Girls so sorry for being AWOL, didn't realise I hadn't posted for a few days. I struggle over the weekend because I don't have a laptop so if I do log on then it's on my phone but it's a bloody nightmare trying to type out a post using tiny little keys.
Betty, poor little Alfie

Evie has a scar in exactly the same place. She fell into the corner of my mums skirting board when she was 2 and cut her eye open, it ended up needing stitches but a few years on the scar is barely noticeable. Glad to hear that he is dealing with it like a champ though! I can't imagine what you went through when he was in theatre, it'd be my worst nightmare.
Frisky, sorry to hear what you're going through with Joe. It's an awkward situation you're in I'll give you that. As parents we want to protect our kids from the bad situations in life that could harm them but on the other side of the coin we also want to make them happy. I can understand Joe wanting to see his dad/grandparents because I bet in his eyes they haven't done anything wrong and you're the bad mother whose stopping him from seeing them but you're trying to do the right thing. Oh god, it's a bit of a pickle. I just hope they don't let him down again this time.
Nothing new with me girls, had a drunken weekend haha. How nice has the weather been by the way?!!? Mark went out on Saturday afternoon to get his tattoo finished so me and Evie sat in the garden and I just fancied a glass of wine, which turned into a bottle of wine, which turned into 5 vodkas! How can you not drink though when you're sat out in the sun.. it's pretty much the law in my books!
Yesterday we went to a christening which I didn't really want to go to. It's been less than a month since our failed IVF and I knew there was going to be newborns everywhere and I was right. It was Mark's cousins little girls christening to Mark insisted that we go so I just got on the wine again to distract myself from the newborns. It worked, I had a fun afternoon in my own little tipsy world haha.
On the Evie front.. she learnt to ride a 2 wheeler bike this weekend! It's her birthday in 5 weeks time and she wants a new bike for her birthday so rather than buying her a new one with stabilisers we took the bull by the horns and decided to get her riding without stabilisers before her birthday. I don't think I could ride a bike if I tried, it must be at least 10 years since I've ridden a bike! Once she is riding confidently though we have made a pact to get bikes so we can go out for family bike rides. God help me!
Yes a meet up needs to happen, shall we just do it soon girls rather than holding it off? I'm free most weekends! Frisky, we are so close by the way.. how have we not met up already? You're just down the road from me! I think we should meet and then treck to the north east to capture Betty and then we can treck further north to our Scottish ladies!