The problem is that they're so small so it's easy for them to move away from the doppler and it's so hard to determine where he/she is sitting as some people's uterus pops out quicker than others....
But.... it's almost monday!!!
See, I reckon you'll have your scan before I have Logan
Unless he's gonna want to be convenient and be born tomorrow, as Jay's parents are coming over tomorrow afternoon, so they'd be able to take us to the hospital and look after Lucas (as planned anyway, but they won't have to come from work

I doubt that'll happen, cause baby's never pick a convenient time, do they???! Then again, Lucas was on his way on the day my parents came over to the UK, so they took us to the hospital so that was great timing!! haha
And Lucas was a sunday baby, so maybe this one will be too!
Did you have any special signs before going into labour Talia?? other than your waters breaking..... I feel like I need to pee ALL the time today!! Maybe it's at least a good sign that he's getting (even) lower....