TexMel, your hubby is awesome! Mine would have told me to wait until later or order it off Amazon
I think lactating boobies throw a lot of guys off
Even though this is my third time, my husband is acting like its some weird phenomenon and when I started producing colostrum sometime in the 20-weeks, he was concerned that it was "too early"
Lindi, I think my body is clearing out for labor too. Even though I'm being induced tomorrow, I don't think I'd have made it much past that anyway. I've been in pre-labor for weeks, but especially in the last several days with all the contractions and now the #2s and the upset stomach and everything.
I'm SO excited for tomorrow though
AFM; Less than 24 hours to induction, and I'm truly just excited! A little bit nervous, but really not much nervousness at all! Not sure how I'm going to spend this last day of pregnancy. Probably on the toilet