A group for TTC#1 and had more than one loss?

Hi Ladies :flower:

Nicki, so sorry it looks like bad news for you again :hugs::hugs::hugs:. You and DH look after yourselves and I hope the next week or so passes relatively easily :hugs:

Thanks for your update on Patiently as well - so happy that she is finally pregnant with a sticky bean. I guess her sister will have had her baby too by now??

Ambi, glad that they can do something to help you this pregnancy and that your hormone levels seem to be doubling :thumbup:

Thurl, good luck tomorrow.

Hi everyone else!

We'e have a pretty stressful week which culminated in a trip to Great Ormond Street on Friday. Elsa had a heart murmur that was detected at birth and we had hope it would clear up on it's own. However it was still there when she went for a check up and we had to go for a echocardiogram scan. The neonatologist at our local hospital passed the details on to the specialist at GOSH and he rang us on Thursday night asking us to come in the next morning! It turns out Elsa has a congenital heart defect called Tetrology of Fallot which means she was a misshapen valve and a hole in her heart. Unfortunately the only way to fix it is open heart surgery, which they are going to do in 3-4 months time. I'm absolutely terrified but trying to stay positive as I know she's being looked after by the very best. She's actually pretty healthy at the moment which is good as she's strong for surgery - you wouldn't know anything was wrong really. It seems crazy that my squidgy little princess basically has a life threatening heart defect - it's still sinking in :cry:. Interestingly, for those of you that were around when I had my 12 week scan, the large nuchal fold measurement can often indicate a heart defect and the specialist at GOSH thinks that the guys that did my foetal echocardiogram to check Elsa's heart when she was in my tummy should probably have spotted this problem then. I think it's probably been best that I didn't know though as I would have been so worried and it wouldn't have made any difference in the long run :shrug: Sorry for the long selfish ramble, but thought you'd all like to know.
Lady- oh my gosh. I got teary-eyed reading your post. I am so sorry you are having to go though this. I hope Elsa's surgery gets here quickly so you are able to put this all behind you and move on to happier times! :hugs:

Nicki - how are you feeling? Have you had any bleeding? Thanks for the update about Patiently - that's so great that she's 16 weeks. Maybe the break from all this is exactly what she needed.

Thurl- hope everything goes well on Monday.

AFM- I think I just had my first AF after the MC. I don't know, it's hard to tell as it was relatively light (flow) and the color was very dark. Sorry TMI. I started temping agIn this cycle so we will see how things look. I think I want to wait 1 more cycle before TTC again.
Lady, you poor thing - I am so sorry you and Elsa are having to go through this. :hugs: You must be so worried. But GOSH really is a wonderful hospital, they are the best at looking after babies and children. Our nephew was there after he was born and had an op because his bowl / stomach hadn't formed properly, and I was there earlier this year visiting a friend who had a very prem baby who has lots of problems. Both are doing fine now. i know you must be terrified but you are right to be positive as Elsa really will be in the best hands.

Oh and yes Patiently's sister had a baby boy.

Thurl - thinking of you at your appointment today.

Beach - I hope that was AF, it always feels like an accomplishment to get your cycle started again after a mc doesn't it. It's part of moving on I think. I don't blame you for giving it another month before ttc again, you've been through a lot.

Hi everyone else.

Afm - no bleeding yet Beach, I stopped taking the progesterone after the hospital apt last weds. I have to go back this weds and I really hope I have a final answer then, it has been horrible knowing the pg is going to end but that it hadn't quite yet. I've still been having tiredness and mild queesiness because I suppose my body still thinks I'm a little bit pg. it's when I feel sick that I feel the most sad. But generally I think I'm doing ok, I've had a lovely weekend with DH, we spent most of clearing out our flat, we produced 6 bin bags full of clothes for the charity shop and chucked out loads of other junk. My flat is now clean, tidy and less cluttered and it was very therapeutic! We also decided to both go on a health kick again from today as that kind of went out of the window the last few weeks so we had a bit of a last chance blow-out weekend and ate loads of naughty foods and take always! Lovely :)
Hello lovely ladies...OK I'm going to try and catch up!

Notop, I'm sorry you haven't conceived after all that time, and that the first round of IVF didn't work...do they have any theories? I hope your cycles aren't too long for much longer, it's so frustrating isn't it, that you feel like you can't even get started with a new cycle with all the waiting. Is this something the acu can address? I've been told that it can level everything out. Lots of luck!!

Wookie, Lexi, Emme....hope you are all doing well and not too tired. Emme sounds like you are struggling a bit, bless you. Try taking it easy, can you try taking short naps when you can? Any bump pics from you lovelies...please! :)

Ambi, sounds like you have had a rollercoaster time!! Have you decided to go with the antibiotics? What's the latest, how far along do you think you are? Lots of luck and congrats on the good news.

Nicki, blow out weekend and takeaways sound like just the thing you need. I'm pleased the sort out and clear out has helped de-clutter your mind a bit...my wardrobe desperately needs a sort out, arghh can't face it but maybe I will soon, you've sold the idea to me! :) I hope you have lots of testing and answers, the septate sounds like a good place to start - Monro I didn't know about any of that, it's amazing how much you can share on here :hugs: Also I hope you did enough this month, hopefully good news for you soon!

Thurl, good luck with getting your results, let us know what they say. Yes, your temps do look a little low...I'm pretty sure you mentioned before that you had your thyroid checked? Lots of luck x

Wow great news about Patiently! Yes, please pass on my love too, I hope she is doing alright and that everything works out for her after all this time.

Lady, oh bless you and Elsa....I'm sorry this has all come up, just when you are settling in and enjoying your gorgeous baby. I agree, it wouldn't have been best to have known all along about it, since there is nothing you couldn't do. I really hope the op comes and goes v quickly and you can get back to normality, those people at GOSH really do work wonders. Lots of luck and give your little princess an extra squidge from us xxx

Beach....I hope this is AF for you and falling back into place. Waiting another cycle sounds sensible, I hope it is your time again v v soon x

AFM.....well I've been back to the gym for a body balance class, I'm going for an induction this week and aim to get back in the swing of working out, after so long. I think I might even get back to running, ooh I'm not looking forward to the initial pain, lol....my fitness is so bad atm. But hopefully I will feel better for it eventually. Also I have my 1st acu session on Thurs eve...I've had to write my entire medical history so I've tried to put as much down, since birth! She asked me to include as much of the meds I've ever taken, including antibiotics. I really hope she can help me out and get my cycles on track. It's been so long now since anything was normal.
I have also been wondering, is anything I'm taken now actually preventing me falling pg again? For instance, can progesterone supplements actually ever prevent pregnancy? It's been playing on my mind that the last bfp was so long ago at the beginning of this year....hmmm.

I hope everyone else is well, hope I haven't missed anyone xxx
Beach-Glad things are getting back on track. :hugs:

Nicki-Hope your doing ok. I hope you can get answers soon.:hugs:

Soop- I was wondering the same thing about what I am taking but I don't think progestrone can inhibit pregnancy or implantation it is suppose to help.

AFM--I had a very confusing weekend. I started testing Sat (so I would know if I could drink or not tailgating) well at 7;45 am neg 11:45 am (took 2 tests) Neg. We left at 1 pm walked around and stood around alot I had my first beer at 4:30 pm and only had 4 or 5 from then to 8:30 and drank water after. Well I pee'd at like 8:30 we left at 8:45. I went home and took a test about 10:30 or 11:30. I looked at it and it took for ever for red from the dye to clear up even 30 min later so I went to sleep. Woke up at 5 am and looked at the test there was a clear pink line on the one from the night before. I took another at 5am w/fmu Neg, all day yesterday neg. I have no clue what is going on I posted the test in the pregnancy test part and so far 2 people said they all look neg maybe I am crazy but I sware I see something.
1st is 10/13 fmu 7:45 am,
2nd is 3mu 11:30 am
3rd ( the positive one but kinda hard to tell in this pic the bottem is bette is 2or 3hr hold after drinking 4o r5 beers in 5 hrs and water.
Is it possible moving around like walking makes hcg get on your system faster?
After I got home I had bad heart burn and waz very nausas. I did not even get a buzz last night.

This one first is last night the positive one11:3/pm one, (I know I can see something on the top test on this one if you can't look at the control line and you will see it out of the corner of your eye. There is at least a shadow but it is pretty pink IRL.
second yesterday 10/14 fmu 5am,
2nd 7:45 am 2mu,
3rd&4th 11:45 am
Lady, sorry to hear Elsa has a heart defect, I hope surgery can make everything better for her. I am sure you must be beyond worried, so sorry once again. Hugs to your little princess.

Beach, I hope it was AF for you, good that you are temping this cycle anyway, hoping you get pg with a rainbow really soon.

Nicki, :hugs:

Thurl, good luck at your appt.

Sooper, progesterone supplements can prevent pg because it tricks your body into thinking you are pg, thereby not shedding your uterine lining. That's why you need to only take it after OV has been confirmed and stop it after BFN is confirmed. You continue taking it is BFP, some people take it through 12 weeks others longer, I took mine through 16 weeks and weaned off it totally around 17 weeks. I hope you get your sticky rainbow soon. I will try to upload a pic later today :flower:

Monro, I do kind off see a line on the first pic 3rd test and on the 2nd pic, 1st test. How many dpo are you? Try to test again tomorrow? Lots of luck to you!!

:wave: hi to everyone else

AFM, I ordered a MaternaBelt Maternity Support Belt from Amazon, and it should arrive Thursday this week, I just checked and it may be here before then! Oh how I hope so, I really need it! My inner thighs are killing me, and they say it's the round ligaments so hopefully the belt helps me. Last night I got up to pee and I actually heard a bone pop when I got up, I guess my thighs? :dohh: I was so sore :nope: when I went back to bed I put a pillow between my legs and that helped lots, I felt much better when I woke up this morning :thumbup: Being that I'd never been pregnant this far along before this is all new to me, I am learning as I go along, I hope I don't bore you guys. Today at work a friend of mine was telling me about a friend of hers that had her baby by c-section on Friday, :nope: total horror story. She said her friend got a spinal tap and for some reason they went beyond the air pocket and her friend started feeling hot from her back to her neck and head! That she could not breath and all this time my friend was in the waiting room freaking out because she hadn't heard anything about her friend for 45 mins. She said when she was allowed to go into the room the doctors were alreay operating and her friend was in tears scared to death :nope:. Then when they got her in a room, they gave her pytocin to contract her uterus, so there she was with an open C-section wound and having contractions :dohh:. Hearing all the stuff that can go wrong makes me want natural birth more and more. Gosh I hope all is ok and I can have a natural birth.
Lady so sorry about Elsa. I am sure she is going to be fine for surgery and grow into a normal healthy happy kid.

Emme-Omg that is a horror story. I know things can go wrong but wow. Hope the belt helps your round ligament pains. I am glad you can see something on them b/c I just feel like I am going crazy. That was the only test that was posiitve. Do you think it is a bad evap. :cry:

Here are the same 2 I just tweeked of the same test to bring it out more.

Keep in mind the 3rd test on bottom pic and the 1st test on top are the same test.

Top pic
10/12 by monro15, on Flickr

Bottom pic
10/12 by monro15, on Flickr

With that I give up
Monro, I do see something but I would try testing again tomorrow morning. Your FF chart says 7dpo today hun so it may still be early and not enough HCG, crossing my fingers tight for you!!
Monro - My tests looked like that before i got my most deff bfp with lil man! how many dpo are you? they looked like that at 5-6dpo! good luck! i'll see if i can find my tests so i can show you
well I don't know if I am 7dpo or 9 dpo either way I know still early. If I put in the temp I probably would have ben around the days I had fever it puts me at 7 but if I leave those temps out then it puts me at 9. :shrug:

I think I am just going to keep the temps there it will make me feel better being 7 dpo then 9 but that would mean the test was from 5 dpo.
Monro - My tests looked like that before i got my most deff bfp with lil man! how many dpo are you? they looked like that at 5-6dpo! good luck! i'll see if i can find my tests so i can show you

I use to love these test mine looke like that last yr with the twin/triplet mmc. I had started testing at 4 dpo and at 7 dpo I saw a hint then that evening it was darker but it went light again till 9 or 10 dpo then it was definatly a bfp then. But I an not even getting a hint of a line anymore. Would that be an evap I have never had one that bad on these test. :cry:
I've never had an evap on those tests...i've had an evap on blue dye tests and 1 time on a frer


this was between 6-8dpo...

and this one was 9-11dpo

ayclopes- I have really never had noticable evap on these usually I tell people that have a line that can be seen on these test that these test are pretty good and if it is pink then it is hcg and if they get af it might had been a chem. I hope that is not the case.

The evaps I have had was the ones that you might see something if you turn it a certain way and if you stare long enough a line appears but if you look away you cannot see it anymore they look very shadowy lol :dohh:

This one is no doubt pink and noticable but the dye took a really long time to go across and I did not look at it till next morning. So IDK :shrug:
Sometimes it is the test..i would wait a couple more days and test again with fmu..if you are indeed pregnant..a frer should forsure be able to pick up something!
Hi all.
Looks like a lot has happened since I popped in last.

Monro, i can see the line, but I cant say if it is an evap or +. I have never had a + so early.

Emme, how cruel to tell you stories like that! I would rather not hear about things going horribly wrong. I hope you manage to put it out of your mind and that you do end up having an uncomplicated natural birth.

Soop, sounds impressive! I couldnt run from the sofa to the fridge, but I do mean to get more exercise than simple walking the dog but there just arent enough hours.
I havent gone with the antibiotics yet. I am only 17 DPO so I just want to give it a chance first to see if it sticks.

Nicki, I am so so sorry to read your news. I hope you are being looked after well and that you are being kind to yourself.

And Lady, I understand you must be scared. That sounds so frightening, but as you say, she will be loooked after by the best, professionals who do this all the time. Easier said than done, but I hope you can try to put worry to the side and look forward to putting it all behind you.

Beachy, when did you discover your MTHFR issue and start the folic acid? Did your doctor think it was the cause of the mcs?

I had another blood test on Sunday and my HCG was around 1,100 (16dpo), which apprently is a good result. I dont think I can take any more blood tests now - I have bruises on both arms from the needles and feel drained. We have decided not to fly off on holiday next week just to not take any chances and will instead have a local driving holiday. If I make it past 23 dpo, I will have beaten my record (not counting my mmc at 10 weks). fx
Hi ladies!

Firstly lady oh my gosh your poor little princess! :cry: But as others have said that hospital is the best! My friend was there for years in and out as she was born with spina bifida but she turned out just great and a black belt in judo! :thumbup: I agree it's probably best that you didnt know when you were pregnant, would only have added to your stress. :hugs:

Nicki :hugs: glad you are holding up ok, please pass on my best wishes to patiently i think about her often. :hugs:

Soop good luck with the acu, i really enjoyed it, my guy wanted me to go twice a month, once before ov and once before the end of the cycle. I bet you will see a difference in your af, much fresher brighter blood! :hugs:

Emme i hope the belt does the trick for you! :thumbup:

Beach good luck hun :hugs:

Nsn your little man is gorgeous glad things are getting easier. :hugs:

Monro fx this is the start of something for you! :thumbup:

Ambi your numbers seem to be doubling fx for you! :thumbup:

Wookie how are things progressing? :hugs:

Thurl did you get your blood results? :hugs:

Anyone i missed sorry and hope you are ok! :hugs:

Afm have a bump pic from sat will post later. Should have been going to a wedding this sat just gone, dhs friends. Anyway he got a text last mon saying it was off and they were splitting up!! We couldnt believe it, theyve been together the best part of 20 years! Turns out hes been seeing someone from his work, and said hes got feelings for her! Dh was shocked and disgusted hes been friends with them both since school!

The sat before we went to a baby show, we ordered the pushchair and car seat, Should be here in about a month. We went for the babystyle oyster with purple colour pack, plus the carrycot, got a free footmuff. And chose the maxi cosi pebble car seat. Think we saved about £125 if we had paid full price for everything. :happydance:

Scares me that we have ordered all this stuff and spent all this money and things could still go wrong....

Had midwife appointment last tuesday, she did my fundal measurement which was 29cm, and they normally say a cm per week, as i was 28 and a half weeks this was fine. But when she plotted it on the chart it was above the 90th percentile! :dohh: She said not to worry and go by the scan as they are more accurate so we will see. Scan on 6th Nov. Antenatal not til end of Nov! Ill be 36 weeks by then!

:dust: to those that need it! xxx
Hi everyone,

Back from Florida and finally readjusted from the jetlag :wacko: had an amazing time, we did lots, ate lots, drank lots, spent lots :haha:

Lady - I am so so sorry about Elsa's heart defect but as everyone says GOSH is the best place to be and I'm sure she will be just fine but I can imagine how you must bee feeling - its something any mummy should not have to go through, especially with her being so young :hugs:

Monro - I think I saw a line on the top one. Fx'd hun, keep testing :hugs:

Lexi - glad you are well - looking forward to the updated bump pic. Great news on the purchases too :thumbup:

Beach - I thought of you when we were in Tampa at Busch Gardens - hope you are doing well. Weather was a bit rubbish the day we went there and they stopped all the rides as there was a thunderstorm around lunchtime (no rain though which was strange for me). The park was eerily quiet for a while.

Hi to everyone else - I forget what everyone has said by the time I get round to updating.

AFM - Whilst I was away I received my referral to Professor Quenby. I have emailed her today as I am due to O today or tomorrow so am now waiting for an appointment from her for the NK cells testing. AF arrived on the last day of the holiday, making a 27 day cycle since the m/c which is about normal for me.

I'l leave you with a pic of me and DH enjoying our holiday :cloud9:


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Soop - good luck with the fitness regime. I def recommend the clear out too, helps clear your mind. I couldnt fit into quite a lot of my clothes anymore, some of them are a few years old and ive put on some weight since then, and i decided if I manage to lose a bit of weight I will treat myself to some new clothes. More retail therapy. Good luck with acu too, let us know how it goes.

Emme, what a horror story. Why on earth did your friend think it was good idea to tell you that!??? NOT helpful.

Monro, I think I could just see a line! Are you going to try and leave it a couple of days to test again? So hard waiting isn't it. Fx for you x

Ambi - congrats!!! It's looking good for you, good numbers. I know you won't be able to relax until you're clear of 23 dpo so I hope the time goes quickly for you.

Lexi - glad you and bump are doing well. Omg re the nearly married couple - and after all those years together. Poor poor bride to be :(

NTAT - so glad you had a wonderful holiday. I'm looking fwd to hearing about your trip to see prof Q. I hope to follow in your footsteps soon

Everyone - will def say hi to patiently from all of you

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