***(61) 2015 November Sparklers***

Good luck tomorrow Aley!! Hope it goes super smoothly and quick and you have a perfect birth! :)

Texmel what a good hubby!! I bought everything on Amazon pretty much, saved me having to drive 2 hours to go shopping all the time. :thumbup:

Niamh good to hear your boys were fine with the antibiotics, I am nervous about it but it's better than risking a GBS infection I guess. They are just now starting to discover all the health effects of the gut flora, and studies have found that antibiotics in newborns increase risks of thrush, other non GBS blood infections, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, asthma, obesity, allergies, and IBS later in life, and may impede the immune system. There's also a slight risk of a bad reaction to the penicillin. So it's a lot to think about lol!

I would guess that would be more so if they do have to get the IV antibiotics them self's as I am hoping that little passes over to baby in the womb, my two are 4 years old and 2 years but I did breastfeed them till 18 months to 2 years neither have asthma or allergies! not saying that it does not happen though! The gut flora once you breastfeed exclusively will correct it self and repair, breastfeeding will help the immune system well So I hope anyway!

it is a hard one though isn't it!!! :dohh:
Will they keep retesting you up until you delivery then, Lome, or how are they managing that to see if the natural approach works?

11 hours to go, and I'm merely getting more and more excited! :rofl:

My 6 year old came to me and confessed that he's sad I'm going to be in the hospital and that he's going to miss me, then he started crying and became incredibly worried about who is going to read a story to him before bed tomorrow night, since I ALWAYS do! I gave him and hug and we went to go draw pictures together, but oy, what a way to make me feel guilty :haha:
Goodluck Aley!!! Hope everything goes smoothly and looking forward to seeing pics of her!

I turned 36 weeks yesterday. So about 4 weeks to go! I'd love for her to come right on my due date, it's a Saturday so my family will be home and my dad comes home from work that weekend and will be home for the whole week after (week of thanksgiving) also my DH had that wed-Fri off, we saved 5 vacation days of his to be off, so he would only have to use 2 that week and use the other 3 the week after and get to be home with me the baby and DD1 even longer :flower:
Good luck tomorrow Aley!! Are they starting the pitocin tomorrow, or admitting you overnight to start labor on Tuesday?
Aley that is so sweet about your son, sounds like a cutie! I'm so excited for you, don't forget to tell us how it goes and post pics of your new baby girl once you are recovered! <3

Yeah she said they would retest me after a week of doing the new probiotics & Goldenseal suppositories and see if it worked. Then if it does I just keep it up until I go into labor, but if it still comes up positive I'm going to ask if I can try it for one more week and retest again. Really glad we tested early at 35 weeks so I hopefully have enough time to get rid of it. From what I've read the certain probiotic strains that they are putting me on have been pretty effective at beating the GBS, and maybe cutting down on the sugar and adding in the Apple cider vinegar will help my body pH adjust to where it's more favorable for the probiotics. Fingers crossed anyways! :wacko:
Not long left now Aley! Bless your little boy, they know just how to get at the heart strings don't they! X
I know what you mean aley ever since I got out of hospital if ds can't see me he goes looking for me and gets upset. He also keeps asking if we have to go to hospital. It will be worth it though as you'll get to meet your baby. :)
I know I'm still so early (35w) but I can't help waking up lately wondering if today is the day lol. I'm sooo anxious to meet my baby girl and to end all the aches and pains &#128522;
I was up and ready to go at 4am this morning :haha: but the hospital called and said their delivery rooms are full and that I couldn't come in before 7:30 (2 hour delay from my original scheduled time). This is fine actually, as it meant more sleep! :haha: But I called at 7 (half hour ago) and she said they are still full and that they'll call me when they have space. No timeframe, as labor is so individual to each woman -- which I'm taking to mean nobody is at a 9 and getting ready to push :rofl:

I think we'll still get to go in today but my guess is it'll be early afternoon.

TexMel, they'll start me on the pitocin soon after I get in there! I don't need antibiotics this time, so I'll just get started straight on the pitocin. Hoping for a fast labor, I still want her out by late afternoon. I do NOT want to be stuck in the hospital until Wednesday because of the 24 hour observation rule for newborns!
Aley good luck today! Hope things are going smoothly:hugs:

Tomorrow is a full moon I wonder if some of us will have our babies :haha: They say a lot of women go into labor on full moon's and my son was born on a full moon. I have a midwife appointment tomorrow and I think I'm going to ask her to check me. I'm curious to know if I'm dilated or not. I would be thrilled to know my body has made some progress. I also have colostrum. I thought maybe I had leaked some after a warm shower so I checked by squeezing and some came out :shock: lol but I'm glad its there.

I finally did my last step in prepping for baby. I sterilized all my pump parts and bottles. :thumbup: Going to need more clothes for baby but I want to see how big he is going to be first. I don't want to buy a lot of newborn clothes if he won't even fit them long.
Aley- Are you having a scheduled c-section or just being induced? I can't believe there isn't enough beds for you! You have to be getting anxious!! Good luck to you and the baby, can't wait to see pics!!

Mimzy- Haha yes my husband and I said the same thing!! I do know they staff the hospitals more on full moons too, isn't that hilarious?! My next appt isn't till Wednesday though! SO lots of walking tonight haha!
Really hoping baby decides to come tomorrow :)
I keep telling DH that baby will be coming on the full moon :haha: I don't think she will though *sigh*!
Internet at the hospital sucks lol!

Started on the pitocin around 10am. Contractions are every couple of minutes now. Not too painful if I keep moving. I'm standing and mini-squatting/swaying haha. I was at a 4 when they checked me, hoping for another check in a while! Going very well so far :) bit boring even lol
I heard the pitocin can hurt but it sounds like you are doing well!! Walking helped me dilate fast with my son, so hopefully the same goes for you!! GOOD LUCK!!! :)

Internet at the hospital sucks lol!

Started on the pitocin around 10am. Contractions are every couple of minutes now. Not too painful if I keep moving. I'm standing and mini-squatting/swaying haha. I was at a 4 when they checked me, hoping for another check in a while! Going very well so far :) bit boring even lol
Exciting, Aley!! I wish you a smooth and a quick delivery! Can't wait to see pics!

Mimzy - I sterilized my bottles and pump parts last night, too. It was my last step of getting everything ready before I go to the hospital. Do you take your pump to the hospital with you?

AFM, sitting at my dr's office waiting for another ultrasound. My dr seems totally ok with us waiting another week, depending on this scan. The drop in protein last Friday and stable (very good) BP readings have helped. Her main concern is that she is going to be out of town Thurs-Wednesday. I assured her I will keep checking BP at home, plus she's having me do yet another 24 hr urine collection and BP check on Thursday. Then, I'll see one of her partners on Monday. I am feeling very good with things right now, though! I want this baby to cook a little longer!
TexMel no I won't bring my pump with me to the hospital, as I'm determined to get this little guy to latch:rofl:! But I just want to make sure its ready to go because I will pump if I get to uncomfortably engorged within the first week.

That is great they are letting baby cook a little longer! I too would like to make it to 39 weeks. My due date with my midwives is Nov.5th but I was using FF and charting when we were TCC and my due date with FF is Nov. 11th so I'm thinking my FF one might actually be more accurate. In the beginning it wasn't a big deal but now in these last few weeks a week really seems like a big deal :dohh:
UPDATE: When we went back everything was great. He was moving exactly like they needed right away! We get to wait at least another week!! Thank God! Sorry for so many posts today! Below is my rant from the waiting period, in case you still want to read about it...

Ugh, so I am somewhat back in limbo!

My doctor was happy with everything last week and is totally good with waiting, as long as everything on the scan looks ok. What I didn't realize is it is not just a regular scan, but something called a BPP (biophysical profile) and so baby has to pass several parts in order for them to pass him. Fluid looks great, we watched him practicing his breathing, his heart looks good, but we watched him for 30 whole minutes and he did not show enough movement to pass the test. He is most likely just taking a nap, but it's very frustrating. We are currently at McDonald's, eating a shake to wake him up, as my dr recommended, and have to go back to repeat the BPP in an hour.

The best part is that he has been kicking me since we were checking out about 30'min ago.

We put the poor ultrasound girl way behind on her schedule and now are probably going to make her stay late... Oops.

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