Hey ladies sorry I've been quiet! I saw your new couch, looks really nice! Sounds like Logan is doing really well!
Eekk 3 week countdown!! Ya I guess if it is a girl it would be tough for the donor eh? I can just picture you both with your long red hair!
Oh jeez, ya my friend mentionned she saw the post on that vbac group, I thought it was private, oh well lol we'll def have a second, not soon though at least 2 yrs to give my incision and tear time to heal proper. I just have an appt with the surgeon on Monday and I wanted to be prepared to defend the idea of a vbac, that group and their website are a gold mine of ppl who've vbac'ed with classical, inverted T and J incisions, really opened my eyes. Makes my little 4 cm tear seem like a walk in the park to allow a vbac. The ASAC lady also was helpful solidifying the doc ill get the second opinion from....