7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Well I'm having a glass of wine.... I know I'm out, was just getting my hopes up as we all do... Frisky, what are we like? I have absolutely NO willpower! If I have tests in the house, I test!!!
Kat, a SALP is where they inject dye into your uterus and Fallopian tubes then X-ray to see if there are any blockages or other nasties. I have already had some other tests done and I have low progesterone (ovarian cysts and endometriosis). I have hope!!!! I'm sure I will get fixed :-)

Think I'll be having a large vino this weekend, my symptoms seem to have faded too. But let's wait and see shall we betty??

Another friend has just announced her pregnancy tonight on facebook :shrug:

Feeling deflated xxx
Oh frisky, I'm sorry.... On one hand you're delighted when you hear of a pregnancy but on the other it's like your heart has been ripped out.... I feel for you xx
Kat.... Was your HSG painful???
Betty63, I felt AF type cramping. Take some ibuprofen before going and you should be fine.
Good luck!! I hope you get that BFP! I know they say you won't test + that soon but I've heard some people do. I am 6DPO today and getting that itch to test. I've also had some different crampy feelings I haven't had before which makes me want to test even more! I wish you the best!!

I was itching to test early, so IC's are amazing for that poas habit! xxx
Good morning ladies, how we all feeling today??

Well, I woke up slightly nauseous today, but fine now.
But I've been tidying the house with E4 on the telly & I've burst into tears at Desperate housewives & one tree hill!! I feel an emotional wreck!! Has anyone else been crying at slightest thing??

My husband is away at sea, think I'm missing him alot which doesn't help. But I'm normally stronger than this :(

Well, weekend is almost upon us, hoping we all get those two lines on our tests! Xx
Frisky I hope you are feeling better tonight! I have a few times here and there over the past few months burst to tears over silly things but I think it was just PMS tears for me or stress tears. When does your husband come home? I would miss him too! :hugs:
10DPO today, much less cramping today but still a little at times. Most noticeable things last night and today..nausea last night, just felt icky! Also this morning a few times, but I'm not a breakfast eater so it could be part of it. I also felt a little dizzy last night. Today, I've been itchy all afternoon, no idea if that means anything...itching boobs, nipples, arms, armpits, back.
But my temp came down a little this morning, still above my coverline, but it's been running 98.3-98.7 since ovulation and on the high end going up up up up each day, dropped down to 98.2 today. So I'm kind of thinking AF is upon me in the next few days.
Good luck everyone! fingers crossed!
Morning ladies..... Everyone ok???
I didn't sleep at all last night so super tired today (and its only 9.30am!)
AF is due tmrw for me, I'm feeling slightly stressed at the moment so this might delay her which will just add to more frustration!
Anyone tested yet? I have none left so will have to go without until AF arrives :-)
Mango... I had itchy boobs at about 10dpo but didn't know if this was from the heat??? When are you testing??
Frisky I hope you are feeling better tonight! I have a few times here and there over the past few months burst to tears over silly things but I think it was just PMS tears for me or stress tears. When does your husband come home? I would miss him too! :hugs:
10DPO today, much less cramping today but still a little at times. Most noticeable things last night and today..nausea last night, just felt icky! Also this morning a few times, but I'm not a breakfast eater so it could be part of it. I also felt a little dizzy last night. Today, I've been itchy all afternoon, no idea if that means anything...itching boobs, nipples, arms, armpits, back.
But my temp came down a little this morning, still above my coverline, but it's been running 98.3-98.7 since ovulation and on the high end going up up up up each day, dropped down to 98.2 today. So I'm kind of thinking AF is upon me in the next few days.
Good luck everyone! fingers crossed!

Thanks mango, Hubby is back for ONE night only on Monday....then back again for 10 days on 11th August :)

I've read Itchy boobs is a symptom, so fingers crossed for you.

Betty, I did another test yesterday..a cheapo one, just because it was there :wacko: Another BFN :( I think it's a good idea for me to get BFN' s early, to help Me prepare for if it's not my month!!....Haha trying to look on the bright side.

Have you got tests in for tomorrow?? I should start spotting today as af is due Sunday. Iv no af cramps or anything yet, which Is unusual for me, as I get them badly in run up to period.

Well, it's another sunny day here in Portsmouth, just seen my neighbours arrive home from hospital with their new baby girl :growlmad:
God, I'm turning into a bitter horrible person!! Of course I'm happy for them, it's just so upsetting too for me though :shrug:

Anyway, I'm jabbering. Let me know of any updates girls.

You are all keeping sane....Well a bit sane!! :haha: xxx
Oh no!!!! You're neighbour has just arrived home with their new baby! Talk about rubbing it in your face! I swear that every time I go out I see about 40 pregnant women, it's like they follow me around to remind me I'm NOT pregnant! Last week 2 girls I went to school with saw me (on the same day! But at different times) and told me that they had just found out they were pregnant, i mean that's just cruel!! I think you just notice these things more when you really want something it's there in your face at all times!!!!
I'm definitely more chilled out, about 5 months ago I was not in a great place with it all, I had to take a massive step back and sort myself out as I was just freaking out about not getting pregnant. Our time will come, we may just have to wait a while..... Chin up and enjoy seeing your husband, even tho is only 24 hours xxxxx
Oh Betty, I know...it does feel like that doesn't it? My friend got pregnant accidentally by missing her pill...I couldn't believe it!! After so long trying....I kinda feel I'm getting in a bad place now, it's all I think about. Month after month I'm feeling more of a failure. :(
Think I'm just having a bad day today Xx
Don't beat yourself up.... We all have good months and bad months.... It's hard to stay positive but you have to try and believe that one day it will happen :-)
Remember, you're not a failure! It's just that mother nature is taking her bloody time!!!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Don't beat yourself up.... We all have good months and bad months.... It's hard to stay positive but you have to try and believe that one day it will happen :-)
Remember, you're not a failure! It's just that mother nature is taking her bloody time!!!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Thank you :hugs: Xx
Morning ladies..... Everyone ok???
I didn't sleep at all last night so super tired today (and its only 9.30am!)
AF is due tmrw for me, I'm feeling slightly stressed at the moment so this might delay her which will just add to more frustration!
Anyone tested yet? I have none left so will have to go without until AF arrives :-)
Mango... I had itchy boobs at about 10dpo but didn't know if this was from the heat??? When are you testing??

Betty, sorry you didn't sleep well! I haven't been sleeping well either. I've tested the past few mornings, all BFN!
I thought Iheard that stress doesn't prolong AF from starting, but it does cause a late ovulation....I hope it doesn't come for you at all!
Hi ladies I would like to join if you don't mind? I have been trying for over a year and I thought I was prego back in august 2012 but I ended up having to go into surgery April 1 2013 for something the doctor called senecei (I don't know if that's how its spelled) I have now had what seemed to be normal periods since. Af is due on Aug. 2 but I probably will not test because in the past I have either gotten false positives or negatives and its becoming heart breaking every month. However my doctor said after a few months of trying we will try clomid if it doesn't happen naturally hoping fore a BFP( but who isn't)
Frisky, keep your attitude positive!! Betty is right! You are not a failure! It is mother nature's way! I know we all get soooo excited that it might be the month for each of us, and we don't want to be deflated when we see the BFN and AF come, but you have to remember it is happening for a reason. It could be a million reasons why and you can't take that blame. Maybe it's God's way sometimes because he can see where our path leads (I'm not super religious, but believe I have a plan in life and that each thing in life -good or bad- has to happen to bring me to today and where I am today in my life). For instance, though I really want that baby, our first month trying in May we didn't know that my husband and I would be starting new jobs this summer...if we'd gotten pregnant, that would've been a difficult thing to take a new job knowing I'm already a few months BFP by the time I start (this week I started the new job). So I feel that it wasn't in the plans for me. Landed the interview and got the job in June, so last cycle was maybe not meant to be either. This month is probably better timing, and It'll be ok if I am BFP because I can still take leave from work according to their policies, but I don't have insurance for August, so I would just wait until September to see the doc. If I end up BFN, then I'll still be ok (sad still) but I tell myself that it might not be the best month to become pregnant. Anyway, I'm rambling again! :wacko: I just want to agree with Betty in that you have to step back and enjoy things in your life at the same time as ttc. Don't let it take up your life, though I feel it takes up mine too and these last few days are the worst to me...I feel like either just give me a BFP or AF just come already!
You have to enjoy your husband being home!! or use this time to become healthier or help your body to be more baby ready. That's how I feel, I want to be healthier and each BFN cycle, I try to do something more to improve myself. Now if only I could stop drinking espresso filled lattes!! Maybe that's killing my chances of getting BFP??

About seeing other pregnant women or new babies...I try to think about it as, you never know each woman's story. These women might have easily conceived, but they might have had troubles and tried for a very long time too. The ones I get bothered by are the people that didn't want to get pregnant or like my husband's cousin...we found out she had a baby about a month ago...she didn't tell Anyone she was pregnant! Not her mom, friends, nobody, and she lives with her mom. She's 19 years old, single so obviously it was either a one nighter or a friend with benefits type of fling. She kept it hidden, though afterwards her mom said she sort of knew...why wouldn't you ask your daughter if you thought she was? (another thing that bothers me, I would be on my 19 yr old daughter if I thought it). So she finally delivered and had some complications and baby had to be in the ICU...that pisses me off. There are people that will never ever be able to have kids and you do this?

Betty, I admire you for being able to step back and not freak out each month. Frisky, how long have you been trying?? Have you guys had any tests done to make sure you and your husband are ok? If we aren't BFP by early September, we'll be seeing my ob/gyn to make sure things are good.

I hope you ladies get that adorable little baby sooner than later!! You deserve it! :dust::dust:
Welcome Irts :)

I know it gets more heartbreaking each month, it doesn't get easier.
I remember looking and posting on here last August when I had only been TTC 5 for 3 months & feeling sorry for the girls who had been trying a year more...and now I'm in that bracket :(

I'd like to thing as Betty said, it's just mother nature taking her time :)

I've tested again and got another BFN again!!
Also started with period like cramps now, so I know this isn't my month.
I'm scared to go toilet and find my spotting has started! Trying to hold it in!! Haha Xx
Hi ladies I would like to join if you don't mind? I have been trying for over a year and I thought I was prego back in august 2012 but I ended up having to go into surgery April 1 2013 for something the doctor called senecei (I don't know if that's how its spelled) I have now had what seemed to be normal periods since. Af is due on Aug. 2 but I probably will not test because in the past I have either gotten false positives or negatives and its becoming heart breaking every month. However my doctor said after a few months of trying we will try clomid if it doesn't happen naturally hoping fore a BFP( but who isn't)

Welcome! I hope you get that BFP soon!! That's great your doc is proactive and ready to help you with clomid. My doc had said in April, "if you aren't pregnant in 3 months, I want to see you" and we'll do tests on both me and my husband. He doesn't believe in waiting too long, but i'm also 32, not tooooo old but getting there and he wants to get on it before I'm too old.
Looking at my charts, I don't think I was even ovulating until last month so last month and this month would be the first 2 normal months for my cycle, so I will see him in September if it doesn't happen this month or in August.

Take care and baby dust to you! :dust::dust:
Frisky, keep your attitude positive!! Betty is right! You are not a failure! It is mother nature's way! I know we all get soooo excited that it might be the month for each of us, and we don't want to be deflated when we see the BFN and AF come, but you have to remember it is happening for a reason. It could be a million reasons why and you can't take that blame. Maybe it's God's way sometimes because he can see where our path leads (I'm not super religious, but believe I have a plan in life and that each thing in life -good or bad- has to happen to bring me to today and where I am today in my life). For instance, though I really want that baby, our first month trying in May we didn't know that my husband and I would be starting new jobs this summer...if we'd gotten pregnant, that would've been a difficult thing to take a new job knowing I'm already a few months BFP by the time I start (this week I started the new job). So I feel that it wasn't in the plans for me. Landed the interview and got the job in June, so last cycle was maybe not meant to be either. This month is probably better timing, and It'll be ok if I am BFP because I can still take leave from work according to their policies, but I don't have insurance for August, so I would just wait until September to see the doc. If I end up BFN, then I'll still be ok (sad still) but I tell myself that it might not be the best month to become pregnant. Anyway, I'm rambling again! :wacko: I just want to agree with Betty in that you have to step back and enjoy things in your life at the same time as ttc. Don't let it take up your life, though I feel it takes up mine too and these last few days are the worst to me...I feel like either just give me a BFP or AF just come already!
You have to enjoy your husband being home!! or use this time to become healthier or help your body to be more baby ready. That's how I feel, I want to be healthier and each BFN cycle, I try to do something more to improve myself. Now if only I could stop drinking espresso filled lattes!! Maybe that's killing my chances of getting BFP??

About seeing other pregnant women or new babies...I try to think about it as, you never know each woman's story. These women might have easily conceived, but they might have had troubles and tried for a very long time too. The ones I get bothered by are the people that didn't want to get pregnant or like my husband's cousin...we found out she had a baby about a month ago...she didn't tell Anyone she was pregnant! Not her mom, friends, nobody, and she lives with her mom. She's 19 years old, single so obviously it was either a one nighter or a friend with benefits type of fling. She kept it hidden, though afterwards her mom said she sort of knew...why wouldn't you ask your daughter if you thought she was? (another thing that bothers me, I would be on my 19 yr old daughter if I thought it). So she finally delivered and had some complications and baby had to be in the ICU...that pisses me off. There are people that will never ever be able to have kids and you do this?

Betty, I admire you for being able to step back and not freak out each month. Frisky, how long have you been trying?? Have you guys had any tests done to make sure you and your husband are ok? If we aren't BFP by early September, we'll be seeing my ob/gyn to make sure things are good.

I hope you ladies get that adorable little baby sooner than later!! You deserve it! :dust::dust:

Awwwwh mango, you've set me off crying now!! What lovely words...I do hope your right xxx

I've been TTC 15 months now. My journey hasn't been easy. My first daughter was stillborn at full term in 2003 :cry: Worst time of my life. But makes me think your right about how we may have a path planned. As soon after that I became pregnant with my beautiful son, who is my miracle. :happydance:
After a bad time & break up with his dad, I said I would never go through pregnancy again (the worry was immense) plus I pretty much went through it all alone and brought Joseph up alone.

Then I met my husband and he changed my perspective on life, he's taken Joe on as his own and will make a brilliant dad.
He so wants us to have a baby and so do I....I came off BC last March & my cycle was up the wall...really heavy periods, sometimes lasting 3 week's. The doc thought it was fibroids, but tests showed an underactive thyroid, which was causing the irratic periods.:wacko:

So, I've been taking the treatment for a while & my last 3 periods have all been regular, so I'm hoping it won't be long for that BFP :)
Sorry in advance if I'm rambling!! and if this ends up super long....I'm going to go crazy! :wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko:

I think I'm due for AF Monday...or Tuesday...but could be Wednesday...but I guess it could be Sunday. My cycle started July 1st and my last few cycles have been 33, 27, 29, 30 days. Last cycle was 30. My cycles have been irregular since coming off depo shot and I've now only had 4 "somewhat normal" months, with last month and this month looking like I actually ovulated & sustained an elevated temp showing progesterone was present according to my temps. 3 cycles ago I don't think I had the progesterone side because though it looks like I ovulated, my temps were all over above and below my coverline. With all these crazy cycles, I know my body is probably still regulating itself. Only thing that seems to be exact so far is my ovulation day has been on CD15 for 3 cycles in a row. I've also had crazy different symptoms in the tww each month. Every month it's something new. Like itchy boobs this month?!? and the first month I had horrible painful boobs that I've never experienced ever in my life. So now I don't know what to expect...what to call pms because I don't have a "normal" pms yet. The only pms symptom I ever got in the past was some mild cramps the day or so before AF.

These cramps make me feel like AF is coming ANY day now...but it felt like that last Saturday. And since I don't even know when AF is really due, it's driving me crazy. New symptom last night...after itching boobs all day, there's a reddned area on one that looks like a bunch of red capillaries on the side of my boob. I don't know if my aerolas look darker or not?!? I can't tell, will it be obvious when they are?? but this spot with the capillaries is new. I know that they're supposed to get veiny when BFP, but I don't think they are, again, I can't tell so I'm guessing they aren't.

So now I sit and wait and go crazy not knowing if my body has new PMS symptoms I can add to the list or if my body is getting ready to home a fetus. This is the hardest part of the month for me, I'm still going to look at anything that happens in a positive eye (again, check in on me in a year and that may change :nope:) but as AF gets closer, each BFN I get makes me feel like "nope, it's not going to happen this month or I'd already have a BFP or an obvious pregnancy sign." I just hope AF comes on time on Monday and I'm not waiting 2 extra days like last cycle...it's awful to tease us by being late. My brain is completely taken up by this, I think my husband notices it too and I just want to have a happy weekend with him and not think about pregnancy..unless I get a BFP of course. My temp had gone down a little yesterday I said, but it went back up a little today, not as high as it was, but it did come up...I also think the temp outside plays a role as it was soooo hot and now it's been much cooler the past few days. I think if it goes back down at all that I'm out for the month.

Again, sorry for rambling! I can't wait for us all to hopefully get :bfp:
Have a great weekend ladies!

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