I think you should test again tomorrow!

See what those lines are doing!
I'm really confused.... not about ttc or anything....
I checked our bank account online earlier and it says we have £2000 sitting in there...

which is soooo not like us, especially at the moment, as it's usually more like £20 or £2

Anyway, it was from this thing called tax credits, which is a benefit we get. But usually we get about £200 every 4 weeks from them. Now, they ask you to renew your claim every tax year, so that they are up to date with your circumstances, like how much you're earning etc. cause the amount of money you get from them changes depending on how much you earn and how much savings you have... I had just 'renewed' my claim this week, as the tax year has ended and suddenly I got all this money from them. There were 3 payments and I have NO idea why I got them!! Obviously I hope we can keep it, but I'm afraid we probably can't!
Anyway, I tried calling them to ask what's going on, but as it was 7pm by the time I found out, they'd already gone home! So I can't ring them again until tuesday, cause it's the weekend and monday is a bankholiday, which means most people are off (including those people)!!! I hate it when things like this happen on a weekend!!! I NEED to know!!! Cause I can't stand it when something strange happens and I don't know why! Can't get it out my head
