Yay donor!!!

and BOO!!! Derek!!
Took my first temp again this morning... Need to change my 'default' temp time though. Then after I slept in for a while I had to 'see to' hubby

He said he'd tried to do it himself in the toilet this morning, whilst his brother was looking after Lucas. But he said it was too weird and he couldn't do it!

I could've told him beforehand that that wasn't going to work.... Who tries to masturbate in the toilet?? (when it's already 'clinical' because he HAS to do it and then has to get in a little pot?? - and with no visual aids!)
So I gave Lucas some biscuits and juice and put peppa pig on the tv and set up some toys to play with and dragged hubby to the bedroom

It worked and should be at the hospital now. - Sorry if that was TMI

Anyway, at least it's done now cause hubby was feeling very awkward about it, poor boy!!

So hopefully we should find out the results in the next week! And I'm gonna be researching the 'normal'/healthy results so I know what it actually means
Last night I cracked the screen on my phone! NOT HAPPY!!!

I always kept seeing people posting on FB that they cracked their screen cause it fell on the floor and then I'd be like: how did they do that?? Mine always falls on the floor and Lucas has thrown it plenty of times and it's still fine..... Guess that's karma for ya!!

So now I either have to live with a cracked screen for the rest of my contract (which is still another 14 months) or shell out to get a new/second hand phone or try to get it fixed somewhere, which will probably be expensive aswell!!

Stupid phones!! They should really make them from rubber or something so it won't break