ahhhh....well 'Lexie' didnt even flinch!! she's still quite firmly tucked up in my womb
Havent been to see mum yet, but she's just moved there like last week so i dont really wanna go down at the moment.....bit far away from the hosp lol (bout 3.5 hours) so i shall go & see her after xmas time prop....she might come up before to see her granddaughter when she's born....but...her & simon dont really get on & also mum runs pubs...(now one in maidstone) & she's never got alot of time to herself.....but nevermind!!!
Anyway.....So dad, & stepmum & nan came down to see e
& awwwwww they bought my pram.....i love it it, love it, love it, love it!! its a babystyle aero black ts2!!! although....seriously.....how hard is it to put a pram up & down lol?? its soooooo confusing!!! it took me bout 20 mins to figure out how to put it down lol....& cos its a travel system, ive gotta figure out how to change it from a pushchair to a pram....and also fitting the car seat to it, aswell as to the car lol!!!
starting to feel realllllllly tired now......even more tired than normal, which tti didnt think was poss!!! i bet u all feel the same....ooohhh & cramp in my thighs aswell
x factor tonight!!!