Frisky, keep your attitude positive!! Betty is right! You are not a failure! It is mother nature's way! I know we all get soooo excited that it might be the month for each of us, and we don't want to be deflated when we see the BFN and AF come, but you have to remember it is happening for a reason. It could be a million reasons why and you can't take that blame. Maybe it's God's way sometimes because he can see where our path leads (I'm not super religious, but believe I have a plan in life and that each thing in life -good or bad- has to happen to bring me to today and where I am today in my life). For instance, though I really want that baby, our first month trying in May we didn't know that my husband and I would be starting new jobs this summer...if we'd gotten pregnant, that would've been a difficult thing to take a new job knowing I'm already a few months BFP by the time I start (this week I started the new job). So I feel that it wasn't in the plans for me. Landed the interview and got the job in June, so last cycle was maybe not meant to be either. This month is probably better timing, and It'll be ok if I am BFP because I can still take leave from work according to their policies, but I don't have insurance for August, so I would just wait until September to see the doc. If I end up BFN, then I'll still be ok (sad still) but I tell myself that it might not be the best month to become pregnant. Anyway, I'm rambling again!

I just want to agree with Betty in that you have to step back and enjoy things in your life at the same time as ttc. Don't let it take up your life, though I feel it takes up mine too and these last few days are the worst to me...I feel like either just give me a BFP or AF just come already!
You have to enjoy your husband being home!! or use this time to become healthier or help your body to be more baby ready. That's how I feel, I want to be healthier and each BFN cycle, I try to do something more to improve myself. Now if only I could stop drinking espresso filled lattes!! Maybe that's killing my chances of getting BFP??
About seeing other pregnant women or new babies...I try to think about it as, you never know each woman's story. These women might have easily conceived, but they might have had troubles and tried for a very long time too. The ones I get bothered by are the people that didn't want to get pregnant or like my husband's cousin...we found out she had a baby about a month ago...she didn't tell Anyone she was pregnant! Not her mom, friends, nobody, and she lives with her mom. She's 19 years old, single so obviously it was either a one nighter or a friend with benefits type of fling. She kept it hidden, though afterwards her mom said she sort of knew...why wouldn't you ask your daughter if you thought she was? (another thing that bothers me, I would be on my 19 yr old daughter if I thought it). So she finally delivered and had some complications and baby had to be in the ICU...that pisses me off. There are people that will never ever be able to have kids and you do this?
Betty, I admire you for being able to step back and not freak out each month. Frisky, how long have you been trying?? Have you guys had any tests done to make sure you and your husband are ok? If we aren't BFP by early September, we'll be seeing my ob/gyn to make sure things are good.
I hope you ladies get that adorable little baby sooner than later!! You deserve it!