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Oh yeah sorry forgot to update here, it was good but spent the whole half hr to determine the sex so im going bak in 3 weeks for a re-scan free of charge but she is sure i am having a girl, i have bought pink stuff but still cant get my head around it, cant wait till the next scan coz bubba will be bigger then so i will def believe that one, it was hilarious in the scanning room, bubba was bent over like she was sucking her knees and cord was inbetween legs so i had to do 6 star jumps and crawl around the floor like a cat to get her to change position, it worked a little bit and i did get a couple of fotos, i always thought 4d scans were freaky but it was lovely to see baby like that
Here is a pic of the 4d scan, its black and white coz of the flash on my fone, this made it abit clearer than in sepia, I was only 21+3 weeks so baby doesnt have much fat on her and has alot of growing to do but legs are wide open, would you say def girl, the sonographer was sure theres no willy there, what do u think?
Wow, I just can't get over how amazing those 4d scans are!

Congrats, Lisa!

Good look to those still TTC it will happen
As from me i have my anomaly scan on the 23rd so not long to go! I want confirmation that we are having a boy as when i went to my private scan she said she was sure but she didnt give me any potty shots which i paid forShe said she didnt save the image! Best still be team blue as we have named our baby Jack :-D and have spend a fortune on boys clothes lol. xx
Gah, how could she not save the potty shot!

Aw, Jack is a cute name.

I'm so bad, I started thinking of girl and boy names before we started TTC.

Good morning ladies!!! How is everyone doing???
I am waiting on O'... It has been exactly a year now since BC was finished... I finally had a nice bright red flow this cycle (past cycles have been nothing but brown spotting) and my LP has grown from 10 days to 13!!! So this one time I was actually excited about AF! Hoping that means my body is all ready to conceive. I should O' in a little over a week and have all ready had a chat with my wonderful man about when we absolutely HAVE to BD LOL!!!
Hooray for normal flow and healthy LP!

I am 9dpo. Stuck somewhere between first predicted af and adjusted predicted af with my second positive opk at cd30. I started temping at 3dpo when I realized how long my cycle was going to be. I'm interested to see what it does over the next couple days. If it doesn't drop by the 20th when af is due and she doesn't show then I will probably test.
FX'd for you!

AFM: DH is finally recovering from the sinus infection that he had, so that's a relief. He's still not feeling 100% but he's on the mend.
I had some bad sinus ick yesterday that made it hard to eat, so I'm hoping today is better. I think I feel better today than I did yesterday. Hopefully I'll be able to get some nesting done in the basement today (if it's not too cold down there).
It's getting easier to fight "the negatives", but now I'm starting to hope for this cycle again, which I don't want to do because I've already cried for cycle 5 and don't want to again (next cycle - I wanna hope for next cycle!). I'm tempted to hope for this cycle because some of my latest temps have been higher then in any previous cycle, but it's probably not pg related. I'll eat my hat...and a shoe, if AF doesn't eventually get me this cycle. But perhaps next cycle...FX'd for next cycle.
Ah, that reminds me...I wonder if I should wait and schedule my gyno appointment for May instead of April, since then I'll have tried 9 months (rather than 8) by then, and the doc can go ahead and schedule us for some fertility testing as planned (having reached 9 months and no pg)?