6dpo lot's of creamy cm in underwear...is this a good sign?

mpenzi77 - I think you must be pregnant! I'm so excited for you!! You are also so good to wait it out, I'd be way too inpatient and would have been permanently testing since AF was due!

Kitten - It weird that you got the BFN however it culd even be the type of test you used. I read a load of reviews about the cheap internet tests that say they are very sensitive but loads of people didn't get their BFP until a week after their AF is due. I really hope you get your answer today :hugs:

CD 5 for me, 3rd day of soy. FX its doing some positive work!!

Hann12 Awwww thank youuuu! :hugs:

I hope so!!!! I want to test but I hate seeing a :bfn: so much, its easier for me to just wait it out as long as possible. I told myself I'd test tomorrow but I might even wait another day. I just want to be sure if I test I'll see a second line! My birthday is Thursday so if it does come positive that will be a great birthday present! On the other hand if AF shows that will be one messed up birthday this year. :cry:

GL with the soy!!! Keeping FX for you for this cycle. :thumbup:

mpenzi77 - I think you must be pregnant! I'm so excited for you!! You are also so good to wait it out, I'd be way too inpatient and would have been permanently testing since AF was due!

Kitten - It weird that you got the BFN however it culd even be the type of test you used. I read a load of reviews about the cheap internet tests that say they are very sensitive but loads of people didn't get their BFP until a week after their AF is due. I really hope you get your answer today :hugs:

CD 5 for me, 3rd day of soy. FX its doing some positive work!!

i tried to call them today and could only leave a message....so will be calling again tomorrow hoping i finally get the results! its been a week!
mpenzi77 - I think you must be pregnant! I'm so excited for you!! You are also so good to wait it out, I'd be way too inpatient and would have been permanently testing since AF was due!

Kitten - It weird that you got the BFN however it culd even be the type of test you used. I read a load of reviews about the cheap internet tests that say they are very sensitive but loads of people didn't get their BFP until a week after their AF is due. I really hope you get your answer today :hugs:

CD 5 for me, 3rd day of soy. FX its doing some positive work!!

i tried to call them today and could only leave a message....so will be calling again tomorrow hoping i finally get the results! its been a week!

I can't believe you still haven't got the results - I'll be sending lucky thoughts your way tomorrow :hugs:
A girl in another thread I'm on just got her BFP with no symptoms at all - hoping its a sign that we all start getting ours!
mpenzi77 - I think you must be pregnant! I'm so excited for you!! You are also so good to wait it out, I'd be way too inpatient and would have been permanently testing since AF was due!

Kitten - It weird that you got the BFN however it culd even be the type of test you used. I read a load of reviews about the cheap internet tests that say they are very sensitive but loads of people didn't get their BFP until a week after their AF is due. I really hope you get your answer today :hugs:

CD 5 for me, 3rd day of soy. FX its doing some positive work!!

i tried to call them today and could only leave a message....so will be calling again tomorrow hoping i finally get the results! its been a week!

Oh Kitten I can't believe they have left you waiting so long..they said 5 days!! You must be going crazy. I still think you have a good chance of bfp. I know you said you had a bfn a few days ago but you still haven't had af which is odd. Maybe the first test was really sensitive and the bfn one wasn't.

Has your af disappeared like this ever before?

Sending lots of baby dust to you xx
mpenzi77 - I think you must be pregnant! I'm so excited for you!! You are also so good to wait it out, I'd be way too inpatient and would have been permanently testing since AF was due!

Kitten - It weird that you got the BFN however it culd even be the type of test you used. I read a load of reviews about the cheap internet tests that say they are very sensitive but loads of people didn't get their BFP until a week after their AF is due. I really hope you get your answer today :hugs:

CD 5 for me, 3rd day of soy. FX its doing some positive work!!

Hann12 Awwww thank youuuu! :hugs:

I hope so!!!! I want to test but I hate seeing a :bfn: so much, its easier for me to just wait it out as long as possible. I told myself I'd test tomorrow but I might even wait another day. I just want to be sure if I test I'll see a second line! My birthday is Thursday so if it does come positive that will be a great birthday present! On the other hand if AF shows that will be one messed up birthday this year. :cry:

GL with the soy!!! Keeping FX for you for this cycle. :thumbup:


Mpenzi still got all my fingers and toes crossed for you!! It's looking so positive do you have anymore symptoms? I hope you get a bfp for your Birthday :cloud9: xx
Hows everyone today? Any BFP's?

I'm starting to BD tonight, CD 7, I know it's too early but still makes me feel more proactive!! 50 opks arrived in the post for me today too lol! Hope I don't need them all!
AF got me this morning. :cry:

Sooooo strange because I'm pretty sure when I ovulated and that was about 17 or 18 days ago. My body is just confusing me and tricking me, with the leaky nipples, I was sure that was a sign I was pregnant. That's just mean. :growlmad: Maybe I could be having a chemical? Otherwise now that I'm not pregnant maybe I should be seeing a doctor for that. :dohh:

Hey Hann12 best of luck. I hope the soy works out for you. :thumbup:

Kitten hope you get your answer soon. :hugs:

Gemlou hope you are feeling well! :cloud9:
AF got me this morning. :cry:

Sooooo strange because I'm pretty sure when I ovulated and that was about 17 or 18 days ago. My body is just confusing me and tricking me, with the leaky nipples, I was sure that was a sign I was pregnant. That's just mean. :growlmad: Maybe I could be having a chemical? Otherwise now that I'm not pregnant maybe I should be seeing a doctor for that. :dohh:

Hey Hann12 best of luck. I hope the soy works out for you. :thumbup:

Kitten hope you get your answer soon. :hugs:

Gemlou hope you are feeling well! :cloud9:

I am so sorry, I was sure you would have a BFP! One of the girls on another thread just got hers with no symptoms at all, I think expect the unexpected! It might be worth seeing a dr if you feel weird, how many months have you been trying? :hugs:

Cd 7 for me and last day of taking soy.....
AF got me this morning. :cry:

Sooooo strange because I'm pretty sure when I ovulated and that was about 17 or 18 days ago. My body is just confusing me and tricking me, with the leaky nipples, I was sure that was a sign I was pregnant. That's just mean. :growlmad: Maybe I could be having a chemical? Otherwise now that I'm not pregnant maybe I should be seeing a doctor for that. :dohh:

Hey Hann12 best of luck. I hope the soy works out for you. :thumbup:

Kitten hope you get your answer soon. :hugs:

Gemlou hope you are feeling well! :cloud9:

I am so sorry, I was sure you would have a BFP! One of the girls on another thread just got hers with no symptoms at all, I think expect the unexpected! It might be worth seeing a dr if you feel weird, how many months have you been trying? :hugs:

Cd 7 for me and last day of taking soy.....

Thanks Hann! Yeah, its just weird because I definitely felt nauseous. I really don't think it was my imagination. I've been pregnant before and remember the feeling very well, distinctly pregnancy nausea. And the leaky nipples were definitely not in my head.

I've been trying about a year, but really more like NTNP because I don't chart or use OPK or anything, but we BD pretty often. :shrug: Oh how annoying I really don't know what's going on with my body. :shrug:

GL to you with the soy!!! :thumbup: Is it your first month using it?

AF got me this morning. :cry:

Sooooo strange because I'm pretty sure when I ovulated and that was about 17 or 18 days ago. My body is just confusing me and tricking me, with the leaky nipples, I was sure that was a sign I was pregnant. That's just mean. :growlmad: Maybe I could be having a chemical? Otherwise now that I'm not pregnant maybe I should be seeing a doctor for that. :dohh:

Hey Hann12 best of luck. I hope the soy works out for you. :thumbup:

Kitten hope you get your answer soon. :hugs:

Gemlou hope you are feeling well! :cloud9:

Oh Mpenzi I'm so sorry the witch got you :cry: How frustrating what with all the symptoms and everything. I would talk to you doctor about it.

I'm Ok thanks just got back from my 1st midwife app. Had bloods taken and went through medical history. Gave a urine sample and got my scan booked for 2nd Aug.

I hope you are ok I know how frustrating and upsetting it is when you have been trying so long. Talk to your doctor that way you will either get some answers or at least have your mind put at ease a little. xx :hugs:
Mpenzi - yes first month of taking soy, really hope it helps not hinders! I'd second speaking to your dr - may it was a chemical pregnancy? Have you tested? I know it sounds weird but some people get AF or what looks like that during pregnancy.

Gem - exciting about the scan - let us know how you get on!
Well today is my 35th birthday and istead of getting a :bfp:, :witch: showed up. :growlmad: Thank you life! :thumbup: I think today I will do some drinking and have a pity party. :wine: lol

Thank you Gemlou, and good luck with your scan! Must be so exciting! :cloud9:

Thanks Hann I do sort of wonder if it was a chemical as I felt sooo pregnant and my LP jumped up to 18 days. So strange. Its definitely AF though, not implantation.

Hann I hope the soy works for you this cycle! How long have you been trying now?
Well today is my 35th birthday and istead of getting a :bfp:, :witch: showed up. :growlmad: Thank you life! :thumbup: I think today I will do some drinking and have a pity party. :wine: lol

Thank you Gemlou, and good luck with your scan! Must be so exciting! :cloud9:

Thanks Hann I do sort of wonder if it was a chemical as I felt sooo pregnant and my LP jumped up to 18 days. So strange. Its definitely AF though, not implantation.

Hann I hope the soy works for you this cycle! How long have you been trying now?

Happy Birthday! I'm sorry about the :witch: I hope you enjoy your day anyway. Its very strange I would agree.

I'm only on cycle 4 however cycle 2 we didn't really get a proper chance to BD at the right days so I'm kind of on 3/4 cycle. I'm feeling okay about it all but I'm worried about my LP which is why I took the soy, I hope it helps extend it and give me the BFP. I've read amazing things about soy - maybe worth a try for you? I figure its worth one go and if it stuffs my cycles up this month then I'll leave it next month. Hope it doesn't though.
A BFP seems almost unreal and unreachable to me though, for no real reason!
Happy Birthday for yesterday Mpenzi, I hope you enjoyed having a few drinks :wine: :hugs:

Hann I hope the soy works for you :hugs:

Kitten not seen you on here for a few days hope everything is ok :hugs:
My birthday last night was fantastic! OH and I went to Santa Monica Third Street Promenade and then to Venice Beach. Had some drinks and it definitely cheered me up. :thumbup:

Hann oh so its early days for you. Let me know how the soy goes. Is the soy supposed to make you ovulate? I've been using Vitex and Dong Quai for the past two months to balance my hormones. I used to get a lot of spotting during the TWW so I thought I had low progesterone and a LP defect. The herbs do seem to be helping with that and I think my hormones are balancing out, though the nipple thing is puzzling because that would point to high prolactin. Our bodies are soo confusing sometimes!

Thank you so much Gemlou! I had a great birthday. Still would have prefered a :bfp: but we'll keep working on it! :winkwink:

Kitten I've been wondering about you too. Hope you're doing well!
Mpenzi - so glad you had a lovely birthday, I am so jealous of where you live, sounds perfect! Such a contrast to the rainy uk summer! Might be worth running your symptoms past a dr, I'm sure all is fun but it's nice to hear it from a professional!

Kitten- thinking of you - really hope you are okay :hugs:

Yes so this is my first month of soy, I don't feel any different but have had watery cm early. I had short LP and was ov'ing at cd18ish so took the gamble and tried it. Used vitex for the past 2 cycles and made little difference. I'm also taking b6 and b12 and a multi vitamin with b complex to extend the LP. Time will tell if it helped or not!!
blood work results: BFN. *sigh* tried to go to the dr. today as i STILL don't have AF and during sex it hurts in the lower pelvic area when he hits it a certain way....couldnt get in today because thier card machine was down and thats the only way i could pay my co-pay. they turned me away and said to come back when i have $$! i am so mad and feel lost at this moment....dont know what to do!!!!
Kitten I don't know what to say, I am so sorry, I really hoped this was your BFP. I hope you get in to see a dr to find out what is happening, they should take this seriously in my opinion and see what's happening. I am sending loads of :hugs: your way and just hope you are okay
My birthday last night was fantastic! OH and I went to Santa Monica Third Street Promenade and then to Venice Beach. Had some drinks and it definitely cheered me up. :thumbup:

Hann oh so its early days for you. Let me know how the soy goes. Is the soy supposed to make you ovulate? I've been using Vitex and Dong Quai for the past two months to balance my hormones. I used to get a lot of spotting during the TWW so I thought I had low progesterone and a LP defect. The herbs do seem to be helping with that and I think my hormones are balancing out, though the nipple thing is puzzling because that would point to high prolactin. Our bodies are soo confusing sometimes!

Thank you so much Gemlou! I had a great birthday. Still would have prefered a :bfp: but we'll keep working on it! :winkwink:

Kitten I've been wondering about you too. Hope you're doing well!

Hope you had an amazing birthday! Stupid witch! :hugs:
Kitten I don't know what to say, I am so sorry, I really hoped this was your BFP. I hope you get in to see a dr to find out what is happening, they should take this seriously in my opinion and see what's happening. I am sending loads of :hugs: your way and just hope you are okay

Thanks :hugs::hugs: im really heartbroken but at the same time i know i have you ladiesfor support. Need to get to the dr asap...

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