***(61) 2015 November Sparklers***

I just had my appointment! I am 2 cm dilated and 80% effaced! I went into labor with my son at 2 cm and 75% effaced so It should be anytime!! There is a facebook group? Can I be added?
So jealous am I the only one who doesn't get a sweep until I am a week late :( boo that sucks!

I really don't understand their reluctance to do sweeps over there! Wish you didn't have to wait on it, Twag :hugs:
Awww aley I got a feeling baby will be here very soon xx

I'm really thinking she'll be here this weekend... My elder son predicted Friday. :haha: Either way, Monday is as far as I have to wait, so that's a comfort. I'm SO OVER THIS. :haha:

Its cold enough to start freezing out at nights, and I'm STILL overheating. I was driving home from preschool drop-off this morning with my windows down... most people are wearing heavy coats. :haha::wacko:
I'm too hot all the time too! I had a pedicure this morning and spent the rest of the day in a skirt and flip flops! :rofl: I did the school run with my Aunty and everyone else had their coats on!
I would of had to wait until 41 weeks if I wasn't already having a consultant appt. I seriously think I'm going overdue. I've got my sons cold and it's worn me out. It basically ate my last bit of energy.
37 week appt yesterday and I was 1 1/2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. All is well with baby and her predicted weight is over 5 pounds. So it looks like baby will be induced on the 3rd of next month.
Yayy to think in 5 weeks or less we'll all be holding our bundles 💕💞💜💓👣
Amcolecchi that is a lot of progression for 36 weeks woohoo! hopefully that means a nice easy labor for you! Are you ready for baby to come soon? I know you have a little boy too.

Aley your still here with us! :haha: I thought u might of had that baby by now!

My midwife won't do sweep till 39 weeks either but I think I'll hold out till 40 weeks if I don't go before then anyways.

AFM: I feel very off today! I too am hot all the time even when everyone in the office is cold. I got very nauseous, hot, and felt like my head was in a fog. I left work and went home and laid down for a hour. I could of slept in bed all day but I had to get back to work. I just feel like my body is wanting me to rest. OH and my hips were REALLY achy. :wacko:
Smile - that is me EXACTLY. Skirts and sandals still, while I make my kids wear pants and long sleeves and jackets. Even my husband is in jeans these days, and he tries to wear shorts for as much of the year as possible. Here I am, just wishing it was appropriate to go naked in public. I thought that autumn would bring some relief, but while the weather feels nice, everybody is turning on the heat and so I go into a building and just want to cry :rofl: UGH.

Mimzy, still here!! Unfortunately :haha: I'm still rather crampy today, though only when I'm up and around... my hips are sore, and I'm contracting still just nothing regular. They are real contractions - I Googled the difference between BHs and labor contractions, because I honestly cannot remember from last time! Mine are starting at the top and moving down, and they feel like they are pushing her downward... they just aren't coming regularly so Im not in active labor. So lame :haha: My son thinks it'll happen Friday, and I dunno... I'm sort of inclined to trust his opinion. :rofl:
Aley I also think Friday 👍

I feel like I am going to be the last one to have my baby :(
Right now I feel like I am going to have the gestation of an elephant :(
I feel like I'll deliver close to 37 weeks baby is engaged already and I'm a finger tip dilated but that's normal as I have kids already.
Hi ladies. I know I've been terrible at replying but have been following you all and thinking of you through your worries! I am now in the final countdown- c section under a general booked for next Thursday 29th. I am soooo ready! Feeling very uncomfortable, kind of hoping I pop sooner ( although will have to rush to hosp for a c sec) good luck to everyone!
Ok so my midwife is quite dismissive of this but it seems to be getting worse. Is anyone else struggling to do anything without pain and/or vomiting. I have quite severe pubic pain now and if I even vaguely try to exert myself, like say half an hour of housework then I'm sick. My bp and urine are fine but my body is a mess. I have a cold too but surely it shouldn't be that bad. I've also developed bad indigestion and am burping every 5 minutes. I just feel like a mess but the braxton hicks have now dried up.
Haha Aley! I'm exactly the same, my DH is getting so frustrated with me cause he's getting cold and I'm sat ther sweating! He puts the heating on and I have to sit next to the window :rofl:

Sorry to hear you're in so much pain Mrs Bump :(
Hang in there MrsBump. He'll soon be in your arms & you'll forget about all of this :hugs: xx
:hugs: Mrs bump sounds awful maybe try ante natal ward or your Dr
Mrs Bump....that sounds awful. I would definitely push them to find out why you're being sick? Surely that's not common....? Just rest as much as you can, as it sounds like your body is completely finished.
MrsBump, is the pain making you vomit, or are you just being sick? Its common for morning sickness to make a new appearance at the end of pregnancy unfortunately :(

I've also had a cold and am shocked that just the slightest amount of coughing can make me throw up. Our outside garbage can made me dry heave the other day when I had to go toss a sack of trash into it. :sick: Super sensitive stomach, I guess. :sick:

:hugs: MrsBump

Woke up still pregnant this morning. Super disappointed. I have no patience :blush:
Mrs_bump I agree with Aley MS can definitely come back full force towards the end. The good news is they say when you feel like crap you're getting close:thumbup:

As you all know I had an off day yesterday. This morning before I got out of bed I kept having BH and I felt them in my back but they weren't all that painful. I had a few back to back than started thinking maybe this is it. But I got up and went to the bathroom and they went away :shrug: I now have some lower back pain kind of like the feeling you get before AF shows. I can't believe next week is the last week of October:shock:!!!

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