5DPO today (1st of May) and wanting some buddies. Implantation soon hopefully?!

Hi there ladies,

Not only is this my first post on this forum, but this is my first post, on a forum, EVER! Never before have I been bothered but experiencing the angst and nail biting impatience of the 2ww I believe I belong here right now with some kindred spirits :)

So here is my story... apologies if long winded and lacking the proper acronyms, I am totally new to all of this!!

So I haven't been ttc, just not preventing, myself and BF have always agreed it would be a happy accident if it ever happened.... so really I don't give much though to it at all normally. This all started last Monday (10th) I woke up with really randomly sore nipples. I didn't jump to any conclusions but out of curiosity I started mentally calculating when my last period was, when I ovulated etc and then realised that there was actually a possibility I am preggers.

So I have been able to work out that for the past 2 months I have had a 26 day cycle (before then I'm a bit unsure but deffo not more than 27 day cycles for the last few years) So last AF started on 24th May. Sexy times on day 11 and 12. Not sure when I ovulated but pretty sure I remember the EWCM on day 11... and according to some random online fertility calendar, it placed my day of ovulation on day 13 (but obviously I can't be sure). Either way I should be due AF tomorrow or at the latest Wednesday... But the wait it KILLING ME!!

I took a FRER on Friday which was approx 9DPO and then again this morning (12DPO ish!) and both negatory... I just have this inkling my body is not quite doing it's usual thing for 1 to 2 days before my period. I normally get rotten cramps the day before. In fact last month I was sick all day on the 23rd but didn't actually start til the 24th.. and in general my period pains are debilitating and I'm out of action for at least 24 hours.

So back to symptoms. If cd13 was indeed the day of O, then last Monday would have been 5DPO when I woke with really sore nipples. I have never experienced this before. I definitely get sore boobs now and again generally before AF starts but never just my nipples. This went away by Thurs (8DPO). So from Monday thru Thursday I was absolutely knackered... I had to nap in the middle of the day on all days. This is really unusual... I am unemployed for the past couple of months so I am at home most days and do get pretty fed up and bored but never while the time away by napping. Also on Tues and Weds I got weird lightening fast darting pains in my lower abdomen, like very quick, not excruciating but very noticeable shoots of pain. I haven't had any spotting and only have very mild (not very period like) cramping in the past 2 days. Also, since yesterday I have very mild, but very definite nausea... not so bad I feel like being sick but I get a sort of hollow feeling between my stomach and mouth and start to produce loads of saliva. I have read increased production in saliva can be a symptom but couldn't find anywhere that said it could be linked to mild waves of nausea...

Sorry for the mega rant! It felt really good to get it off my chest! I suppose I'm not looking for answers, I know from looking at enough forums that really until you get past the 2ww and go for a proper test, then you won't know...

Also, one more thing... I gave up smoking 2 weeks and 6 days ago... I just wonder were all those nasty chemicals responsible for something... on the other hand I'm not a big fan of big non-scientific assumptions, I'm sure it takes a lot longer to have any effects on fertility!

Any feedback to make me feel less insane is most welcome :)
Hey girls! Sorry haven't been on in ages, been super busy! I'm on CD6 today and still bleeding! It sucks but is also kinda good cos the last few cycles (since coming off the pill) Iv had only 2-3 day long periods which I thought was too light.

My partner and I have been talking about taking a trip to Europe late July/early August. If we decide to go I think I'm going to put TTC on hold until we get back as I don't want to be pregnant while holidaying! :)

So, ur only a couple of days behind me. Iv decided to cover from a 28 to 32 day cycle just in case as this cycle was longer than the rest. But like you said, my AF lasted slightly longer than usual, it lasted 4 days then it stopped for 1 day then I had a bit of brown and red for a couple of hours then it stopped. Sorry TMI but I actually feel like my body was having a clear out and sorting itself out (I only came off the pill 4 months ago).

With regards to your holiday- you never know, once you've decided about going you may find yourself getting pregnant when you least expect it!

Where is it that your from?
Em- that's a tough one but I agree go with the fluid and just bd in case. Can't hurt, right?

AFM- temp went up this am. I pretty sure I O yesterday. Only bd yesterday and day before. Idk how people can try for years, it's so stressful lol. I should start spotting in about 5 days if my cycle continues the way it has been.

I know what you mean- I don't know how people can go on for years trying- it's such a frustrating and stressful thing. I'd been off the pill for 2 years before I fell pregnant with my first and that ended in a miscarriage and then fell pregnant 2 months after. With my second it only took 3 months after coming off the pill.

I really hope you get your BFP!
Hi ladies :) how is everyone doing . I had a good day from a symptom point of view , sore boobs , weird pulling beind bellybutton . Starving all the time , mild queasiness , and exhausted :) maybe I'm pregnant ;)
Welcome babies are nice :flower: give it until Weds and then if you don't have anything then do a test :haha:

I'm most definintely pregnant.....I look it....and feel it....and today clearblue told me so at 3+ :D I'm now done testing!

I also plucked up the courage and called the DRs today, midwife app is on the 12th July and I'll be exactly 9 weeks.....not too early and not too late :) happy days!

Now I know the wait is going to drag :coffee:
Charf my early scan is on the 12th @ 10.30am ill be 8 weeks 4 days :) ( all being well ) are you constantly hungry theses days ? It's ridiculous . I had enough pasta to feed a small town about an hour ago and now im like mmmm rumbling belly .... What can I eat ! Strawberry s and a granola bar me thinks ! I also woke up at 4 am ABSOULTLY ravenous !!!
I'm gonna wait till the weekend to do another digital if I get my 3+ then I'm done testing too .... :)
Fingers crossed for you mum of two :)

Em, I'm still bleeding today. Very light but it's dragging on. I wanna get BDing already! Haha. I really hope you get your BFP this cycle. I'm from Australia but have family in London so thinking of doing a short trip if we can find some cheap flights :) therefore not too fussed about trying this cycle. I'm probably going to avoid BDing right before O but it's hard to tell when O will actually occur!
Has anyone who temps ever had a fallback show on their chart? My temp went up yesterday which would mean I ov on day 15 as usual. Today my temp dropped .4 but is still above my 'usual' temp. Is that a fallback?

I also think I have a yeast infection going on. Boo!! I almost always have something going on in my pants and I'm so sick of it. :(
I have no idea what's going on at the minute.

I came off the pill in February and had 27-29 day cycle until last cycle which was 31 days. My AF came last Monday and continued until Thursday. Then I bled again on Sunday for a couple of hours then nothing yesterday but then today it started again. Again just for a couple of hours.

Do you think this is my cycle getting back on track since coming off the pill? I can't remember this happening the last two times iv stopped taking the pill but it did take a few months to get back on track.
No idea em but hope it sorts itself out for you!I was lucky cycle 1 was 24 days and cycle 2 synced into 28 and cycle 3...well you know :haha:
pregnancy wise yeah I'm ok, sometimes nauseous tired etc

emotionally I'm rubbish, my heart is hurting and flashbacks are happening, its 6 months next week :cry:
Charm my goodness it is such a short time ago its understandable you still feel so raw. I can only imagine what an awful ordel you went through. Am I reading your ticker right ? Did William live for 8 days after he was born ?
Charm my goodness it is such a short time ago its understandable you still feel so raw. I can only imagine what an awful ordel you went through. Am I reading your ticker right ? Did William live for 8 days after he was born ?

yes he did, I'll tell you the story.

Found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks after 9 or 10 months ttc....no symptoms at all, no soreness no morning sickness there was nothing. Week 9 I had a bleed (apologies for tmi) It wasn't a period bleed it gushed out of me, naturally I cried and panicked....had a scan and little man was fine. I cried with relief, at week 12 we had our dating scan, they found a clot :( said it was harmless etc. week 14 we had another bleed and again at 15 weeks, this was more very heavy period. Kept on being scanned and the clot was there they didn;t know why I was bleeding. At week 16 I had pain and a very heavy falling out of me bleed again, rushed to hospital was kept in for observation and was scanned, he was fine, placenta was fine, the clot was there still and no reason for the bleeding....found out he was a boy.
Week 18 I had excruciating pain which I can only describe as labour and left me unable to move for 3 hours, followed by heavy bleed. Had this twice a week.
Week 20 we had our gender scan, they did a thorough search of my uterus, he was fine and developing normally, no sign of anything wrong with the placenta or umbilical cord (original clot still there) still no reason as to why I was bleeding or where it was coming from. (these episodes happened 3 times a week)
Week 22 (5th Dec) I had the pain and felt the gush, assumed it was another bleed...until I moved and it kept on coming, went and checked.....my waters had broken. Rushed to the delivery suite where we were told to prepare to lose him. :cry:
Nothing happened. He stayed put. I was put on the maternity ward, where the bleeding episodes happened daily, flooding everything I was wearing. No reason for it and no idea where it was coming from.
at 23+4 they were going to give me steroids to help his lungs and transfer me to a hospital where he would get the care immediately he needed if he was to arrive early, consultant changed his mind as he wasnt sure when I was going to deliver.
23+6 I went for a nap and woke up with pains in my back. I panicked and went back to the hospital (arrived 3pm) (I was allowed home on the idea that I went back daily for my checks) They did an internal and saw prolapsed cord and they needed to get him out and get him out fast. I could of had him naturally but the risk of pushing him out against the cord would of killed him. I opted for an emergency caesarean, by 4pm my contractions were a minute apart and I was being prepped for surgery, he was born at 17:12 on the 19th Dec 2012 perfectly healthy but just too premature, he defied all drs predictions from the start until the 27th dec where he just didn't have any fight in him anymore.
At 9:30pm we removed his tubes and he passed away in my arms.
Charm , I'm so so sorry xxxxxx you must be a very very strong and brave lady xxxxxxx
Charm , I'm so so sorry xxxxxx you must be a very very strong and brave lady xxxxxxx

:hugs: I am here because I was blessed with two children, a wonderful husband and the best family and friends a person could ask for :flower:
Welcome babies are nice :flower: give it until Weds and then if you don't have anything then do a test :haha:

Hey thanks Charmfan, appreciate the response. I really have been going out of my mind, so much respect to all you ladies who have really been trying and all the ups and downs you must go through... I feel like a bit of a wimp being this neurotic!!

No sign of AF yet. I was pretty sure it would be due yest if 26 day cycle, today if 27. I feel my boobs getting very slightly tender and feel very emotional, but otherwise none of the typical PMS cramps.

Thing is, and I know I'm not imagining it.. I feel like my stomach is upset all the time for the past few days, not like sick sick but just fluttery and upset. Did anyone else experience this? I think I am going to break google if I search it one more time for preg symptoms!

Don't know if I should bother with another test today if neg on Mon just gone... I don't want to deal with the disappointment, seriously so crazy how much I want this when I wasn't even ttc!

Wishing all you ladies the absolute best of luck xxx
Charmfan, I just read your story after I posted, I cannot imagine how heartbreaking that was for you, you really are so brave, from reading your posts you are so upbeat and optimistic, fair play for keeping your spirits and attitude so high, I'm sure it will pay off for you :) xxx
Had a bit of a scare ok a big scare last night , had some spotting on wiping , only the once but enough to scare the living day lights out of me !!!! Now I'm even more worried and anxious than ever !!!!

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