7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

I will check the work diary to see if I can take that Friday off. Friday would be better as Matt wouldn't have manage kids solo so long.
I'm ok, thanks frisky. Life is just kicking me in the pants at the minute. Matt had his vasectomy Thursday evening. I picked him up, we came through our front door, Mia was sick and having a meltdown at my mum and Leo needed his bottle. And then Matt started bleeding out. I thought he'd popped a stitch but when I bent to check it the blood just spurred everywhere. Drove him straight to a&e and they used pressure to sort of control the bleeding before making me take him clear across the city to the western to see an on call urology consultant. We got home and to bed at 1am and Leo woke up at 5. What should have been Matt having to take it easy a couple of days became don't pick up your children for 10 days. Mia and Leo were both sick Friday. Friday night Leo was basically up from 3am and 4 hrs sleeps after averaging 5 a night for a week had me damn near crying by 5am sat morning.
Tomorrow its back to work and I get to look forward to being a million miles behind again.
Matt says he's going to try going to the office tomorrow but don't know if that's wise given he can't go more than 2 hrs today without his frozen peas, poor sod.
And is it just me ladies or is life not square? You have a baby, forseps, couple of dozen stitches in you hoo-ha and then you get to get up every 2 hours to change and let a small person sook at your nipples till they feel like cracked glass. Chaps have a vasectomy and the helpsheet advises to rest fully for 48hrs in bed, taking regular painkillers and icing the area.
After they rebroke my tail bone unsticking Mia from my pelvis my midwife said I shouldn't take anything except paracetamol owing to the breast feeding! I say again, the game is not square!

Anyway, rant a thon over. How is everyone else's weekend?
Oh my dear god Edinburgh, does it ever stop for you?!?! I was just reading your post and thinking pass that woman a bottle of wine will you! What was wrong with Matt in the end that was causing him to bleed so much? I am with you about the life not being easy for a woman part, no matter how many times we say it like men will not agree but it's tough being a woman. Not just a woman but a mum on top of that who works full time.. we deserve some kind of honour from the queen I think!

So are we pencilling in Friday 2nd? It's less than 12 weeks away so will be here in no time at all! AAHHHHHHHRHRHRHRHRH!! I'm excited.

Frisky, the little shit houses behind yours!! Kids are worse than adults these days. It's the kids that we need to be afraid of.

Betty how was your night out in Manchester? Saw the slo mo video that one of your friends tagged you in... SOOOO FUNNY!

Nothing new here girls, my body is well messed up after the IVF. Don't know what is going on inside. Don't think I ovulated this month because I had zero ovulation signs and I haven't had sore boobs. CD30 today, still no period. Took a test last night which had expired so I probably shouldn't have used it anyway but it was BFN. Just wish my period would come so I can start a fresh cycle.

How is everyone? We had a busy weekend entertaining Matt's dad and partner. Weather wasn't too bad. We're almost back to a normal routine now. Back on a dietbet, trying to shift some poundage!
Morning ladies,

where is everyone hiding? I thought I was being quiet because I haven't been online for a few days but it seems like we all are haha!

Edinburgh, well done you for finding the motivation to diet :D I am dieting too, not following a specific diet but definitely cutting out the crap from my diet and doing my best to eat healthier and exercise.

Betty/Frisky/AB... ladies where you hiding?

So tired today :( just 5 more weeks to go until I have 2 weeks off YESSSSS!!! Not that I'm counting or anything. We are going to Devon again for a week and with any luck it'll be lovely and sunny.

Well, I'm sat with some wine trying to get my head round the result today.
Anyway, my leave on 2nd Sept came through. Are we doing this ladies?
Hi girls..... I realise I have been very quiet on here, sorry for being AWOL!!! It's been a pretty hardcore couple of weeks :(
Firstly a friend of mine died last week, she was only 42 and she died of bowel cancer :( it's just so sad, the funeral was on Friday ans it was horrendous! Her little girl is the same age as viv.... Can't even think about it!!!
Alfie's christening is a week today.... I'm still not sorted (no surprise there!) I don't have a dress to wear, or shoes, bag, etc etc.... I'm going shopping again and hopefully will find something that will make me look like I'm a size 8!!!
I've been really bad with my tummy lately, think I mentioned it a couple of weeks ago.... I'm still having problems with my bowels, the doctor wants to see me again next week to discuss next steps (camera up my arse no doubt!!)
Hope everyone is ok.... What has everyone been up to???

I know politics is a very personal matter and I don't want to get into any debate but I voted IN and I'm so devastated that we are now out of the EU, I worry for my kids future and what it means for them.... My home town was one of the places that had the highest OUT votes :( :( im ashamed! I don't think people who voted out really understand just what it means for our country and our freedom to move in and out of Europe.... Anyway! I've been pretty sad about that since the referendum.

As for meeting up in leeds I am very much up for it as long as we can keep it cheap as im frigging absolutely broke!!! :( xx
Hello ladies!

Betty, I am so so sorry to hear about your friend. I can't even imagine what you're going through. Life can be so unfair, that poor little one now without her mummy :(

Any idea what your bowel problems are? Do you have a history of IBS in the family maybe? I know my mum and sister both suffer with it, it's quite common I think.

I have to be honest and say that I didn't vote. The main reason being that I don't know a thing about politics, if I was going to vote I wanted it to be for the right reasons and not because everyone else is. I still have no idea what it will mean for us in the future. I am trying not to think about it. I keep saying to Mark as long as I have my health, my family and my job then I am happy. He on the other hand is obsessing over it and is checking on the euro rate by the hour.

I am free on 2nd Sept, are we deffo doing this then girls? If we can confirm we can look at booking some hotel rooms. There's loads of websites that are book now pay on the day with free cancellation.

Arggh, Im so sorry for been awol ladies. I have popped on to read but not got round to posting.
Betty, Its just awful about your friend. It just doesn't bear thinking about, especially for her poor little girl :(
Cancer seems to be taking more & more people, It's frightening.
I don't envy you dress shopping for christening. Why is it you can never find anything when you REALLY need it. So annoying. To be fair though Betty, you would look good in a bin bag.
I too voted In, I was going to vote out, simply because aaron was lecturing me about it (he voted out) But I did my homework & voted In. The amount of hatred I am seeing towards foreigners since this is disgusting, Its frightening.
I don't like the thought of us being alone, the lies they spun for us to vote out. The fact we can't move to Spain when we retire, our kids future. Its all so scary. :(

Edinburgh, hows thing's your end? Hows matt & the kids? Have you caught up on sleep? When we meet up on the 2nd, we should leave you in the room to sleep? Haha

Tina, yes im up for the 2nd, need to keep it cheap though as Im mega skint.
How are thing's regarding IVF? Are you going to have another go?

Im covered in insect bites. Went to an outdoor bootcamp on Tuesday & got bit to death. Ive got red lumps all over, looking well sexy!
Ive put on half a stone which Im not happy about. I like my crisps & wine too much.

And chocolate
And bread

Any carbs really xx
Happy Christening day betty. Hope you all had a fantastic day. You looked gorgeous xx
Hi all, betty you looked lovely, did you enjoy the wee man's christening? So sorry to hear about your friend. There really are no words.
About the 2nd. I have the time off. As we are all skint, how about we look at renting a serviced apartment type thing and just get in our own wine? Air bnb type thing? Someone who knows Leeds a bit might want to do the honours though! Take away and booze for a good chinwag will be cheaper than heading out anywhere? But we can't really do that in a premier inn type place. Thoughts?
Hi girls..... Seriously hanging out of my arse today!!!! Had such a good day yesterday but feel like I spoilt it as I got sooooo drunk :( I haven't been drinking at all so just fancied a bit of a blowout. I always feel so guilty after I've had a drink. Had to sleep at my mams so she could help me with the kids.... No one will have them for us so I really shouldn't have had so much to drink!
Anyway, we had alovely day but chris' mam is now not talking to us because I put some 'reserved' signs on a few tables so that we all had seats when we got there, she thought I had done it just for my family even though my mam told her that all the tables were for both our families... Anyway, I felt like she was itching for a fight all day so she got what she wanted! She is so fucking strange I tell you!!!
I'm also open to a cheap time away.... I will have a look at some different options for us... Then we can take it from there. Xx
Oh god betty, nightmare. There really is no pleasing some people. I too have strange inlaws so your not alone there.
Glad you had a good blow out, don't feel guilty for gods sake, you deserve it.
I was thinking the same about an apartment. I stayed in one a few years ago on my mates hendo. If we are going to Leeds though, would be nice to go out for a few drinks. Maybe we could go back early so we are not out all night & drink wine in apartment, get some munchies in?? Ill try and get the name of those apartments we stayed in. They were really nice xx

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