Whahaha I gave in and tested!!! Idiot!!

Thoroughly studied the test aswell

Bfn ofcourse! To be expected... I don't even know why I did it... I probably won't even have implanted yet if I'm even going to!
Oh I love the night aswell, LO goes to bed at 6.30-7ish so I've got about 3 hrs just with hubby cause I usually go to bed at 10. But my friend texted me earlier that she doesn't need me to take her son to nursery tomorrow, so hubby is gonna be taking Lucas tomorrow morning, so I can have a lay-in.
Hubby can't have more than 6 or so hours of sleep cause he gets headaches if he sleeps too much! And considering he's not working atm I can have almost as many lay-ins as I want

I love sleeping in, cause I'm always tired! I swear I have a chronic tiredness thing going on!
Keep having these twinges low down, kind of on both sides of my uterus though.. left side seems more stingy/stabby and right feels more like pressure.... It's sort of just above where your groin is, if that makes sense.... It makes me feel like maybe something is happening, but then at the same time I'm trying to keep myself down to earth and not get too excited cause I'll be pretty upset if it's a bfn this month if I get too excited!

I don't know!!!
Sorry for the mental health issues going on here