4DPO today (This is an old thread!!!!)

Aww :hugs: try not to think that way but I know it's hard since lots of it is so similar :(
So similar... it is like an echo of May. In a few days I will get a positive. And then there is a good chance history will continue repeating the whole process... blah. Okay soooooo... go back to being chatty. Tell me of your days, ladies.
:hugs: Sorry your body is playing games again Caitlyn!! :hugs:

I had a long day yesterday, got up at 7, had a shower, then took 3 different trains (took an hour in total) to get to the rental place where I had to pick up the car. Then drove back home, which only takes about 20 minutes. Then picked my boys up, went to the computer shop because hubby wanted to get a new power supply for his computer. Drove from there to the south coast, to see the council people! Filled in some paperwork and they took a load of paperwork from us, so they can set up our 'case' to get a house. Then we walked on the beach for a little bit, though the weather wasn't very nice and it was quite chilly! After that we thought we'd pop in to Jay's parents' house, they were both in and so was his little sister, so that was nice! And they were actually being really nice, Lucas had lots of fun with his granddad - looking at trains - and he actually realizes now that they are his grandparents, whereas before he didn't (like I told you, they were like strangers). So we had a good day! Then we drove back, got back at 10pm, picked up some mcdonalds on the way back cause I hadn't had any dinner yet, so ate that when I got home! :haha: - yes at 10pm!! :dohh:

Felt so tired today when I woke up, but had to get up early-ish, to take the car back. Then decided to take the bus back instead of the train. And now I'm just relaxing cause I'm knackered! And I have a dinner with my (girl) friends tonight, as a goodbye kinda thing - eventhough we're not sure when we'll move. So I think I might have a little nap in a while to catch up on some energy!! :sleep:

Hope you girls are ok!! :hugs:
Sounds like a long and full day! That's good. And I am glad that Lucas sees his granparents as grandparents now instead of strangers :) Rowan is starting to do that with Derek's dad. It is hard because he is in a home and doesn't quite remember Rowan sometimes. But he always brings a smile to his face. I hope he gets to meet the next one, whenever (if) they decide to come along.

Heading to the doctor's soon. My appointment is at noon but it takes about an hour and a half and three or so bus/train combinations, depending on what is there the quickest when I get off each transfer. And then I think today will be a mall day... maybe I will pick my baby sister up from daycare early. I will have to call my mum so she can call the daycare.... but I think I will do that :)
Yes, the transit here sucks! Yesterday was pretty lame I worked and had terrible gas pains all day that didnt get better til about 8. I had a terrible dream last night that I miscarried but the baby was still alive but I knew if I went to the hospital or anything they wouldn't do anything cuz it was too early so we just hung out trying to keep it warm etc and I woke up... How crazy is that :( and it was one of those dreams that was so realistic that it took me several minutes to realize it never happened. Thank god I have a scan today! So I will be jumping on a few busses for that too... But for now just relaxing!
Ah wow! That sounds like a horrible dream!! :hugs: I'm sure you'll see your little baby bouncing around again when you have your scan!! :thumbup:

And that sounds like a nice day (well, after the doctor really! :winkwink: Doctors are never fun, are they!) Must be nice to have a little sister that's much younger... But then, she might feel more like your child than your sister :winkwink: I always wanted a little brother or sister, but I didn't get any :cry: But then again, I did already have 3 older sisters and 2 older brothers, so my poor mum had gone through it 6 times already! :dohh: I don't know how she did that!! :shrug:

I just woke up from a 3hr nap! I set an alarm so I wouldn't sleep TOO long. So gonna have a shower in a minute and get ready to go out tonight. Probably straighten my hair and actually put some make-up on (I don't usually wear make-up, too much effort!)
Yes, I love my baby sister, but you're right, she is more like my child. But sometimes she gets a "you're not my mum!" Attitude when I am watching her and ask her to do something. Little monkey! Lol.

Phew is it ever hot today! And it is only 11! My glasses keep sliding down my nose! LOL :lol:

Talia, what a bad dream! But oddly enough, that is a good sign. Nightmares are common during pregnancy. I remember eith Rowan I dreamt that I gave birth to spiders. Shudder.
Ya I just took the dog out and it's boiling... I was thinking of walking to my transfer to get a good walk in but I might not make it too far in this heat!

I forgot to mention I almost had to spill the beans at work yesterday when I had a pt that was being discharged on depo provera ( injectable birth control) and all over the baggy the vial was in, it read 'do not handle if pregnant' I was able to get another nurse to give it but I should probably start telling ppl at work. 1 or 2 ppl from work are on my FB so they know but I haven't s announced it yet, since I float and am casual it's never the same ppl each shift and there's really no good opportunity but whatever it'll spread like wildfire I guess
Oh and Caitlyn your dream sounds scary. Mine was devastating at first but then I just had to get my head around it and do what I could, it was oddly hopeful even though unrealistic but dreams are strange like that. But you're right it is a of symptom.
Let us know how your appt goes
I will... wondering if this new doc would send me for bloods... I know my doctor would. But I don't even know if this is a boy or girl doctor... I personally hope it is a girl, as I find they understand ttc better and are more sympathetic.

And I would for sure tell people at work, I didn't even consider things like that but I guess there are probably a few situations you will want to avoid now that you are pregnant.
Well stubborn baby over here, after another hour of poking and proding and turning and getting me to do laps of the clinic they couldn't get the right position again... Tried to book for Friday or Monday but not one appt with someone that can do the NT in all the city! So no measurement for me, just bloodwork sometime in sept..
I never had a NT scan, it wouldn't have made a difference, but I suppose preparing is nice. Although I feel that if something IS wrong, they would find out later on anyways.
Oh well, at least you get to have plenty of scans Talia!! :haha: Though finding out the sex might prove difficult if he/she likes to hide!
But you didn't really want to find out anyway did you??

How are you Caitlyn?? How did your doctor's appointment go???

I had a lovely night last night, always wish it could last longer though, cause it's fun going out with the girls having some drinks (even if I'm not allowed to have any alcohol). Listened to baby again this morning, found it!! :happydance: It's such a nice sound to listen to! Jay and Lucas heard it aswell :)
Hahah ya I didn't expect to have this many scans by now! I made another comparison collage it's crazy how fast they grow!
And yes I think I'm still set on not finding out but somedays I'm tempted. You guys Both found out beforehand right?
Yes I wanna hear how the appt went too!
Sounds like you had a great night Ella! I need a girls night out!
My friend has been to the hospital twice in the last 2 days, hoping she has her baby today!
Oops forgot to attach it!


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It IS amazing how fast they grow! In my pregnancy book (or bible, as I call it :winkwink:) it shows actual real size pictures of the baby from 5-12 weeks. And it's crazy how tiny they are at 5 weeks and how big they get by 12 weeks! All of that in a couple of weeks!!
I really can't wait to see our baby! Glad I got to hear the hb before though!

And yes, we found out with Lucas that he was a boy. And we're gonna find out again this time (as long as baby lets us).

Right, I'm off swimming with Lucas (and Jay) now!
Aww I wanna go swimming lol. I loved swimming when I could feel babe move, it was so odd to have babe who was in his own water, in me, in water. Lmao. But wow, you ladies are almost 11 and 13 weeks! Crazy how time flies. Both almost out of first tri ♡

Look at your lovely bub, Talia! Now I can't wait to see Ella's! So sweet. And yes, I found out with Rowan because Derek wanted to be prepared and have things ready. He wants to find out with the next but I am not so sure of I do... we probably will anyways lol. The tech slipped up at the gender ultrasound anyways... was doing really good for the first bit but half way through measurements, and before Derek could join us, she used the pronoun "he" instead of "they" and I caught it. It was only the one slip up but it was there and blatant lol. I knew from the beginning anyways.

Ella, glad you had a lovely girls night out :) And that you heard your little muffin again :D What did Lucas think?

As for me... loved the stand in doctor, who got me to go do bloods and urine to check for a silent uti that may cause bleeding and gave me a requisition already for sequence hcg if I get a positive from yesterday and if it is positive, she already gave me a requisition for an ultrasound as well to figure out this 8 days of spotting business (but she also reassured me by saying she has had people spot for two weeks before and carry to term). LOVED her.
Oh wow! That doc sounds amazing!! Yay I'm so happy she was good about it all, def curious what your hcg is, you'll find out today I'm guessing? Keep us updated! I think I've had a teeny or silent uti this whole time, my midwife did do a urinalysis and id assume she would've called if it was positive. but then again i could see them just waiting and seeing..but your doc is very reassuring, for her to have everything all planned with the u/s and stories from other ppl! Makes me smile for you!
And technically second tri is today for me if I go by my dating scan! I also can't wait to see Ella's pics!
Next I need to figure out when to go for the anomaly scan... Dunno if I should do it ASAP or wait it out an extra few weeks... Meh doesn't really matter I suppose
Anomaly scan isn't until 20 weeks right?? At least that's when they do it here....
I'm so jealous of people getting to pick when they do scans! My friend in Holland asked me why I had to wait so long for my scan and I was like: You have to wait till 12 weeks... that's normal! And she said: Oh in Holland you can pick when you get it done!! I was like: ahw I wish I could! But then again I'd probably pick quite early this time around cause of what happened before! It's always better to wait longer I think, only cause your baby will actually look like a baby and be moving and all that!
I can't wait to feel the baby move!! it's such a nice feeling!!

Sounds like your new doctor is really nice Caitlyn!! Glad she was so good!! And yes, are you gonna find out your hcg today???
Wonder what's gonna happen next! Glad she was reassuring though about the spotting, that it doesn't have to be bad.... :hugs: Hope everything is ok! How are you feeling about it???
So someone posted a video on my March babies thread about how to find your baby's hb with a doppler and I thought I'd watch that.... just for fun.... and maybe it would be helpful to find baby easier (as it took me a while this morning!) And then I saw this video on the righthand side (in the suggested/related video's bit on youtube) it was called: Orgasm during childbirth.... I was like : :saywhat:

HOW is that possible?? I don't think it's possible! Man, that pain would REALLY put me off!! :haha:

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