Congrats! To be a midwife???? I may or maynot go back to my training next september... it depends on what life with baby is like and where I can get my final placement.
Yep to be a midwife! I was going to start this september but fell pregnant in july . I'm so excited, it really is my ideal job. For years i've been researching and almost going for it but then changing my mind, it's only since having Poppy that i have known its something i HAVE to do!
I hope you manage to go back to your training, sounds like you'd make a fabulous midwife xx
I've been doing the same, only to be a sonographer rather than a midwife!
been wondering about it for years, and now i've had Naomi i just know its something i have to do...
think i'll be waiting til the kids are in school tho... i am still young, still have loads of time to do the training etc, and dont wanna miss a second of my babies lives doing boring things like essays heheh