Hi Ladies! I'm here too! I also have NOBODY to talk to about this tww! Besides my husband who will listen a little but he doesn't want me to over think it and talk about it because he thinks I'll be disappointed each month that it's a BFN. I haven't been though, I believe if it doesn't happen- it is meant that way and I've been sad for half a day when I get AF and then am ok again and then enjoy a cocktail!

I understand my husband's concern, but I sort of think it's also his OWN way of keeping HIMSELF from getting excited and let down. Last night he made a comment that I've been going to the bathroom a lot and why. I just said I don't know...it was right after he was reading a book I got him about pregnancy, so I wonder if he was connecting the dots. I was going to the bathroom much more yesterday and last night and over night than I have been. I also have the cramps still, yesterday they were gone and this morning I woke with cramps in the mid lower area...just like AF is coming. But not due for another 6-7 days. My temp keeps rising, it's up even higher today and it's never this high. I'm really warm feeling right now too. If I knew how to post my chart I would. And of course I tested today and it's BFN, but I know it will be this early (9DPO).
Kat and Frisky, I've heard a sore throat or cold/illness can start or be mild in early pregnancy. I've had a sore throat feeling since last week off and on. Like you frisky, I wake up with it and then it's gone or I feel it later in the day but only briefly.
Betty, maybe your cramps aren't from sleeping wrong?

I always make up reasons that it isn't pregnancy related to lower my excitement. Such as going to the bathroom so much, I have been drinking more, so of course I should be going more. Are your cramps going away or constant? This morning &Monday they were constant for me, Saturday they were off & on. Yesterday it was nothing until bedtime.
Frisky, I'm sorry you burst to tears! Isn't it crazy our emotions?! How are your cramps? I feel like AF too, I hope it's not coming early! I wish the cramps would go away because the closer it gets to AF date, then I know it's probably just AF.
Kat, that sounds promising to have the spotting! when is AF due? Like Betty said, you will eventually get that BFP! so keep positive!
Is anyone temping? What have your temps been like?
I hope we all get our


Have a great day everyone!