7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Oh so sorry betty, i thought your post was from this morning, which is why i thought the op was tomorrow.
Bless you all, how is he? Are you home yet? Sending you lots of hugs xx
Well, that was an eventful morning. Turned up for my maths exam a WEEK EARLY!! Bloody hell, ive no hope have i?? Haha
Betty, how is Alfie??

Joe hasn't seen his dad in over 2 years. He is going to stay at his nana'a tommorow night, he hasn't seen them in 2 years either. Its all he wants....so ive had to get the ball rolling with it. Xxx
Oh frisky.... That must be hard on you!! Kids always think the grass is greener! How come they have not seen him in so long? (If you don't mind me asking?!) my dad left when I was two and didn't have much to do with me or my sister :( we lost all contact with him when I was 14 and never saw him again! It was tough for my mam but also for us.... We were young and didn't really know what was going on! We have a better understanding now of what my dad was like so it's easier for us but at the time I'm sure we have my mam a hard time.... I feel for you! It's not easy.... Hope you get it all sorted out :)

Alfie is doing great!!! He is such a little trooper. Not even cried! He is just smiling away like his usual happy self :)

I'm just waiting for the doctor to call me! I have been really I'll for the last 2 days.... I've come on my period and im in such pain :(im also bleeding pretty badly (going through a super tampon and a pad in less than an hour!) but my main worry is that my actually stomach is very sore (internally) and it really hurts when I go to the toilet... Feels like my insides are damaged :( just in agony, it even hurts to sit..... Great stuff!!!
Awwh betty, i just welled up seeing that photo of Alfie. What a brave little boy, he is so beautiful xx glad to hear he hasn't been phased by it all. How are you feeling? Did your doctors ring?

Tims mum and dad refused to see joe when they promised to have him because tim told them they wernt allowed. They used to do it all the time & i would get the blame, it broke joes heart. So i told them they wouldn't get any more chances.
Ive been thinking about contacting them for ages as they are quite old & if anything ever happened to them, i wouldn't be able to live with myself that joe hadn't seen them.
If tim shows up he shows up, It's what joe wants. No doubt he will come home full of attitude & hatred towards me from his dad, but he has that anyway , he really can't be much worse. :(
I've got an appointment on tuesday with him at the children's mental health team at the hospital. We need professional help with him now as we really cant cope.
Breaks my heart....I love him so much, just don't like him acting like he does :( xx
P.s Can we please get a date and place fixed for meeting up girls?? X
Girls so sorry for being AWOL, didn't realise I hadn't posted for a few days. I struggle over the weekend because I don't have a laptop so if I do log on then it's on my phone but it's a bloody nightmare trying to type out a post using tiny little keys.

Betty, poor little Alfie :( Evie has a scar in exactly the same place. She fell into the corner of my mums skirting board when she was 2 and cut her eye open, it ended up needing stitches but a few years on the scar is barely noticeable. Glad to hear that he is dealing with it like a champ though! I can't imagine what you went through when he was in theatre, it'd be my worst nightmare.

Frisky, sorry to hear what you're going through with Joe. It's an awkward situation you're in I'll give you that. As parents we want to protect our kids from the bad situations in life that could harm them but on the other side of the coin we also want to make them happy. I can understand Joe wanting to see his dad/grandparents because I bet in his eyes they haven't done anything wrong and you're the bad mother whose stopping him from seeing them but you're trying to do the right thing. Oh god, it's a bit of a pickle. I just hope they don't let him down again this time.

Nothing new with me girls, had a drunken weekend haha. How nice has the weather been by the way?!!? Mark went out on Saturday afternoon to get his tattoo finished so me and Evie sat in the garden and I just fancied a glass of wine, which turned into a bottle of wine, which turned into 5 vodkas! How can you not drink though when you're sat out in the sun.. it's pretty much the law in my books!
Yesterday we went to a christening which I didn't really want to go to. It's been less than a month since our failed IVF and I knew there was going to be newborns everywhere and I was right. It was Mark's cousins little girls christening to Mark insisted that we go so I just got on the wine again to distract myself from the newborns. It worked, I had a fun afternoon in my own little tipsy world haha.

On the Evie front.. she learnt to ride a 2 wheeler bike this weekend! It's her birthday in 5 weeks time and she wants a new bike for her birthday so rather than buying her a new one with stabilisers we took the bull by the horns and decided to get her riding without stabilisers before her birthday. I don't think I could ride a bike if I tried, it must be at least 10 years since I've ridden a bike! Once she is riding confidently though we have made a pact to get bikes so we can go out for family bike rides. God help me!

Yes a meet up needs to happen, shall we just do it soon girls rather than holding it off? I'm free most weekends! Frisky, we are so close by the way.. how have we not met up already? You're just down the road from me! I think we should meet and then treck to the north east to capture Betty and then we can treck further north to our Scottish ladies!

Horray for Evie!! I saw the pics on fb, she is a mini you Tina, its uncanny xx I second the drinking in nice weather, it HAS to be done. We went to a food festival on saturday, got well & truly ripped off and then stopped at the pub for a few shandys on the way home.
Joe was actually fine when he got back last night. He was happy to see his dad. His dad has a girlfriend now so im hoping shes managed to make him less of a twat! Haha
Glad the christening wasn't too horiffic Tina, must be hard. Wine is alwaya good to help any situation.

Im just gonna throw a date out there. Whos free on the last weekend in june? Think its the 24th? Or the week after 2nd july?? Lets do it! Xx
It would be cheaper to book a hotel room in advance, so we need to get a date girls. How do you feel about sharing a room too?? Just thinking of cost. Really cant wait to meet you all & have a bloody good drink!!! Someone answer me!! Haaaaaha. X
Sorry for being AWOL!!! I don't know where the time goes!!
I say it's always a good time to drink wine, especially when the sun is out, but I'm a total wino :) :)
Tina.... I saw the pics of Evie, bless her! She is absolutely gorgeous! Frisky is right, she is a mini you! I'm sorry the christening was hard :( it's awful when it feel like either every one is preggers or just had a baby :( it will be your turn soon honey! :)

Frisky... Glad joe enjoyed his time with his dad, hopefully things will settle down but it's not easy especially if your ex is a bit flakey... It only ends in heartache! Fingers crossed that it all works out!

Girls I can't do either of those weekends! We have Alfie's christening on 3rd JULY which you are all very welcome to come to BTW!!! All my lot are crazy wine drinkers so you will LoVe it!!!

I would love to meet up with you girls!!! We have been friends on here for almost 3 years!!!! Eeeek!!! That's mad isn't it! Would need to be cheap and cheerful for me as I'm absolutely skint! Must stop shopping on bloody eBay!!! :) keep me
Posted! Xx
Hi ladies, have 3 times written post in the mornings that my stupid phone has then been unable to complete posting! So frustrated. I will write proper from home later.
On meet up I honestly have no funds this month. From July I only can't do weekends of 23/24 July and 13/14 august. Any other weekend should be ok and you guys just pick a place and I'll get there. Ab, happy to drive you south if you can get to edinburgh.
Happy to room share too x
Eeeeeek!!! Omg! We might be meeting up pretty soon!!! That's amazing!!! I can't believe it! Can't do that weekend in August tho as its my b'day and we are going away :(
If I'm being honest it's going to be more like September for me as I have so much on over te next couple of months, it's basically half my families birthdays including me and Chris so we tend to be quite busy! Nothing planned in September tho! X
We're is going to be good for you Scottish peeps to travel too??? Leeds is pretty central for us UK girls (frisky, tina is leeds ok for you???)
If not where is good for you as dont want you travelling miles and miles!!!
PS: Edinburgh is very reasonable for me as I can get the train straight from Hartlepool!!! :) :) :)
Hi girlies!

So are we looking at September? How about the weekend 3rd/4th? I could do Leeds, it's not that far away. And I am deffo up for room sharing if it'll make it cheaper. I say lets just get a date agreed, book a cheap travel lodge and then we can't back out!

Frisky, glad to hear that Joe had a good time with his dad. I hope you're right and his twat tendencies have gone out of the window and he can step up and be that dad that Joe needs!

eeeeeekkk I am exciting to arrange this meet up, it's well overdue!

First weekend Sept should be ok for me. I can get to Leeds. Don't mind driving but will see what the train works out at. An, if you're up for it do you want to car share?
My post is gone again! Leeds fine.
That weekend in Sept ok by me. Will look at train but prob just drive.
Are we looking at the Saturday night? I dont know about you but viv is back to school on the 5th sep so that would be the only thing to put me off doing that weekend!! I would drive prob or still easy for me to get the train.... I will have a quick look at cheap hotels but my friend lives in leeds, will ask her if she might be away that weekend and we could possibly stay at hers!!! :) :)
Ok girlies.... I'm just looking at hotels for that weekend eeeeeeeek!!!
Premier in Leeds City centre (arena) is £35 for a double room on the Friday 2nd September. That would be £17.50 each!!!! Wowzers!!!
Or if we went on the Saturday night it would be £68.50 for a double room which is £34.25 each.... I am happy to go on the Friday to keep costs down but if that is more difficult for everyone else then I'm up for the Saturday too! I will also have a look at other hotels to see if we can get a better deal!!!
Who's in??????????? :) :) :)
Ooooh lets do the friday!! Gives me longer to recover before monday 😂😂 Xx Leeds is fine for me too xx
Morning ladies, how are we all?
Edinburgh, saw your fb status, hope your ok? Is Leo poorly again. Hope you get some sleep soon, theres nothing worse.
Talking of lack of sleep, we got woken up at 2am by 2 lads smashing cars up in the carpark behind our house. Was horrible, i thought someone was breaking in. We had to call the police & we had to give a statement, they didnt leave till 3.30am & then i struggled to get back to sleep. *******s. (the lads not the police)

We are going to my sisters today in didsbury, meant to be having a bbq but the weather looks a bit shit, so will probably end up on an all day session in the pub! BRING IT ON! Haha my mums having the boys the night so we are staying over, cannot WAIT.

What is everyone else up to? If we can soon decide on date & hotel, ive got the funds to book a room. September seems ages away, but it'll soon be here i guess xx

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