4DPO today (This is an old thread!!!!)

Hahaha May the Fourth be with you ;) I am sooo excited... but don't have much planned yet, oops. Lol. It maaaay end up mostly last minute stuff haha. I wanna paint one wall in my house in to a giant chalkboard so I am hoping that happens today ♡ Hubby has to help as the paint is oil based... but it would be so awesome to have people write their predictions etc. Ahhh. So excited... :D And then no games, just good eats and friends :) And of course the reveal itself.

Who is throwing your shower, Kristy? Do you know what all is happening, or is it all a surprise for you? And don't worry, children tend to go through phases of looking like one and then the other parent :D Rowan even looks like Derek most of the time which is totally bizarre lol.
Oh Caitlyn! Got a stubborn baby on your hands eh?!
So do you still reckon it's a boy?? Or have you changed your mind?? Didn't you get a glimpse at all???
Your next scan is on our wedding anniversary!

I took hubby out for dinner and to the moscow state circus for our anniversary last night - it's gonna be our 5th anniversary so I had to do something a little more special than just dinner :winkwink:

Logan has been really fighting his sleep, sometimes it's really a struggle getting him to sleep (or stay asleep!) Friday he was SO overtired!! It took both me and Jay about 3 hours together to get him down for a nap, which only lasted about 30 minutes! Then somehow he slept from 9pm till 4am (7 hours!!), he stayed awake for an hour and a half and then went to sleep again for another 3 hours!
Then last night my mum said he fell asleep around 9pm again and again he didn't wake up until 4am...and after that he went straight back to sleep until 8am!!
He must've finished his growth spurt now and catching up on sleep - just read somewhere that they tend to sleep more after a growth spurt cause the system that is responsible for the growth hormones works best when you're at rest! Thought that was interesting!! Apparently they can gain 1-3oz and grow 1 cm in 24 hours!!!! WOW!!
DH is a huge starwars fan and somehow that weekend is the only one we have/had free until I'm 37 weeks and I didn't want the shower that late incase I get rushed off because I have an impatient little one- just like both of his parents. Also I didn't want to have to organise and wash the presents I know my sisters and MIL have- they've shown me most of it and 3 out of 4 of my sisters have filled a washing basket each and MIL has filled 2 so far! I'm over seeing it and making sure everyone is on track with they're part of the planning. If it were up to my mum and sister their would be nothing but sweets to eat and I don't do well with sweets.
I love the thought of gender reveal parties so I did something similar and took the confetti out of party poppers and replaced it with blue confetti and handed those out when I saw everyone.
I hope you have a great time Caitlyn!

Hopefully Logan will go back to normal sleeping patterns for you Ella.
Bag! I feel like a bum not logging in lately. For some reason bnb makes me re login all the time and if I only have a bit of time to check my phone I say screw it!! I'm sorry!!

Nice scans ladies!! 174 images?! Wow that's a lot, we got 60 or so!!

So no gender eh?! Are you guys not finding out til the party too then?! I can't wait!! I think it's still girl, since they need to confirm, if it was a boy it's fairly certain unless the bits are tucked away... Girl would need a true confirmation look lol just my guess!!
I have a good idea as to what it is, as the technician was "pretty sure" and showed what she saw, but yes I definitely need to recheck in case we were seeing wrong. I am excited :) My bladder is currently being used as a punching bag lol. Such an odd feeling.

Kristy, that's awesome, I hope you have a great time at your shower :D Yeah, we're just doing the reveal and then maybe a meet and greet later, we'll see. It sucks that second showers are taboo lol. I just enjoyed being heavily pregnant while people were there... some days I barely show right now lol. Depending how baby is laying. So May the Fourth be with you ;) Have fun and post us lots of pics of the shower :D I wanna see all that baby boy's loot. I forget, did you mention his name yet? Do you have one?

Ella, hope thay silly boy starts sleeping normal soon :D Poor tired fluff lol. And Rowan STILL sleeps tons during a growth spurt. That's usually how we can tell he's growing. That and eating bucket loads. Which he is currently doing, so I expect his pants wont fit soon lol.
Thanks Caitlyn. Starting to feel like a headless chicken trying to make sure everyone is doing what they're supposed to and getting all food (were making most of it) trying to get my brother in law to drop off extra chairs and a pop-up gazebo all while working 55hours (Monday-Friday) not liking May at the moment- all my weeks look similar to this :dohh:

Hope you have an awesome time at your gender reveal. I don't know why a second baby shower is taboo but I've heard of a few people doing it especially when there's a few years between the two pregnancies.
I'm not a fan of them using the bladder as a punching bag. This one is that strong that when he does it I have to run for a toilet as it feels like I'm about to wet my self.:haha:

Also adding a pic of my bump as of a couple of days ago.


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Aww bump! I sooo miss mine!!

Couple more days til your confirmation! Eeekk I hate not knowing lol at least you guys have an inkling!
Awwwww bump ♡ Mine is silly and still small but it'll get there in the next few weeks... the one in the tshirt with bangs down is from 17 weeks and the other was yesterday :)


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Aw yay bump! Still a lot of bump to come too!

I think Royen had a growth spurt too, she slept all evening, I didn't wake her up cuz I was getting so many wedding invitations done! Lol so she basically slept from 5-10 then ate then slept 1030-615!! Haha I totally thought I'd have a rough night since she had akready slept that long stretch but nope!

I also have to gush a little on how well ECing is going for us, we are dry basically every night. Caitlyn, you'll appreciate this... I haven't done diaper laundry since Sunday and it was 4 pockets (night diapers) and 7 amp inserts ( we put them in covers for day time). And only one had a poop, happened when I was out at lunch with my cousin yesterday, the rest were just wet! Isn't that nuts?
That is definitely nuts! Goes right along with what I've read though, that by the time they're 12-18 months they are completely dry, day and night. So interesting :) A lot more work than I'm used to though lol. But then in the beginning cloth sounded hard and now it's a breeze, so who knows lol. So glad it is going so well for you guys :D
ahw look at your bump!! It's getting there!! :thumbup: And you've got your 2nd ultrasound today!! Hopefully baby will play ball and let you see between the legs! :winkwink:
I have to agree with what Talia said the other day, that it's easier for a girl to hide than a boy.... though I guess it could be hidden between the legs....
Let us know how it went!!

Nice job Royen! Sleep is good, just remember that :winkwink: it's a very important rule :haha:
Glad she slept so well, they do say that sleep breeds sleep, so if they sleep well during the day they sleep better at night... It doesn't really make sense but it seems to be true!
I don't get how EC works... cause kids don't generally have any control over their bladder or bowels until they're about 18 months old! Lucas didn't get potty trained until he was almost 3 (as you know, cause I had been telling you guys about it!)

I'm staying with my sister for a couple of days with both the boys, as my parents are over again and so I had a lift over to hers and she also hadn't seen Logan yet (neither have any of my other 4! siblings!! :cry:) Logan is sleeping in the crib across the room from where I'm sleeping and he slept really well! (11.30-5.15) so I'm thinking maybe I'm picking him up and feeding him too often at night, cause at home he sleeps right next to me and when he's stirring and making noises etc I pick him up and feed him, though I do wonder whether I should pick him up or leave him.... So I'm probably gonna put him in his own room when we get back home on sunday, because that way he might sleep longer and I'll sleep better aswell!
Ya I think that was around the time that I started letting Royen rustle but I wouldn't get up unless it was like major hunger cues or she'd start actually fussing.

EC basically doesn't 'train' out the early instincts to not soil your bed ( or your mamma for that matter ) and waiting to eliminate in an appropriate place. Up until 4 months or so babies really don't like being wet or dirty so if you provide them with opportunities to so their business other than in their pants they'll gladly take it. But with diapers and disposables especially by 4 months they just get used to going in their diapers and don't mind to. EC generally makes it so they will continue hold it while sleeping, being held or carried etc because they are more comfortable staying dry and goin later. I'm not sure if you can call it bowel and bladder control but they will give you signs they gotta go, or they have a routine when they gotta go. Royen can hold her pees and poops a good 6-8hrs, last night it was 9-5, took her for a pee when she woke up, fed and pooped after the feed, back to bed and she'll probably be dry til we wake up again at 8 or so. And now she knows basically that every diaper change she gets to go potty so she'll usually at the very least pee every time I check her diaper. It's really awesome once you get a little routine going. 11 diapers in 3 days blew my mind yesterday! And really sitting them on the potty for a few mins isn't a whole lot of work... Especially when it means less laundry now and being diaper free by a year old (that's the avg, there's a few moms local to me that EC and they are diaper free during the day at 9 months !)
Hey! How'd the confirmation scan go?! Leave us hanging! And happy belated anniversary Ella !
yes Caitlyn!! way to leave us hanging!!! What happened??
How did your reveal party go??

And how was your babyshower Kristy???

And thanks Talia! :thumbup:
Didn't you see on FB Ella?! I won't say anything til Caitlyn announces herself here!

Hope your shower was lovely kristy!
haha, just looked on her profile!! YAY we were right!!!

She's just embarrassed to come on here and tell us she was wrong :winkwink:
I'm a tad jealous though, even if my boy is awesome!!

he's sleeping on me at the moment...


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Lol I'm not embarrassed, just figured you guys saw it on fbook hehehe. I wasn't sure from 12 week scan onwards but either way, I am still shocked. Yay girl :) And the party was lovely, lots of food and friends and kids... and a lot of happy faces after the reveal :)

And awwwww look at your little fluff ♡ What a sweetheart.

Now what to do with all my saved boy clothes? Lol. I dont want to donate them to just anyone, I'm a little attached. Guess I'll wait and hope my bestie has a boy sooner than later lol :)

So she is kicking hard enough to feel on the outside now! So that's new the last few days :) How are you ladies?
I'm/we're good! Had my parents staying with us for a few days, then they took me and the boys to my sister's house for a couple of days! We went to the beach on saturday - not to swim or anything, just had a nice walk and Lucas and my sister's niece (from her husband's sister) played and made sand castles!

Haven't moved Logan to his own room just yet, cause we need to get some bedding/sleeping bag and some curtains for his room. But I've moved him to the other side of our bedroom so he's not next to me anymore - last night he slept for 7 hours again and then another 3ish!

Hubby is going back to work again! He got this job via a new agency at which he's been working since wednesday and he'll be working there for the next 4 weeks or so. And the council, where he used to work as a binman, has asked for him back. He was only allowed to do 12 weeks there and then they'd have to treat him as any regular employee (same pay, vacaction days, sick pay etc) he did the 12 weeks and then had to do something else. But apparently after 6 weeks they can get him back in for another 12 weeks without having to pay him extra, so good for them I guess. And we're not really bothered about the pay as it's alright for us, much more than we used to have! So he's looking at going back there again after this job finishes. (they liked him so much at the council that they got rid of someone else to get Jay back! And even offered to pay him more I think)
I still hope he'll get a permanent contract there, but we'll see!! As long as he's working somewhere I guess, that makes life easier!
I'm not really happy with the job he's doing now as it's 8am-4pm but it takes him about 2 hours on the bus to get there and then it obviously costs money to get there, whereas the other job he walked to and he started earlier but came home at about 12/1pm so I didn't have to spend all day at home with the kids on my own! But like I said, at least he's earning money so that's good!!

Anyway, I'm off to sleep now, cause Logan has just gone down about 15 minutes ago so I should go to sleep so I can catch as much sleep as possible! :P
Yay Congratulations Caitlyn!!! You will soon have your pigeon pair!

Sorry I haven't been on in a few days. I must have caught a bug from the kids I nanny for (during the day 7am-7pm) and landed in hospital Friday night with vomiting and severe dehydration. The midwives did a swab test to make sure the vomiting hadn't ruptured any membranes or anything- which came back clear. Almost had to cancel/post pone the shower but thankfully DH talked me out just in time (he's a paramedic and assured the nurse that he'd be looking after me) but now I have to go back to the hospital doctors as I've been passing blood in my urine and it may be to do with a cyst on my right kidney.
Good news is baby Liam (finally set his name) is a big boy measuring 1.5 weeks ahead and is really happy just kicking/punching away even though he is already head down and almost fully engaged and I'm feeling a lot of pressure in my pelvis.
Never heard the term pigeon pair :)

Sorry you've been so sick, that sucks. But glad baby Liam is happy and punching and kicking up a storm :)

And yay for more sleep for you, Ella :) That's awesome. And about the job as well, hopefully he gets something permanent. Derek actually got laid off today but we're hoping another job is right around the corner, and there is one he maaaaaay get that would put us in an amazing place financially as it almost doubles his salary now plus bonus. It is a temp job but even the two months would put us in a good place with savings to boot. So fingers crossed he gets chosen for that.

We've decided on a first name for sure but keeping it kinda quiet as I am sure it will get some looks... but as we share all here, it is Maple :)

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