A group for TTC#1 and had more than one loss?

Ambivalent--Thanks. Opks actually work for me but when it starts getting almost as dark as control i have to test every 4 hrs or so b/c my surge is so short I would miss it. You said opk's don't work. Why? Do have pcos, myabe you have a short surge like me. I thought they did not work when I first tried them. I tried ferning it does work for me but I start ferning a wk to 5 days before O (at least that is what I average). What was the blood test did you do a beta or was it just a yes and no test. Are you getting another blood test done. I bet this is your sticky baby. FX for you.

Thurl--Hope your MIL is feeling ok. Mine was lucky she did not loose here hair and she did not get too sick just the day of it was better later however she was just so tired all the time. So you do not have PCOS well thats great but sorry you still don't have an answer for long cycles. But like I said your LP is good.

Nicki--Hope everything is going well for your. I am praying that the scan shows a health baby with a strong hb that is right on target for growth.

AFM--I tested at 5am Sat and had what could have been considered positive but I had a line darker then the control at 10am. But ff is saying I O'd the same day again I would say of course it would be in the evening but I did not have any O pains till yesterday evening and then today Had a big spike this monring but that would have been past the 48hrs. Idk maybe I o'd twice:winkwink:. We did not dtd yesterday but we did it every day befor that so I would say that it would still be ok. Also the EPO did work but I still did not see any EWCM it was all watery. I even took mucsinex Fri and Sat (the regular kind). Hopefully we caught the egg b/c next month if I O late again my dh is going to be on a hunting trip leaveing the 3rd. I should O b/w the 3 and 6.

When do you think I O'd? Do you think FF is right?
Ambi, food supplements will not cause false positives. The only thing that can cause a false positive is an HCG trigger shot, for those going through ART or IVF to cause the egg to release. Have everything crossed for you! :dust:

Monro, ooh I hope the :spermy: are waiting for that egg to release :dust: I think FF is right and you O'd on Saturday. Fingers tightly crossed for you.

Nicki, will be praying for a great scan for you on Wednesday. I hope baby's growth is right on target for the gestation time. :dust:

AFM, doctor appt went ok on Friday, I have to have another ultrasound since Jonathan was moving around alot last time and they couldn't make sure all the organs etc were fine. The doc said from what he let them see all is ok but they have a checklist and need to see everything else. So I'll try to get another ultrasound soon. I also got set up on a payment plan to pay for the hospital bill, I have to pay $250 every other week till January 11th, kind of :growlmad: about that, seeing how lots of women have babies left and right and don't spend a dime of their $$ but use our tax dollars :gun: ok ranting over. I moved over the weekend, talk about tiring! Moving is not fun but it's 10 times worst being 6 months pregnant. I am so, so tired :nope: I took the day off to wash the carpet at the old place yesterday and wait for satellite to get installed at the new place. My was it a long day, very exhausting. I seriously could barely walk last night, my inner thighs were killing me, still are actually. I read this is from the round ligaments stretching. Then to top it off today, I couldn't find my flat shoes so had to wear heels :dohh:
Hi all.

Nicki, I have everything crossed for your scan next week. I hope the time passes quickly for you.

Monro, I voted on your chart, I think FF is right. About the OPKs, I just found them stressful because I never got a positive and you had to not drink too much, not do them in the morning, etc. Not to mention them being very expensive.

I went to the doctor on Monday for a blood HCG test - it was 127 and today it was 276. And a bunch of results from my blood tests last week came back and they have finally found something wrong! Yay! Apparently I have a MTHFR mutation which is easily treated with a high daily dose of folic acid. I also have ureaplasma or something like that which is treated with antibiotics but since I appear to be a tiny bit possibly pregnant my doctor cant decide whether to treat it now or not.

Do any of you have opinions on antibiotics during pregnancy?

Sorry for ramblling on about my medical issues. It is so good to be able to to talk to you ladies about this, especially since I am not telling any of my friends. In case I havent said it before, thank you :)
Ambi, :saywhat: yay it is not a chemical pregnancy! As to antibiotics, it's really the doctors call to make. I had some antibiotics for a UTI several weeks ago, but that's all I've had. The doctors try to make sure the medicine will not harm the embryo, have you done any research as the problem they found?
Emme- Thanks I hope I did b/c of all the bd. So sorry you did not have a good day yesteday I hope today went better. :flower:

Ambivalent- Actually I do not follow the directions on the opks. I get the cheap wondfo ones off Amazon (like a 50 pack for $15) once it starts getting alot more darker I take it in fmu and 3mu and 4pm. Some days fmu was ligher then the day befores 4pm. Even the 10pm is lighter then the 4pm but once it was almost positive I just took one every 2 to 4 hrs and the fmu the day I got my positive was really dark could have considered it positive but the 10am was darker then control. But you don't need to worry about that for 9 months:winkwink::happydance:.

AFM-Well I was playing around with my chart on FF. I was not able to put in a temp for the 1st and for the 3rd. On the 1st I was really sick and had fever so did not think it would have mattered. On the 3rd I took it but it was 98.58 so I figured it was the fever so I dismissed that temp.

I put in a normal temp for 1st and 3rd and it changed my O date to Mon instead of Sat. I had no pains on Sat and Sun started having very little but I felt O pains on Mon especially in the evening but that would have been more then 48 hrs after the positive opk? FF says that I still have a high chance either day but I could kick my self for not dtd Mon but I was just so tired of it and we did it Sun at like 3:30 pm. I really believe I am only 2 dpo UGH. It does make more since b/c I usually get a big spike in my temp the day after O. :dohh:
Hi everyone - just stopping by quickly to let you know i didnt have good news at the scan today. The baby has hardly grown at all (just half a mm more than 2 weeks ago) and the heartbeat is very slow at 70bpm. I have to go back next week by which time the dr is pretty certain it will be over, then she will book me in for another erpc.

I did try not to get my hopes up before, but of course a small part of me did get excited that maybe this time would work out so im obviously feeling upset and disappointed. DH has been amazing today and I count my blessings he is here with me.

Will pop by again when I'm feeling up to it, hope everyone else is ok xx
Nicki, this is not the news I was hoping for, obviously. I'm so sorry once again...please take all of the time you need, and my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Monro, as long as you covered O with enough :sex: you are good, it's hard to tell when you really did O sometimes. My day was much better today thanks, yesterday was just crazy cause I was so tired from vacuuming & washing the carpet in 4 bedrooms, hallway + living room and also cleaning 2 bathrooms. Not fun at all :nope:

Nicki, once again hun, I'm so sorry to hear the news. My heart goes out to you :hugs: you're in my thoughts and prayers.
Oh no Nicki- I am so sorry! :hugs: I really hope the terrible does not happen for you.

Ambi- what did the docs say about your HCG going up? That sounds like a good thing to me. FX for you!!! I have a mutation on my MTHFR gene also. My RE started me on Folic acid with blood test monitoring and increased it to get my homocysteine down. I just recently switched to Folgard 2.2 twice a day because my body was not absorbing the regular Folic acid well. After doing some reading about it I am glad I did as this has a few more vitamins etc I need, in addition to a high dose of Folic acid. You should ask your doctor about it.
Nicki im so sorry this has happened again. Im glad dh is being a great support, will be thinking of you :hugs: x

Hi to everyone else will catch up with you over the weekend x
Just popping on quickly to say so sorry Nicki....really gutted for you. I too hope that somehow the worst won't happen. Take lots of time and I'm thinking of you xxx

I'll catch up with everyone soon xx
Nicki-- I am so sorry:cry:. :hugs:. I hope they find out what is wrong asap. When you get the tissue tested again and if it comes back normal I would ask if you could have a SHG (saline ultrasound) or HSG/LAP of your uterus (you would not be able to get it formally done during ERCP but maybe the dr could look to see any abnoralitles :shrug:). Unless you have already had the tests. Usually if you mc around the same time you could have a septate in your uterus it does not have to even be a full septate it could be partial and if that is the case the mc rate for it is over 80%. The reason is b/c if the egg implants on the septate or half on and half on the uterian wall there is hardly any blood flow in the septate and sometimes that amount of blood flow can sustane a pregnancy to a certain point and but after that point is when the mc happens. Sometimes it can even go a little longer if it implanted a little on the septum but more on the uterian wall but that is when second trimester mc happen (also b/c of IC to b/c women with mullerian anomilies tend to have a higher risk of IC). Most of the time it is around the same point for close to it. It is worth taking a look at if you have not already. Again I am so sorry. :hugs:. You will find out what is wrong and you will get your sticky rainbow baby soon. :hugs:
Nicki I am so sorry to hear this, sending you so many hugs :hugs: xx
Monro I still don't know if I have pcos or not, this will be confirmed by the blood results which I am booked in to get on Monday, but I'm taking it as reasonably good news that the sonographer said my ovaries were ok, although I'm not sure about the right one as she said it had lots of follicles, and I don't know whether she meant too many or not, will wait and see what happens Monday. FX for you hun, sounds like you have it covered this month x
thurl--did you get your thryoid checked that should have gone into the routine blood work. If you did not I would definately sugest it b/c low bbt temps can mean thryoid problems. Maybe you have a slight case of pcos if that is even possible. GL Hope you get answers Mon. :flower::hugs:

I hope I coverd everything of course I thought I covered them last month to :dohh: oh well only time will tell was is pretty cool is if I did O this past mon and if I get my sticky and carry full term then my due date would be on our 7 yr anniversary. Of course due dates are never written in stone.
Do my bbt temps look low? they seem to be getting a tiny bit lower each cycle, can a thyroid problem make it difficult ttc? I think it was on the list of things to be tested, in fact I'm 99.9% sure they have tested it so will find out on Monday :)

I have everything crossed for you hun, that due date would be lovely x
Hi everyone - thank you so much for all your lovely messages. I love the BnB ladies, it's so nice to have your support. It's been a tough few days but it's now the weekend and I'm looking forward to a nice snuggly sofa weekend with DH. We'll get there.

Monro - thanks for mentioning the septate issue, I hadn't really heard of this. I have started a list of 'possible issues', so that when I go to see the consultant soon I can find out what I have and haven't been checked for, and then make plans to investigated for any gaps (inc Nk cells). One of my lovely stalkers sent me a book called 'miscarriage - what every women needs to know' by Prof Lesley Regan which goes into detail about possible causes and will help me compile a comprehensive list.

On a brighter note... I messaged patiently today, who said to tell you all she is 16 weeks pg at the moment and everything is going well :) I passed on your best wishes wookie and she said Hi.

Thurl, I hope the blood results on Monday are good!
Good luck to all the ttc-ers xxx
Nicki hope you had some relaxation this weekend :hugs: That's great news about patiently, I keep an eye on her journal in case she pops on here, please pass her my best wishes if you speak to her again x
That's great news, Nicki, thanks for telling her "hi" from me!

I would also recommend "Coming to Term: The Truth About Miscarriage" by Jon Cohen. Very informative, and helpful!


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