4DPO today (This is an old thread!!!!)

Oh yay!!
I don't have my 2nd mw appointment until I'm 16 weeks, which won't be till end of Sept.
And my 20 week scan obviously won't be until around the 18th of October. Oh well! I'm sure it will go quick in the end! The past 4 weeks have gone quite quick! Especially if we're gonna be moving, though I hope I can find some sort of children's centre, like we have here so I can meet some new people and Lucas will be able to make new friends and I won't be bored at home all the time!
Neat rooms :) And I'm glad more scans are coming up, so exciting :) And Ella, I hope your new place is lovely :) Then you can have a place you can call home :)
ahw..... I'm so gonna cry watching this!! I'm just about to watch 'the midwives: expect the unexpected' - basically like one born every minute! :cry: Tissues at the ready :winkwink:

Sorry, just had to share!!
No I hadn't heard of it, but it was quite good! You never heard of one born every minute either?? Cause they do a US version of it on tv here sometimes.. or they have done it once at least! Basically you just watch a lot of babies being born. And YES I did cry! There was a lady with high bloodpressure who was carrying twins and she got induced, then they said her temperature was a little high so gave her paracetamol. Next time you see her she is shivering and saying she's cold, they check her progression and say it's really hot in there, and taking her into theatre cause they thought her placenta might've detached so they got the babies out and they were having trouble breathing (cause if the placenta isn't working properly they obviously won't get their oxygen) they looked all floppy and I was just sitting there going: CRY!!!!! Do it!! Don't die!!! But they were fine!! :happydance:

Anyway.... just need to shout out here: We've got new house!!!!! :happydance: Got a call from the council this morning saying: you need to come down on friday to sign the tenancy agreement and get your keys! :saywhat:
So we've basically got today and tomorrow to pack up I guess and then move?? Well, we need to see when the people that were gonna help us move will be able to do so, but it'll be soon!!!

I'm all shocked and excited and freaking out at the same time! So we've got scan first thing in the morning 9.40 and then after that we have to go down there again and get the keys! - Not sure what the house is gonna be like, it's supposed to be temporary, but it's a 2 bedroom house, rather than their normal temporary accomodation of 1 room in a bed&breakfast or (cheap)hotel for 6 weeks! So anything will do - for now anyway!
So yeah...head spinning over time!!
Yes I have seen one born every minute, I haven't seem it one in a very long time! Here we have 'birth story' and things like that...
CONGRATS ON THE HOUSE :happydance: :headspin: very short notice but at least it's that and not waiting forever! You're gonna have a busy couple of days!! And yay for the scan post your piccy ASAP!!!
Oh and btw I got the flu clinic job!! Doesn't start til October so whatever!
oh yay congrats (?? I think??) Take it you wanted that job??!

I will definitely post a picture asap when we've had the scan, but I'm not sure when it will be exactly, considering we'll probably have to go down to sort that house stuff out after we are done in the hospital!
Yes I do want the job, I'm just worried that because I don't have a vehicle I might be hooped and have to decline or something... So I guess I'm not getting my hopes up? I think it'll be a good change to my routine and some easier work as the pg progresses... Hopefully I can ride it out til jan or feb but the majority of shifts are in the fall months can't wait to see the pic and good luck getting all your paperwork in quickly etc!
Well that was a busy day! We bought some more tape for our boxes and some bubblewrap, then came back home had lunch. Luckily Lucas was tired so we put him down for a nap.... then we packed some more stuff and moved our livingroom downstairs! Started cleaning some of the living room but it needs some more doing tomorrow!
It's so hard not to just pack up everything! Cause it's hard to determine what you should keep out and what can definitely be packed away.

Tired now, having some pizza watching tv and then I'll probably go to bed!!
Might still have another week here though, until 2nd or 3rd of september cause of the removals company, but it all depends on which one we're (or the charity that's helping us are) going to go with.... The company that we saw today woudn't be able to do it until then. But the charity needs time to sort out finances anyway, so probably won't happen until then no matter what company we go with. If we're lucky though we might move on the 30th, I say lucky because we were gonna be going to see Jay's parents, have a bbq there and watch the airshow (lots of planes) from their garden! But if we haven't moved yet we probably can't afford to go cause we need to keep whatever money we have spare to pay for other things......

Anyway, hope you can get something sorted for that job so you won't have to turn it down!! :hugs:

And Caitlyn what's happened to you?? You've vanished!!
Talia, so so glad you got the job! And I wouldn't worry about not having a vehicle for now until you find out how scattered around the city it is... busses are fairly good here, anyways.

Ella, yay!!! Moving day is finally here :D I hope that you are able to get everything figured out quickly :) Andso you will move in to a temporary place for about a month and then move in to a permanent place? Is that how it works?

Sorry I have been MIA... nothing much to say in these days pre O. AF finally hitched a ride out of here so that's nice. Thinking of starting to try in a few days...
Talia, so so glad you got the job! And I wouldn't worry about not having a vehicle for now until you find out how scattered around the city it is... busses are fairly good here, anyways.

Ella, yay!!! Moving day is finally here :D I hope that you are able to get everything figured out quickly :) Andso you will move in to a temporary place for about a month and then move in to a permanent place? Is that how it works?

Sorry I have been MIA... nothing much to say in these days pre O. AF finally hitched a ride out of here so that's nice. Thinking of starting to try in a few days...

To be honest... they said it's temporary, but they said it could be for like a year or 2, so that's not really temporary to me.... As long as we've got a house (with 2 bedrooms!) then I'm happy. It might not be the nicest place in the world (hopefully we'll be able to see about that on friday) but then again army places aren't very nice (apart from our old house in Canterbury, I really liked that one!) And we can still keep looking for something else I guess. But as long as it's suitable for us to live in and for Lucas to be safe then I'm happy! Just had a look at some of the streets down there, just to see if they have like a main street with some shops or something and it looks soooo nice!! So much nicer than it is up here, it really isn't very nice here!
Over there the streets are nice with nice front gardens or at least grass patches between the roads and pavements whereas here it's horrible paved front gardens most of the time, or overgrown ones cause people can't be bothered to keep it nice, and it's a lot of houses that don't have front gardens and just be road with pavement, no green anywhere but some trees... Not very nice basically...
If we get to see the house on friday I'll take some pictures, or let you look it up on google maps! :haha:

Have you spoken to your doctor again about the testing? Or are you not going to until you find out what happens this month???
Oh and Yay for AF leaving!!! :happydance: Looking at your last chart, ovulating on CD17.... if you do the same this time then I'd probably start with getting some donations from about saturday??
Ya Caitlyn I know the busses are decent but that only if I'm at one of the bigger setups (aka for several hours) whereas some of the outreach stuff you're going to people's homes, usually seniors etc... So making several stops in one day, those are the shifts/assignments that make me worried. If I could do lots of the malls or stuff like that I'd be fine.... We'll see come october
I'm tired!! :haha:
Had a busy day today.... Did some more packing, we filled up the holes in the walls (from pictures etc.) There's still plenty that still needs to be done!

Hopefully I can sleep alright tonight, cause last night I was having a very hard time falling (and staying) asleep! And then woke up this morning to Lucas standing at the top of the stairs going: Ugh, yucki, poo poo, yucki, mummy poo poo! :haha: - He's finally telling us now when he's done a poo. So hopefully he'll be ready for potty training soon-ish, so he can be out of nappies before baby comes! Though we probably have to wait for a while after we've moved, until he's settled as things like moving seem to disrupt potty training (or revert it completely) so probably best that we haven't started yet.

So another busy day tomorrow, scan first, then go home get ready to go down south - 2 hrs on the train and go sort out the house stuff and hopefully get to see it (should be able to!) and then back home again, but it's gonna be a long day!! *yawn*
Hope your day wasn't too long :) Sorry to go missing again, we were out and about a lot of yesterday. When is your official moving date? Or are you all settled already? And we need scan pics!!

Talia, I'm sure it'll be fine, come October :) How are you ladies?

So I have decided to use essential oils (geranium right on my tummy and a blend of flowers as a spray to promote relaxation) for now and we will see what that does... now for a small rant... I have been watching my neighbour's six year old daughter and I was just supposed to be a buffer between her leaving and her husband coming home. As she was very part time, it was supposed to be two or three times a week. They were to give me 300 $ a month which for a few hours here and there is quite alright. But now it has become four to five days a week and 8-10 hour days. I am just sooo tired, it is so hard to watch someone else's child for pennies and not be able to do my housework or edit photos as I have to watch her at their place. I am just fed up.
Oh man! I would give them a talking to, they're abusing your generosity. If it was me I would of offered to pay more if it was any more time / commitment than already agreed upon! That's not right, they need to either cut the hours or pay up! I would be irate esp since it seems like this has been going on for a fair bit! That sucks dude and is definitely not fair
Oh no! That's just not right that they just dump her on you for longer and more often!!
How come you can't look after her at your place, that way you can at least get your own stuff done!!

We had another very very long day yesterday. We were at the hospital at 9.40 to get my scan done, but they were running late - big surprise, NOT! - So around 10 we finally got the scan done! Lucas wasn't happy that they were doing things to his mummy so he started crying and saying: 'all done!' so after a little while Jay took him outside so he wouldn't be too distracting for the sonographer. Everything looked good, NT was 1.7mm baby was 53.2mm long. Measuring exactly 12 weeks, same EDD as going by my LMP, which is funny considering I ovulate on CD20, so sort of expected them to put me back by a max of 4 days, but with Lucas it also didn't change hence the reason I went with my LMP date anyway.
So that was great!

And then we spent the next 2 hrs on the train to go see the new house. Had to go sign for the keys, then walked about a mile and a half to Jay's parents house, then we left Lucas with Jay's mum so we could go see the house at it was about 3 miles away, so we didn't really wanna walk all that way and we didn't have a car seat for him so he wouldn't have been able to come in the taxi. Well that taxi ripped us off! £10 for a 3 mile ride!!! (that's about $16 Canadian ones!)
When we got to the house we opened the door and the smell of dog just stank the place out! It was horrible!!! And all the walls were sooo dirty!! It was gross!!
The kitchen lino was broken in 1 place and in the little extension where the washing machine goes the floor is moldy (also lino) it was disgusting!
But luckily Jay's mum offered to go down there next week when she has some days off to air the place out and start doing some cleaning. They have a carpetcleaner aswell so they are gonna shampoo the carpets for us and hopefully get that horrible dog smell out of it!!
We couldn't believe the state that house was in!! I was like: HOW can you live like that, HOW can you make it THAT dirty???

And then we thought: let's not spend another £10 on a taxi so we thought we'd walk to the main road and take a bus from there, waited 15 minutes.... no bus! So we decided to walk back after all, after we walked for about 5 minutes a bus came past!!! :dohh: And then another one!! We ran for the second one but it just kept driving :growlmad:
So we walked all the way back. Sat down at Jay's parents house for a bit and then walked back a mile and a half to the station to make our 2 hour journey back home! It was about 10.30pm by the time we got back home!!

Lots to do still today and Lucas and I are going to a birthday party aswell!! So at least that will be nice! :haha:

Here's the pictures we got and the picture we put on FB to announce! :) Any guesses on the gender (with the nub-theory)???


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Hmm that one is hard, Ella... nub theory would indicate boy I think, but I am bad at that. I don't see three lines though, only two... but could be a bad shot lol. Soooo I am still going with girl ;) And I am sooo sorry that your day was pretty bad afterwards... that sucks about the house... here when you move out you have to clean and they charge you if you don't and hire professional cleaners anyways to do the job right. That is insane :( Hopefully you can get rid of the mould, as that is not safe for anyone, especially you and Lucas.

Talia, what's goin' on, Hunny Bee?
Oh Ella! That house sounds like a mess... I would complain and get them to clean it.... Nonetheless the mould needs to be properly taken care of! That's not healthy! Scan pics are adorable, I have no idea about the nub theory though sorry!
I'm good! Been going to a few shows at the fringe ( theatre festival) it's been lots of fun. We bought some art for the nursery! Couldn't resist ill post a pic but just so you know I'm leaning way into my bump... I am not looking 9 months along! Hahah


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