:*~*:._.:*~*:The Baby Dancers.:*~*:._.:*~*:(18 BFP so far)

glad to see you're ok flyons, and my prayers go out to those taht arent xx
Thanks for your advice ladies - I would LOVE if it turns out to be O pain / spotting as my cycle would be half the length of the last one!!
We BD'd a couple of days ago but last night DH had pulled back :-(
Might make him suffer the pain today though! :haha:

Tizy - am so so happy for you, it's lovely news, hopefully one by one we'll start joining you pregnant ladies soon!

Going by my last cycle length my next testing date will be Dec 25th - will prob sneak a few HPTs in before then tho as my cycles are so irregular!

Was worried about SmallTownGal and BB - hope they're both doing ok. Esp BB as she'd had her chemical and didn't know whether it was lack of power or if she's feeling low. Anyway when they're both back here's some hugs for them! :hugs: :hugs:

Jessica - sounds like you got plenty BDing in so good luck!

Keeping FX'd for everyone in the 2WW and hoping this is your time.

With these wacky cycles I find it hard there being such a long time from one AF to another but having you all at different points in the cycle really keeps my mind off me!!

Thanks for your advice ladies - I would LOVE if it turns out to be O pain / spotting as my cycle would be half the length of the last one!!
We BD'd a couple of days ago but last night DH had pulled back :-(
Might make him suffer the pain today though! :haha:

Tizy - am so so happy for you, it's lovely news, hopefully one by one we'll start joining you pregnant ladies soon!

Going by my last cycle length my next testing date will be Dec 25th - will prob sneak a few HPTs in before then tho as my cycles are so irregular!

Was worried about SmallTownGal and BB - hope they're both doing ok. Esp BB as she'd had her chemical and didn't know whether it was lack of power or if she's feeling low. Anyway when they're both back here's some hugs for them! :hugs: :hugs:

Jessica - sounds like you got plenty BDing in so good luck!

Keeping FX'd for everyone in the 2WW and hoping this is your time.

With these wacky cycles I find it hard there being such a long time from one AF to another but having you all at different points in the cycle really keeps my mind off me!!


Thx hun. :D x x x

Fx'd it is ovulation, Sound's like your cycle's could get back on track. x x x

If you dont mind me asking why did he pull back??? x x x
Ah sorry Jessica I have written that wrong - DH does a physical job and yesterday he had pulled his back and was in agony so no chance of BDing! The way I wrote it sounds like something different though!!! :haha:
Haha lol Dirty thinking.. what am I like. Sorry to hear his in pain, Hope he get's better soon. x x x
Haha lol Dirty thinking.. what am I like. Sorry to hear his in pain, Hope he get's better soon. x x x

Ha ha the moment I re-read it I knew what you were thinking!
He says it's feeling a bit better tonight so am going to pounce!!
HeHe It made sense then lol. :D x

Yep Hun you get in there and no pull back's lol ;) x x x

FX'd x x x
Tizy, af is due for me on the 19th of this month.

Im having mixed feelings this cycle, one minute i think ohhh i might be, then the next i feel totally out. Might go into town tomorrow and stock back up on frers, since i used them all!

Tizy, you are due 2 days after mu birthday =D if i got pregnant this cycle, id be due on the 28th i think, but not geting my hopes up. I dont feel pregnant at all right now!
Im up for the facebook group =)

My email is [email protected] if anyone wants to add me, please do!
MrsMurphy Lol using all your FRER's, Naughty Naughty.. We All do it. :D x x x

Aww hun try not to worry about it sweetie pie. Iv got my FX'd for you & I'll add you hun. x x x

Baby1Waned thx hun and back to you. ;) x x x
Thanks for your advice ladies - I would LOVE if it turns out to be O pain / spotting as my cycle would be half the length of the last one!!

With these wacky cycles I find it hard there being such a long time from one AF to another but having you all at different points in the cycle really keeps my mind off me!!


i used to have very irregular and long cycles, longest being about 95 days. i went on the pill to sort it and it seems to have helped for now.
but i do have some words of hope for you, i conceived DS2 on CD61 of a 75 day cycle. so even if they are long doesnt mean it cant happen. i was really shocked and even said to the doctor iu didnt think i could get PG as i wasnt having periods, she said you dont need periods to OV and you only have to OV once to get pregnant :) so fingers crossed for you that you will catch the egg.

oh and to make it even more incredible that i conceived, DH lived 300 miles from me and i only saw him every other weekend (if i was lucky) and he just happened to visit when i OV'd i even said to him i might get pregnant as i was ov'ing (we'd been together 6 months) because i wasnt having periods we were not trying but not protecting thinking that we wouldnt get caught (even though deep down we both hoped)

amazing how its now taken us 3.5 years we live together BD all the time but no more babies lol xx
Morning ladies, temp dropped a bit this morning, boo! Feeling out for sure, although af isnt due until monday so time will tell. I will be very surprisee if af doesnt come. Wish she would hurry up if shes coming!!
Got my scan date through... 5th dec at 10.45am. Makes a changr as mine are normally in the afternoons so it drags!

Sooo 21 sleeps yayy!!!
Hey jessica, yes I think you're right.

I need a little help with the front sheet girls, could everyone update me on dates and months for testing? We seem to have lost quite a few peeps now so I think i will delete the girls that haven't been on in a while. Apart from SmalltownGal and BB as I still don't know whether they have been affected by hurricane Sandy in the US. Were there any other US girls?

I'm wondering if I should update the BFP's with Duedates then we can keep track of each other. Maybe even set up a FB group at some point if people would like that?

Thanks Xxx

24th July!!! How exciting :)

Just been referred for an early scan so hopefully I'll get a bit more of a definitive date soon!

LJ are you due in June? I'll update the front sheet with due dates soon as everyone gives them to me.

Hey tizy!

Congrats again!

As for hurricane sandy- I'm in nyc- and there are still thousands of people without power- and its getting cold, 38 F this morn- luckily dh and I are safe and have power.

As for testing- still in limbo-CD 35(avg cycle 27 days). Grrrrr. Testing again on Friday morning. From there I will keep you all posted.


Hey Flyons, totally forgot that you are in NYC, can't imagine what that must have been like. Glad you guys are ok.

Thanks for your advice ladies - I would LOVE if it turns out to be O pain / spotting as my cycle would be half the length of the last one!!
We BD'd a couple of days ago but last night DH had pulled back :-(
Might make him suffer the pain today though! :haha:

Tizy - am so so happy for you, it's lovely news, hopefully one by one we'll start joining you pregnant ladies soon!

Going by my last cycle length my next testing date will be Dec 25th - will prob sneak a few HPTs in before then tho as my cycles are so irregular!

Was worried about SmallTownGal and BB - hope they're both doing ok. Esp BB as she'd had her chemical and didn't know whether it was lack of power or if she's feeling low. Anyway when they're both back here's some hugs for them! :hugs: :hugs:

Jessica - sounds like you got plenty BDing in so good luck!

Keeping FX'd for everyone in the 2WW and hoping this is your time.

With these wacky cycles I find it hard there being such a long time from one AF to another but having you all at different points in the cycle really keeps my mind off me!!


Hi hun, really hope it was O pain, it must be really annoying with long cycles, waiting to see what happens, I've got my fingers crossed for you all.

Tizy, af is due for me on the 19th of this month.

Im having mixed feelings this cycle, one minute i think ohhh i might be, then the next i feel totally out. Might go into town tomorrow and stock back up on frers, since i used them all!

Tizy, you are due 2 days after mu birthday =D if i got pregnant this cycle, id be due on the 28th i think, but not geting my hopes up. I dont feel pregnant at all right now!
Im up for the facebook group =)
My email is [email protected] if anyone wants to add me, please do!

Morning ladies, temp dropped a bit this morning, boo! Feeling out for sure, although af isnt due until monday so time will tell. I will be very surprisee if af doesnt come. Wish she would hurry up if shes coming!!

Hey Mrs M, I'm gonna look to set up a FB group for us Baby Dancers. Really hope you've caught your egg and don't worry about the late temp drop, it might be like mine and start rising tomorrow. Fingers crossed. xx

Thanks for your advice ladies - I would LOVE if it turns out to be O pain / spotting as my cycle would be half the length of the last one!!

With these wacky cycles I find it hard there being such a long time from one AF to another but having you all at different points in the cycle really keeps my mind off me!!

i used to have very irregular and long cycles, longest being about 95 days. i went on the pill to sort it and it seems to have helped for now.
but i do have some words of hope for you, i conceived DS2 on CD61 of a 75 day cycle. so even if they are long doesnt mean it cant happen. i was really shocked and even said to the doctor iu didnt think i could get PG as i wasnt having periods, she said you dont need periods to OV and you only have to OV once to get pregnant :) so fingers crossed for you that you will catch the egg.

oh and to make it even more incredible that i conceived, DH lived 300 miles from me and i only saw him every other weekend (if i was lucky) and he just happened to visit when i OV'd i even said to him i might get pregnant as i was ov'ing (we'd been together 6 months) because i wasnt having periods we were not trying but not protecting thinking that we wouldnt get caught (even though deep down we both hoped)

amazing how its now taken us 3.5 years we live together BD all the time but no more babies lol xx

Great advice there thisisme, so totally right, you don't need periods to get pregnant. Our bodies are very strange sometimes aren't they.

Got my scan date through... 5th dec at 10.45am. Makes a changr as mine are normally in the afternoons so it drags!

Sooo 21 sleeps yayy!!!

Yay Jadey, great that you're getting your scan before xmas! Have you announced the pregnancy to anyone yet? Whats your due date? x


As for me, I'm just starting with some tiredness, and I know its only going to get worse. Not much else to report, I was going to do another FRER tomorrow, I don't know why, just to reassure myself I guess, then I think am I being silly and is it a waste. Panicing if anything happens to this one and then I've used all my tests and will have to buy again...I know thats a silly way to think. Hopefully everything will be fine. Xxx
hello ladies.

well im not sure what is going on with my body this month i am stil getting AF cramps, (right through to my back too) TMI alert i keep feeling wet so go toilet to check. ots a really weird feeling i feel really heavy, not weight wise but inside, its really hard to explain.

i know its too early in the cycle and i had the pains when i think i OV'd but i said to hubby if i didnt know any better id think i was PG. i did have AF on 31st oct ish but it was fairly painful the 1st day so much so i thought it was going to be really heavy but in actual fact it was light and lasted about 3 days and the pain was just the 1st day.

i know im not pregnant but the dragging feeling is very much like when i got PG with ds2, always expecting AF to arrive.

just wish this cycle would finish so i know either way lol xx
MrsMurphy FX'd the temp dip is implantation as it can happen any time between DPO6-12, Some doctor's say even sometime's a day or two either way so still hopeing that AF stay's away for 9 month's for you. x x x

Jadey Great news hun, Cant wait to see pic's. x x x

Tizy hun if you wanna test then do it cause it will only go a waste anyway as they have Exp Date's. When I get Pregnant Im using every test I have left, Only for that fact that, I will not need to be wondering if I might need them, any time soon, if you know what I mean. Tiredness Good Sign when Pregnant hun. x x x
CD15... High Fertility (2Bar's)...

So Today got a High Fertility (2Bar's) so Got another BD'ing session in today. I personally think tomorrow will be Low Fertility so for this cycle im done and the waiting and relaxing has begun ;) x x x

CBFM CD15 15-11-12.jpg

Had a lovely day today with my DF, DD, Mother & partner and 2 of my sister's. It was nice to have a catch up. We had a laugh which was nice and took my mind off 2WW. x x x

P.s Still awaiting App For Scan!!! & Blood Work's On 21st nov. x x x
Don't feel to crazy about testing over and over Tizy. i took five before i let it sink in lol had to see the line getting darker. :haha:

Thanks Jessica, I panicked this morning becuase my temp dipped to 97.58, not below the coverline but a good 0.4 of a degree change so i took another test with a FRER and the line is still there, I expected it to be darker than at 13dpo as I'm 16dpo today but its about the same, maybe slightly lighter, probably due to me drinking insane quanities of water - I'm so thirsty at the mo. I'm not going to stress myself out, I might temp tomoz to check its gone back up and then I'm not temping anymore. I read on Google that the temp will fluctuate once pregnant and I also read that lines don't get super dark until around 20dpo, so will save my last first response until then.

This is me, that sounds strange but all manner of things might be going on down there if you are pregnant, when can you test? end of month? Really hope this is it for you.

Jessica, i think you covered all bases with the BDing, well done. Again looking forward to see if the monitor has helped at all. Have you enjoyed using it?

PAW thanks for the reassurance, I'm sure everything is just fine, but you can't help but worry at this early stage can you. I've had two successful pregnancies before and no other problems or MC so hopefully all will be fine.....its still sinking in really.

Mrs M I checked your chart first thing --- stalker in me. Its looking good and exactly what my chart did with a late dip, so late that I thought I was out! :test: soon.

IssacRalph have you tested? how are things....
Flyons is :test:ing today too, fingers crossed Xxxxx

Good luck everyone :dust: xxxxxxxxxx
Your Welcome hun. Try not to panic sweetie. x x x

Awww thx Tizy I can now finally relax CD16 Low Fertility (1Bar) Not tracking DPO now... Just waiting for my birthday lol & yer enjoying the CBFM so far. I will say I like that it only does your cycle's in CD. No DPO. Know I got ovulation right, But didn't expect that many High & Peak feritlity day's (From CD10-15 4 day's High - 2Bar's & 2 day's Peak-3Bar's&Egg) So Quite happy with that & Feel Iv done the Most/Best I could have this cycle. x x x

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