4DPO today (This is an old thread!!!!)

Yeah, well hopefully they house is gonna be a lot cleaner by the time we move in!! :)
And technically the landlord should provide new floors for the kitchen and extension considering they're broken and mouldy. Don't think we'll be able to get it out of the floor!

Oh and nub theory isn't about how many lines, it's just the little sticky outtie bit that you can see in the 2nd pic, if it's in line with the spine it's a girl and if it sticks up more (about a 30 degree angle compared to the spine/spine curve) it's supposed to be a boy. I reckon by this theory that it's a girl.... But I don't really wanna think that! haha. Don't wanna get my hopes up!

Hope you're all good???
Oh man and I tired! Such a hot day here! Went shopping at a fabric store to get some ideas for the nursery. Stopped at a few places and found a cute lil rug that matches our new painting perfectly!
Hi, hope you all don't mind and hope I don't sound stalker-ish but I've spent 5 hours reading this whole thread!
I started reading as I was researching as I'm not typically ttc (I want to but husband- of 5 months- wants to wait) but indeed think I maybe now 5-6 DPO. I was originally looking for signs/symptoms on if I could be and considdering we dtd quite a few times around O I don't know what to think..

I want to say a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who has had their BFP's I can imagine how much you all wanted it; and to those still waiting hang in there, it has to be just around the corner.

Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hey there! Wow I'm surprised at you newcomers commitment to read the whole thread lol! Well! So welcome! So first of all have you been tracking you cycles? Aka how do you figure you're 5-6 dpo? And if dh doesn't wanna try are you guys ntnp? As I'm assuming this dtd around o was unprotected? And lastly, what symptoms are you having? Fire away!
Speaking of which... Where did our new friend Carrie go?
My mum always taught me to track my cycle just incase anything happens and a doctor asks and with my record of ovarian cysts, it has helped me a lot with doctors.
My last AF started on the 10th and finished the morning of the 13th. According to a fertility & pregnancy app (I downloaded it when I had a bfp last year that ended in MC as I was on the pill at the time and it basically was a bad egg) I should have O'd somewhere between the 17th and 19th and from looking at the cm I had I O'd on the 19th maybe 20th. TMI warning.. However I did get a big blob of cm on the evening of the 20th that was quite tacky and creamy. I've never paid attention to any of the signs before so I'm not sure what to expect.
My DH and I did have unprotected sex daily from the 15th-20th.
My DH wants to wait cause he wants to buy a house first and tbh I think he's mainly scared of another mc.
Don't really have any signs except quite gassy and ill go a day where I'm non stop eating then a day of eating almost nothing..?

Sorry it's so long!!!
Hi :)

To be honest a lot of signs that can mean pregnancy can also mean AF is coming. It's very hard to know the difference. Anything that is different than 'normal' for you though is potentially a good sign though!

Can I give a little advice though.... if you can wait at all, maybe wait a little while longer (don't know how long you and hubby have been together before getting married) but it's quite nice to have a bit of time where it's just the 2 of you before having kids.
My husband said he wanted to wait at least a year before we'd start trying, which we did and I'm very happy he said that and sometimes I've wished that we would've waited just a little longer so we could've done more things together. A baby really changes EVERYTHING! It's hard to go out because you need to take care of a baby sitter and especially if you want to have a night or weekend away it's much harder as you'll have to get someone that's willing (and that you trust!) to look after your LO. You can always take them with you but it's nice to have a little break every now and then! Even if you still end up talking about them all the time they're not there :haha:
Honestly I think it's good for people to get some good quality couple-time in before having kids! But I also know how hard it can be to wait!!
It's totally upto you ofcourse but just wanted you to consider how much your life is going to change when you have a baby.

I had a lovely long lay-in this morning! woke up just before 11am :blush: And then we had a little walk downtown to come up with some ideas for paint and decoration in our new house. And when we came back home, had some lunch and then cleaned the living room upstairs (which is empty now) - Army houses require very very immaculate cleaning when you move out!! :dohh: - Luckily we'd already cleaned most of the house, just the areas we were still using had to be done, but since we moved our living room downstairs now we could clean the other room. And we also cleaned the hallway and stairs so not much left to do now! Just wish it wasn't a bank holiday this monday so we can try and get another quote for removals - someone was supposed to come round yesterday but he just didn't bother to show or even ring us and we didn't have his phonenumber. And we need another quote before we can get our removals booked!
Oh jeez thanks Ella! We're not even married yet and it's too late to back out of this pg now!! Lol Just kidding! Yes im sure life will be changing drastically for us too but to hell with it!
Well it seems like you guys bd'd right on time... Does dh know that it was? I was a little smudgy with those details to kurtis too and here we are. lemon week! Anyways as long as its what you both want everything will pan out fine, the house buying may have to wait but hey! Symptoms like Ella said could be anything but for me it was the GI stuff diarrhea/ constipation that tipped me off... And my pretty chart lol appetite was also all over the map around then... But those both can be preAF too. Got a few more days to test!

Boo for cleaning and isn't your new place an army house? Why wasn't it up to spec! I'd hate having to clean my place all perfect knowing that I was moving into somewhere that didnt pay the same courtesy! Argh I'd be mad! Sounds like you guys are excited to decorate and stuff!
No our new place isn't an army place. Hubby got out the army in October so we don't get any of those houses anymore, which is a good thing, cause we can actually pick where we want to live! When you're in the army you get given a house and get told where you're moving every 2 years. At least we get to pick to live close to Jay's parents now. Never would've picked to live where we live now!
Can't wait to move into the new place and get decorating. Kind of hoping Jay's mum makes some good progress on the cleaning before we get there, but not expecting her to do everything! We did tell her not to do too much!! But I also know what she's like especially now she knows I'm pregnant, I'll be banned from doing anything! :winkwink: (when she's around anyway)
She wrapped me in cotton wool when I was pregnant with Lucas... 'no, stop doing that, no playfighting around Ella!!' (Jay and his sister like to mess around sometimes) I wasn't even allowed to carry a garden chair!! :dohh: They weigh like 2lbs :winkwink:
Hello BabyDoll0077 :) I think the other girls covered everything pretty thoroughly. But I am wondering if you chart your cycles? (Taking your body basal temperatures?) I didn't fully understand my vycles until I started doing that, and I found out I ovulate late but have a regular length cycle, so that means my luteal phase is short, and I would have never known that before charting.

Ella! I agree with Talia, why isn't your new place in top shape if it is a military house? I would be sooo pissed off.(Posted this before refreshing lol... but I'd still be pissed) Can you paint the new place? How has everything else been? That is frustrating about the bank. Why do you need another quote?

Talia, oh my goodness you look so cute! You, me, shopping date! Asap lol. Pick a day :)
Yeah, so the new place isn't an army place :winkwink: It was probably gross like that cause the people that lived in it probably got evicted or something. I'm guessing anyway. Still not really acceptable. But we're gonna get all the walls washed and repainted. (well gonna do it ourselves, but still!) Picked some nice colours!
We need another quote for removals cause that way the charity that is giving us the money will be able to show that they're picking the cheapest one (out of 2 quotes). So hopefully once the bank holiday is done (it's basically just a day that most people have off and some shops are closed or have different opening times, so it's hard to reach companies!) So we won't be able to get it done until tuesday at the earliest. Which means we probably can't move until friday at the earliest! But Jay's mum wasn't gonna be able to go and clean the carpets until thursday anyway, so it doesn't matter too much! Just like to get it all out the way now!!

I'm not really feeling pregnant at the moment... can't wait to start feeling baby so it actually feels like I'm pregnant! Or get a bump!! I'm sure I've asked this before but have you felt baby yet Talia???
And how's your bump coming along??

How is your cycle going Caitlyn?? Anything happening yet? (donations?)
And what else have you been upto?? Saw you went out with a friend on FB!
Thank you all for your help.
Uhm. Maybe I should explain more; I'm 21 he's 23 we've been together since I was 14 and have lived together for 3.5years in our own (rented) house. We live in Brisbane, Australia. We go on our belated honeymoon (due to his work) on the 11/09/13.
My DH doesn't know Im in the 2ww and I know if I tell him he will freak out and it's not worth the drama. So I only now have you all to talk about this---Confused to the max!--- I don't chart my bbt (or take it) as I'm not sure how DH would react or what to tell him. :/

Congratulations on the house and the move Ella. I had a house like that almost 2 years ago now; we moved in and had to clean everything even though the realestate told us they had cleaners in and to make matters worse we were 700kms away from anyone we knew! (Also due to his work).
I hope it all goes smoothly for you and I hope you enjoy the new house!
Hey ladies!! Hahah thanks for thinking I look cute, I do not look anywhere that big lol but it does look like I have massive bloat that just doesn't go away anymore. Can't wait til it looks like a proper round bump! And yes i need to start shopping a bit kinda... i did see the stroller you were telling me about jn green and carseat even has the twisty knob for the shoulder straps! win!
And Ella I'm not sure if I've been feeling anything really I was convinced I did a few days ago... Ppl talk like its bubbles and it felt like bubbles popping but almost kind of when you get a grumbly stomach... So it could be that either, but it happened when I wasn't hungry or digesting or anything... I dunno hasn't happened since.. But I'm sure it'll happen soon where I won't doubt it as much!
Talia, sounds like you may have felt baby!! So soon you should feel it and know for sure :D So exciting! I'm sitting here grinnig like a fool for you lol.

Ella, that nakes sense about the house, but still sucky. I hope that you are pleased when it is aall cleaned up and painted :) And yes, I did get to go out for a girls' night :) It was lovely. Avsolutely nothing else new yet haha. Told you I'm boring.

Babydoll0077, what is your name, hun? And I leave most things out when talking to my hubby as it just flies over his head anyways hahaha. He knows I chart and he knows kinda sorta what the two week wait is... kinda. But I get that. The less stress on your dh the better.
Sorry, my name is Kristy

My friend thought she had gas bubbles from 13weeks and it turned out to be the baby. So fingers crossed you get to experience it again so that you can be sure.! It's so exciting! I love babies!! If you can't tell I'm just a little bit clucky!!

Thinking of getting a thermometer and trying to chart bbt but might have to wait till we get back from honeymoon- could look odd temping on an airplane lol!
Also, I don't usually get AF signs. When I had a bfp with my mc my only symptom was very frequent urination- like every 15 mins with half a bladder.! But didn't get that untill I was 3.5 weeks.
What did I miss??? Caitlyn said Talia looks cute??? Did you post a picture?? I haven't seen anything!!!

I haven't felt baby yet, well I thought I did a couple of times, but yesterday when it happened it felt way too strong for it to be baby! Didn't feel Lucas (and know for sure) until 16 weeks, so hopefully I'll feel this one soon!

Gonna do some more stuff around the house today! Well, in the garden. Got to take all the weeds out so it looks presentable, not that it looks too bad, just some weeds between the paving slabs and on the sides! So gotta pull them all out and then it'll look good again! Also got to plant 2 little bushes into some pots so we can bring them with us!

What are you upto girls??
Ya Ella I think it was on Sunday we posted a few mins apart but mine ended up on the previous page... I posted a pic of me and my exaggerated bump with a new art piece we bought at the festival!
Oh yes Caitlyn I saw the pic of you and your girls night! Damn hot momma! and did you shave the side of your head? Love it! I wanted to for a while but too chicken!
I hope you are all right about feeling baby! Can't wait til it's all the time! And in sure you'll feel it soon Ella!
Welcome kristy! Now we have all the names sorted! So when are you testing?
Wow! Look at that bump! (I know you said you're leaning into it! :winkwink:) lookinh good!
Awe.. Your bump is just too cute!! Looking like you have a healthy bub! I brought some hpts yesterday am trying to wait until AF is late but I'm not liking my chances. Last night (I'm a few hours infront of you all) I had a really weird sharp but not painful twinge near my pubic bone?? I've never had it before.. But I don't want to symptom spot or anything..

Hope everyone is having a good week- so far ;)
resist the poas and symptom spotting! when are you planning on testing... you have lots of willpower to wait til its late!

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