So what's happening with your temp???
I've always seen other people's temps drop really quickly like the day before AF, but mine has always started dropping in little bits a couple of days before AF, so for me, if my temp starts dropping, by a 'considerable' amount (more than like 0.05 or 0.10 degrees) I kind of flip

But still no sign of AF!!
Got some sort of good news about the house today.... We rang up the people that own the house (the company that is part of or works for the army) and told them that we'd heard that someone asked them to delay the whole official eviction process. But they said that hadn't happened and even if it did they wouldn't listen to it. Bottomline... they told us that they're sending out a letter within the next 7 days that 'warns' us that they'll be taking legal action to get us out the house - which is what we want! And then after that it'll be about 10 days before we get the letter with a court date etc. Which is what we need to get a new house!! FINALLY!!!

So we need to start getting to packing again very soon, cause once we'll be higher on the 'priority' list to get a house it can be very quick! (as we'll literally be kicked out the house).
Can't believe that we might actually be moving soon! After waiting for over 6 months!! Hubby can finally get a job again (which would be really good for him!) and get settled in to 'normal' life!! The only thing I'm a bit gutted about is that Lucas has just settled in to nursery and he's doing REALLY well!! So it would suck to take him out of it!!

But oh, well!! that's life! And I'm sure we'll make some new friends for him!!