4DPO today (This is an old thread!!!!)

Wow that last one definitely is really nearly positive!! I'll bet it's positive tomorrow!!
https:// https://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm139/par-amour/b%20and%20b/20130419_172229.jpgGhttps://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm139/par-amour/b%20and%20b/20130419_172229.jpgood thing I had a feeling I should check again... 5:20pm and I get this:

Also a good thing I am already with the donor heehee ;)
Having issues posting. Anyways, glaring positive and a smiley on the digital :D
Yup I see it!! :thumbup: YAY!!!!!! :happydance: That's what we've been waiting for!!!!

I don't know what's going on with my stupid temps but they keep going up and down after O! I guess they're not up and down THAT much, but still! I hate it, I wanna see it go up and up and up, with maybe 1 nice implantation dip!
Ugh!!! Not happy!
I give up again! :haha: No bfp for me this month!
Don't give up! I won't be able to get a proper temp in the morn, awake still at quarter past one in the morning lol! And at the donor's still. Hubby tattooing. Bit the up and down is normal from charts I've seen. It's still above the coverline, so no worries. Maybe stop temping now that you know you Oed?
Wow! Your life sounds so exciting, still being up at 1am and being at someone else's house!! We go to bed around 10pm... But like I said, I need at least 8 hrs sleep.... cause I get tired pretty quickly, I wonder sometimes if I have low ironlevels but I've had them tested before and they are normal apparently, so I don't know why I get tired so easily!

Come on swimmers SWIM SWIM SWIM!!! (for you that is!!) For me it's: come on eggy implant! Dig in!! :rofl:
Lol I need 8 hours usually as well, I won't be getting that tonight though. Quarter past two now and on our way home finally. Zzz lol. Three donations later though hahaha :rofl: The life of a tattooist's wife is so glamourous hahaha :haha:And my iron levels are usually on the low end of normal, if not a little under.

Go swimmers go for me and woooo implant little eggy for you!!! I am hopeful this month. We definitely aredoing all we can to catch that egg this time, yesterday, today and tomorrow will be the last ones and then we hope. But gosh I want sex :haha:Hubbyyyyy please touch meeeee lol! The downside to doing things this way. I get none.
:haha: you make me laugh!!! Just jump hubby!!

So your hubby is a tattooist is he??? I just got my first tattoo in November last year! It's a butterfly with some flowers and Lucas' name underneath it. (as always, there's a picture on fb somewhere)
It friggin' hurt though!!! Got it on my left lovehandle :p So on my back, but more on the left side. Everyone that sees it says: omg, it's much bigger than I thought it would be! haha It is a little bigger than I expected aswell, but I still like it! I think it's a good size!
Hubby designed it for me. He draws tattoos - he's got one on his arm that he designed himself! Wish he'd do it more often though.... He's not really done it in a long time!

Can't believe you got 3 donations btw!! I'll bet your donor loves it when you're in your fertile period :rofl:
He used to be a tattooist at a shop, but his boss kept screwing him over. So now he is a tattooist on the side and a welder/pipe fitter. I want a tattoo so bad, but you can't get them while pregnant, and you aren't supposed to get them for 6 months post partum or 6 months after you stop breastfeeding, because you share your immune system and have a higher chance of getting an infection. So I super miss getting tattoos <3 I have 16. Most are small, and then I have my backpiece which isn't finished yet. But I have my chestpiece drawn up and have my sleeve in the works.

I know that my donor loves it when I am in my fertile period, what guy wouldn't love an excuse to masterbate 3 times in an evening? :haha: :rofl: Hell, I'd love an excuse ;)

Darn, I hate that it is one of the crucial temping days and my temp needs discarding... Ah well... Hopefully in bed on time(ish) tonight. Definitely not 3 (close to when I usually temp, but I did at 5:45 today... so obvioisly a huge jump was expected)
WOW!! Can't believe you have 16 tattoo's!!! After I had this one I was like: never again!! It hurt!! (well he did go over my kidney area, which apparently is a painful area - and I felt it!!! :haha:) But I can't imagine having another one! People asked me: what if you have another baby are you gonna get another tattoo?? And I was like: no if he/she asks me why I have one of Lucas I'll just say: your daddy has yours! :haha: Or I might just get the name added to this one.
Thought about maybe getting a tiny one somewhere though with a B, for my sister who died 12 years ago.
Have you got any pictures of them on FB??

I'm all tired again!! *yawn* Luckily I get to sleep in tomorrow and monday morning. Hubby is taking Lucas to nursery on his own for the first time monday. And on tuesday I have to leave early cause I need to be at my friend's house for 8am with Lucas as I need to take her little boy to nursery too (same nursery) and she only lives a couple of doors down from the nursery. (She can't take him cause of work on tuesdays).

I hate it when you have one of your crucial temping days and you didn't manage to get your temp at the right time or you didn't sleep long enough or you sleep with your mouth open haha. It's annoying! Things like that always happen when you're most bothered about it!
Hopefully you can get a better temp tomorrow and you'll be able to tell what's going on then!!
Ladies, I've had the worst indegestion for about 4 days. Baaaddd. I'm about 7-8DPO. Is his an early sign??????? It doesn't matter what I eat. Before TTC I got it every once In a while.
I think it could be a sign.... you never know with symptoms though... sometimes they mean something, other times they don't (more often than not they seem not to mean anything :wacko: at least that's what I find - hence the reason I'm not spotting this month! Doing pretty well actually) FX for you!!
thank you!! FX for you too! I'm dong pretty good about spotting this month too. Other than my horrible indigestion :( Every other month, I think about every twige and pain I have. haha
It was one of the first signs when I was pregnant with my son, first thing in the morning upon waking, not even eating or anything, I got bad heartburn.

Eltjuh, I love love love getting tattooed, but I know some people go the other way. I would be covered from head to toe if I could, they are quite addictive to me (and a lot of my friends). In a few years, when I am done breastfeeding, I am sure I will be getting lots more.

I am not too concerned about not knowing my temp, OPKs are still + and I have EWCM, so definitely still fertile. Going to see the donor one last time this afternoon and then the waiting begins :) so we won't be too many days apart in our cycles :) only 5 or so days. Only a few days until you test! :) Positive vibes your way!
It was one of the first signs when I was pregnant with my son, first thing in the morning upon waking, not even eating or anything, I got bad heartburn.

Eltjuh, I love love love getting tattooed, but I know some people go the other way. I would be covered from head to toe if I could, they are quite addictive to me (and a lot of my friends). In a few years, when I am done breastfeeding, I am sure I will be getting lots more.

I am not too concerned about not knowing my temp, OPKs are still + and I have EWCM, so definitely still fertile. Going to see the donor one last time this afternoon and then the waiting begins :) so we won't be too many days apart in our cycles :) only 5 or so days. Only a few days until you test! :) Positive vibes your way!
Thanks! That gives me hope!! I want to test so bad but I'm trying to be good this cycle and not test early :). Yay! For your positive OPK!!

I said I wouldn't symptom spot but he it goes. Lol. I've been checking my cervix and cm for 3 cycles. Everyday at same time! Well today I felt something different than I've ever felt. It's high and hard but what alarmed me was it was hard to find. Vagina feels closed in and cervix is gilded towed back of vagina wall and its never been there???? It's probably all in my head :(. I somehow get my hoped ups every cycle bc I convince my self I'm KU. Such a dork. Thanks for listening. L
It's hard to say whether cervix position means anything.... But if it's different for you then it might mean something (might!) - that's what I hate about the 2ww you think: oh that's different than normal, I must be pregnant and then you're not... Or you're analysing all the symptoms and think they're a good sign and then they're not! You just never know! (like I said, that's the reason I'm not symptom spotting)

But, like you, I have noticed 1 thing today and that's that I've been having some cramps/twinges on the right hand side, in the ovary area... Hope it means something but trying not to think about it too much!

And yes Naaxi, I'm testing wednesday so only 4 more sleeps :p haha I was tempted to use the last one of my tests from last month (the indent ones) today, no reason, just me being silly :haha: I know what would've happened so I have no idea why I wanted to do it! I didn't though!!

So you're only getting another donation today??? What about the day after you've O'ed???
Tomorrow I have things to do lol. And I think I have bugged him enough. Hopefully spermies will be in there waiting when the egg is released. Btw thought you'd get a giggle- passing the time laying on the floor again :rofl: :spermy::spermy::spermy: Just keep swimming, just keep swimming! Swimming, swimming, what do we do? We swim, swim! Hahahaaa!

I hate that everything that seems like a pregnancy symptom can also be an AF symptom. And today and yesterday two different people asked me if I "was pregnant already". No one knows we are trying, so that seems like an odd thing to ask someone. Neither person is very close to me either lol. I don't ask people if THEY are having intercourse LOL. Some people's children...
haha that is a bit weird to say.... It's like when I was at my sister's and her sister-in-law came over with their little girl who is about Lucas' age and they said she was pregnant with her 2nd and I think it was my parents that were joking that it was time for me to get pregnant again and I was like: uhm... I was!! And then I said: I'm trying... it's not working!! :cry:

I got a massive spike today, not sure what that's all about... was getting kind of excited about it maybe being a good thing.... But I checked my cervix and it feels like it's just the slightest slightest bit open :wacko: But then again, maybe I'm just not feeling it right... I always find it hard to figure out whether it's open or closed! It's low and pretty hard though... So I am gonna stop hoping again. Cause I don't wanna be disappointed again!!

Come on :spermy: SWIM!!!! haha
Temps stress me. Doesn't look like I have Oed yet. Loving your rise in temp, though! And I read someone who was pregnant chronicle their cervix for the first few weeks and it was all over the place I honestly don't think it is a good indicator of anything but fertile period. I am hoping that I O today and get a temp spike... it is bothering me now cause I can't go today. Too bad I can't do it the old fashioned way... I have such high hopes this time though, it is going to be a very far ceash down if I don't get a +. And I can't help it, I already tried rationalizing that a lot of people time it perfectly and nothing happens. But my hopes are still up. His kids are all surprises, one night of pasion type of thing... so he's gotta have strong swimmers lol!

Yeah, I told both people we were working on it and that quietened them. It just makes me sad that it is so hard when we were always told that if we have unprotected sex, we WOULD get pregnant. What a crock. I just want to be pregnant again soo badly. Boy or girl, it doesn't matter. I am thinking it will be another boy, and have come to terms with never being able to have a daughter of my own if that happens. I will just have to hold my baby sister extra close.
Temps stress me. Doesn't look like I have Oed yet. Loving your rise in temp, though! And I read someone who was pregnant chronicle their cervix for the first few weeks and it was all over the place I honestly don't think it is a good indicator of anything but fertile period. I am hoping that I O today and get a temp spike... it is bothering me now cause I can't go today. Too bad I can't do it the old fashioned way... I have such high hopes this time though, it is going to be a very far ceash down if I don't get a +. And I can't help it, I already tried rationalizing that a lot of people time it perfectly and nothing happens. But my hopes are still up. His kids are all surprises, one night of pasion type of thing... so he's gotta have strong swimmers lol!

Yeah, I told both people we were working on it and that quietened them. It just makes me sad that it is so hard when we were always told that if we have unprotected sex, we WOULD get pregnant. What a crock. I just want to be pregnant again soo badly. Boy or girl, it doesn't matter. I am thinking it will be another boy, and have come to terms with never being able to have a daughter of my own if that happens. I will just have to hold my baby sister extra close.

I know cervix isn't a great indicator, but surely it should at least be tightly closed if you've conceived!! :dohh:

I know what you mean about people saying you will get pregnant if you have unprotected sex. But unfortunately life has this way of giving you everything you don't want and not giving you anything you do want.... I hope we both get our bfp this month, though I'm gonna say it again: I'm not hopeful for me! I'm just gonna hope for you and then see what happens with me. I don't want to hope for myself cause I know I'm just gonna get really disappointed! Especially since we decided not to try next month (but again, I'll bet you any money when we don't particularly want to get pregnant - next month- we're gonna get pregnant, that's life :wacko:)

I'm starving!! I got back on my diet on monday,though I did have a couple of bad days with Jay's birthday and left over cake! So I started again properly today and I'm starving!!! Luckily hubby is cooking dinner right now so I get to eat soon!!!

What are you upto today?? I've done a load of ironing - hate doing that! Cause I always leave it too long and then it's a massive pile! :haha:

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