***(61) 2015 November Sparklers***

So sorry littlesteph! You have had a very rough pregnancy!
thank you, its not been easy that's for sure its also not been the worse one here.
Steph sorry you had to go into the hospital again! Glad the bleeding stopped and contractions slowed down though, hope you can make it to term ok.

And yep, totally peed myself a few times so far, it happens! lol

Feeling fine here but I just found out I'm positive for Group B Strep. So bummed! I really really want to avoid taking antibiotics for a lot of reasons, they are so harsh on a fragile little baby and I worry about future side effects from them, they will mess my body all up after I just got my gut healed from the IBS symptoms I had last year, and I really want the baby to have a nice healthy gut flora to start out with for optimal health. So my doctors are recommending a natural approach to try and kill it off and then we'll retest. Hopefully it works!! It will involve lots of probiotics, Goldenseal suppositories, and I am going to add in drinking lots of kefir and some Apple Cider Vinegar with water every day and cut down on sugar (no more nightly ice cream waa!). Fingers crossed! I feel bad though, hubby didn't know anything about GBS and I told him about it in a text bc he's on a long drive in the tour van now, and I think he kinda freaked out lol. Took me a while to calm him down oops!
Went to the doctor today they said i am 3to4 cm dilated. Are any of you ladies dilated yet?
I hope you have a relaxing last couple of weeks with no more scares/concerns, Steph!! You deserve a chance to relax a little bit, I think! :hugs: And you're so close to full term!

Lomelindi, I think its awesome they will let you try other methods to tackle the strep B before going straight to the antibiotics. :thumbup: I had the antibiotics for it with Parker - and not only do they really suck to get, as penicillin hurts when it enters your bloodstream - but I didn't learn until like 2 years later that it could have caused problems for him and/or me. I was so happy to be negative for it this time around... I can just avoid the entire situation :roll:

sweetgirl, at my 38 week appointment on Tuesday I was dilated to a 3! :thumbup: Which is a good start on the process I think, though I would have been happier to hear I was at a 4 :rofl:

Contractions all day today. Just not regular. Some of them were edging into the 'rather uncomfortable' stage and I thought about timing them, but I didn't want to stress myself over it just to have it fizzle out again. So I did laundry and just tried to stay up and moving around. They've not stopped completely, but they are further apart again, now that I'm sitting down. :shrug:

Also, I swear that my bump shrank. Maybe it was just the angle in the mirror, I dunno?? But it looks smaller to me. I'm not leaking waters (and they certainly haven't gone in a gush!) ... so I can only figure that if I've gotten smaller, it means that she's engaged? Or that she was engaged and has come back out again... I don't feel like her head is between my knees or anything. There was a LOT of pressure on my cervix earlier though, and it lasted for a long time. Super uncomfy! :wacko:

I feel like I've been kicked in the va-jay-jay, from the outside. Super tender feeling down there. :wacko: Sigh. I just want this baby out so I can quit feeling like a whale. Then I can start lactating and I'll only feel like a cow. :rofl:
Looks like I get to go home. Bloods were all 100% normal. I was given the lowest possible dose of bp meds and it shot back down to normal an hour later and had dropped even more this morning. So no one knows why my bp and pulse were so high. It may just be a combination of stress, illness and pregnancy but its not preeclampsia so that's the main thing. They want one more reading then hopefully I can go home and get bouncing on my ball.
lilsteph glad you and baby are doing okay! I'm sure having that bleed was scary! :hugs:

Lome I know you must be upset that you tested positive, I know you wanted an all natural birth. Were you planning a water birth? My midwives said that if I had tested positive I wouldn't be able to birth in the tub. That is great they are going to help you naturally cure it before birth. I hope it works for you! :thumbup:

Sweetgirl is this your first? That is great that you are already 3-4cm dilated. They say active labor starts at 4cm. Should make labor go faster when it does start. I haven't been checked since around 35 weeks when she checked for strep b and she said I was a finger tip dilated. I might ask her to check me when I go in on Tues because I"m curious. I know with my first I never got past 1cm before labor started and it took 14 hours of intense contractions once it did start to even get to 4cm.:wacko:

Aley when are you getting induced again? Is it Monday? If so are you ready?! :happydance:

I'm starting to think this baby might actually be a Nov baby. All along I was so sure he would come the end of October. And so worried about him cooking long enough and watch he'll be later or not want to come LOL.
lomelindi17 hopefully the natural approach works for you.

aley28 that did make e chuckle going from a whale to a cow. hubby thought it would be funny to pretend to milk me while I was on all fours because my back was in agony didn't know whether to laugh or slap him lol

Mrsbump glad your blood pressure is coming down, hopefully they didn't leave you too long before letting you go home.

Had about 6 or 7 contractions over the course of the day. think its something I am going have to keep an eye on. defiantly feel him moving lower down, could feel his elbow in my hip while I was trying to wrap up some Christmas presents. didn't actually realise how much we had actually spent on the boys. its not much compared to what most spend but where they are young most their stuff doesn't cost much anyway.
thought i'd do through my hospital bag this evening double check I have everything to realise I hadn't packed a towel and it doesn't even fit in my bag, was hoping to avoid taken 2 so just going to stick it in a carrier bag and stick my notes in with it at least then i'll have a bag to put my dirty washing in as well.
have my scan on Monday which I am a bit worried about as my last scan showed my water levels had dropped so had a the blood flow through the cord and he had gained a pound in 3 weeks. I though it was meant to be a pound in 2 weeks.
I'm glad its not pre-e, MrsBump - hopefully just explainable by stress :)

AFM; I feel really sick today. And completely not hungry. I just had a stick of cheese about half hour ago because I realized I hadn't eaten anything since a bowl of cereal 8 hours before that. :wacko: Also keep having to run to the bathroom for #2s. But then that goes away and I just feel nauseous. :sick: Bleehhhh
Littlesteph, if he's slow gaining, will they move the c-sec up even further?? :wacko: I'd be stressed too. I hope your next scan shows better news!

My husband keeps making jokes about milking me. :haha: Sooo funny. :roll: I think he's sort of fascinated that my boobs can be both amazing to look at (LOL) AND serve an actual purpose lol
lol Aley the cow thing is hilarious haha. I think you are getting the pre-labor clear out, hope something starts up before you get induced!! I would drink some juice or something to keep your blood sugar up though!

Steph hope your next scan goes perfectly!! Positive thoughts ;-)

Mimzy that's weird they said that about not being able to do a water birth when GBS+, the research I read said that having a water birth actually decreases the chances the baby will get a Strep B infection, and I've seen photos of women even in hospitals hooked up to iv antibiotics for GBS laboring in the water. I will have to ask my midwives what their policy is on that, hadn't thought that would be an issue. Even if the natural treatments don't work I think I'll probably just get an antibiotic shot during labor so it will still be a natural birth, and we'll just have to try and get as many probiotics as possible to me and the baby to offset the damage. But really hoping it works!!!!! :)

Hubby is coming home on Monday for good, can't wait! Luckily this month has flown by even though he's been gone for most of it, can't believe it's already the 24th!!
Hope you ladies are doing well!

Good luck to those that are due right about now, I look forward to hearing birth stories and seeing pictures!

Those that are interested in the FACEBOOK page I believe I have instructions how to get on it on the front page here (I don't run it, but I'm a member)
Most of the ladies who switched over to the FB page stopped coming on here, so it's kind of like two different groups now lol. I think Jo doesn't come on here anymore either.
Some of us still try to keep up with both groups, but I think Jo does not.

Aley, you are cracking me up with the boobs. Since this is our first, I think everything is a little unsettling to my husband. When I told him a couple weeks ago that my boobs were already leaking colostrum, I think it terrified him to look at them. Lol

I go back to the dr tomorrow to decide whether we induce this week or next. Sent my husband to Target last night with a long list of stuff we had to have before baby gets here. I would normally not trust him with such an important task, but bedrest means no target. I sent him the list, plus pictures of what I was talking about, plus he called at least 5 times. All in all, he did great and I could see he was happy to get what we needed to be prepared for baby. Will re-pack my bags today and double check that I really do have everything ready to go!
TexMel, your hubby is awesome! Mine would have told me to wait until later or order it off Amazon :rofl:

I think lactating boobies throw a lot of guys off :winkwink: Even though this is my third time, my husband is acting like its some weird phenomenon and when I started producing colostrum sometime in the 20-weeks, he was concerned that it was "too early" :haha:

Lindi, I think my body is clearing out for labor too. Even though I'm being induced tomorrow, I don't think I'd have made it much past that anyway. I've been in pre-labor for weeks, but especially in the last several days with all the contractions and now the #2s and the upset stomach and everything. :shrug: I'm SO excited for tomorrow though :haha:

AFM; Less than 24 hours to induction, and I'm truly just excited! A little bit nervous, but really not much nervousness at all! Not sure how I'm going to spend this last day of pregnancy. Probably on the toilet :roll: :rofl:
TexMel, your hubby is awesome! Mine would have told me to wait until later or order it off Amazon :rofl:

I think lactating boobies throw a lot of guys off :winkwink: Even though this is my third time, my husband is acting like its some weird phenomenon and when I started producing colostrum sometime in the 20-weeks, he was concerned that it was "too early" :haha:

Lindi, I think my body is clearing out for labor too. Even though I'm being induced tomorrow, I don't think I'd have made it much past that anyway. I've been in pre-labor for weeks, but especially in the last several days with all the contractions and now the #2s and the upset stomach and everything. :shrug: I'm SO excited for tomorrow though :haha:

AFM; Less than 24 hours to induction, and I'm truly just excited! A little bit nervous, but really not much nervousness at all! Not sure how I'm going to spend this last day of pregnancy. Probably on the toilet :roll: :rofl:

oooh good luck for your induction :happydance::happydance:

OOOH strepB I am positive for that and one of my babies needed antibotics after delivery when it first showed it self, they acted quick so he was ok thankfully, but I have had the antibiotics during labour, I always preferred that to baby needing them afterwards, never knew there was any complications from them for baby! I don't think I will escape it this time either but my two boys are fine and were fine after they were born :flower:

I have my appointment this week, feel a wee bit nervous about it as fluid levels are a huge issue and big baby as well so we shall see what they say I just hope he is head down now at least!!

anyone else very uncomfortable now! I am out of breath or have sore hips and pressure from baby and loads of BH

Oh I come on here and the facebook page :thumbup::flower:
Good luck tomorrow Aley!! Hope it goes super smoothly and quick and you have a perfect birth! :)

Texmel what a good hubby!! I bought everything on Amazon pretty much, saved me having to drive 2 hours to go shopping all the time. :thumbup:

Niamh good to hear your boys were fine with the antibiotics, I am nervous about it but it's better than risking a GBS infection I guess. They are just now starting to discover all the health effects of the gut flora, and studies have found that antibiotics in newborns increase risks of thrush, other non GBS blood infections, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, asthma, obesity, allergies, and IBS later in life, and may impede the immune system. There's also a slight risk of a bad reaction to the penicillin. So it's a lot to think about lol!
Littlesteph, if he's slow gaining, will they move the c-sec up even further?? :wacko: I'd be stressed too. I hope your next scan shows better news!

My husband keeps making jokes about milking me. :haha: Sooo funny. :roll: I think he's sort of fascinated that my boobs can be both amazing to look at (LOL) AND serve an actual purpose lol

i'm not sure, hopefully find out tomorrow.

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