative SURPRISE! POSITIVE! Lol. They got sightly darker today but not by much. I hate how one month is can be a surge on CD 12 and then the next nada and counting on CD 15. Like pick a day to stay regular on! Lol.

Sooo picked up crochet hooks and yarn to make newborn hats and outfits, and crafting thread to make knotwork bracelets and headbands for newborns. I can use them in my photography as props AND sell them in my Etsy shop :) I am kinda excited to learn how to crochet. The abbreviations seem complec though. But I am sure I'll get the hang of it. Not that I have a zillion hours of free time, but I can try at night when Roro goes to sleep.
Oh i'm soooo out! Last bd fridaynight and then got a pos opk monday and tuesday, temp went right up again today so must've ovulated either yesterday or the day before! Unless the weather getting warmer is throwing my temps off, cause it gets pretty hot under this blanket sometimes!

Boo for your opks, i agree, just pick a day already! :haha: hopefully they'll start showing some progression now....FX!

I thought about learning to crochet but haven't done it (yet). I started knitting again about a year ago - before that i only did it as a kid - made lucas and hubby a blanket and now making hubby's brother a blanket cause he asked for it. But i'm more in to cross-stitching. Knitting is pretty boring compared to xstitching. I love doing that, you might've seen the pictures on my fb. When this blanket is finished i'm gonna start doing a xstitch again.
Aww boo. Maybe there was a strong swimmer in there. Ah well, if not, next month will be it! Aww, Valentine's Day gift baby <3

It is one in the morning. I should go to bed. My temp will be wrong in the morn now lol. Hoping OPK s do SOMETHING. Even if theybarent a blatant +, just getting darker will make me feel better.

I am excited to learn crochet, my grandparents used to do it, and I meant to learn it from them, but life happened and they passed before I could get to it. Have been meaning to start for years now. Knitting seems too complex for me. I like cross stitching but it seems like a different animal to the other two, no?

Kay bed for bonzo! Heehee...
haha yeah cross stitching is very different to knitting and crochet....
But I think it's more fun! Especially if you've got a really nice kit!

I don't think it would be a valentines day present.. it would probably be a birthday present for Lucas haha... he was conceived in my may cycle. And the next one probably wouldn't be far off his bday considering my lmp with Lucas was the 3rd of may and this time it would be around the 28th of april, so that would only be about 5 days in between... Then again Lucas was 13 days late so if the next one would be born on time (which is very unlikely in my family!!!) he/she would probably be due end of January and be born around the 10 of February or something... Lucas was born on the 20th.

Sorry to cut short, but I HAVE to go now, take Lucas to nursery, I'll probably continue writing later!!

Night night!! :winkwink:
Lalalala... :tease: Going nutty with my temps too... kept the window open last night so I bet that affected it instead of a dip before O. At this rate it'll never happen. Gunna go do an OPK, as I just woke and super hafta pee lol. Brb.

P.S. How did Lucas do with nursery?
Lucas did good! He stayed for the whole 3 hours. He did cry when I left and cried every now and then when he remembered that I wasn't there but he did play aswell! Even played on his own, without an adult entertaining him :baby:
So I'm very proud! He's going again tomorrow so we'll see how he does then!

Let me know what your OPK says!! :coffee:

Hubby text me earlier (when I was waiting for Lucas at nursery) to ask whether it would still count if we BD tonight... Sweet :flower: He wanted to know if it would still work... Don't think it will, cause FF reckons I O'd on monday, so it would be too late then, but I guess we could, don't hurt anyone right?! Can only do good.... Though seeing that FF will put my O on monday has made me feel slightly better, just considering that we last BD 3 days before that, 3 days just seems much better than 4. :dohh:
Grrrrrr! :grr: My OPK was the lightest it has been for the past 11 days. What the heck?! Maybe I won't O this month... maybe my follicles are getting stuck in my ovaries again... The way things are going, I am probably out this month. Maybe if I don't O I will go and talk to my GP. But you would think with a generally stable cycle, and definite PMS, that I still O. Sigh. Gotta wait until CD 20 before I give up. But it's only a few days away, I think my OPKs would be getting darker, definitely not lighter. And I back them up with CB digitals.
I am glad that Lucas did well in nursery! If he has already improved that much, it will be no time before he is totally fine with you leaving him. Does he play well with the other kids?

Aww your hubby is sweet. It definitely can't hurt anything to BD just for fun :)
Ahw :hugs: I was gonna say: maybe they just don't go positive all the way for you this month, but then your temps should've backed it up (if you ovulated) and they don't! :cry: Hope you will still ovulate! You know how quickly OPKs can change though, so maybe they will still go positive!
You didn't drink a lot or go to the toilet shortly before you peed to use your OPK right??

And just cause you haven't ovulated yet doesn't necessarily mean that you won't! Some people ovulate late sometimes due to stress or whatever else!
And then if you do ovulate you can always still get donations right???
Yeah, my donor is super nice about it all. We didn't have the time to go yesterday, and he asked if I wanted him to drive some over lol! He is so sweet. Anyways... I sure hope I ovulate this month... but maybe it is a good thing I am trying to pick up crocheting, it may be a good distraction.

And no, actually the OPK was fmu. Stupid OPKs. Can't they just go positive already?! They are stressing me which is probably why I can't O hahaha. If they had gotten darker instead of lighter I'd have been okay with another negative, but lighter?! Come on, body!
yeah your body is just being mean now!! Stupid bodies eh?!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you to ovulate!! :thumbup:
Have you used those opk's before btw?? Just wondering whether maybe they're not right?? Or have you been using the cb digi ones aswell??
Have been using the cb digis as well. Definitely not Oing yet. Grumble. Gotta take little for a shower, talk to you again soon...
Out of the shower. Rowan is a grump today. I have had a strang metallic taste all day. Like iron almost. Brushed my teeth and hoping it is gone now. I didn't even get that while pregnant with Rowan... wonder what the heck lol.

So now that you're in the tww officially, how do you feel this month? Positive vibes sent your way :)
I only just realised it when I was in the shower earlier (I tend to think in the shower :p haha) Hadn't even thought about the fact I'd ovulated so that meant I'm in the 2ww... :haha: So that's a good thing! Hoping I can keep that up and not symptom spot and am not gonna be writing any symptoms down!
Obviously O hasn't been totally confirmed yet, but I should be confirmed tomorrow!

It's hard when your LO is a grump... Lucas is having a lot of tantrums whenever he doesn't get his way. This morning after nursery he wanted to walk the opposite way of where we had to go and ofcourse that ended in him laying on the floor screaming his head off! Oh well.. the joys of having a 2 year old!!

Your body needs to hurry up and ovulate already!!!
Oh and I just realised I can test next wednesday!!! - I'm weird and want to see if I can get a bfp at 9dpo :p Cause I tested at 8 and 10 dpo with Lucas and got bfn at 8 and bfp at 10 so I just wanna see what happens at 9dpo :rofl: Crazy person alarm!!!

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