Beach, it's understandable, I was like that after I miscarried in December
I got back on the bandwagon in February though and had that chemical in March, then got my rainbow in May. I hope the supplements work better for you and you get your rainbow straight away
Sooper, it's been a long cycle for you huh? I wish you could know before Monday, waiting is what sucks.
Ambi, I can send you my fertility cocktail/pharmacopia
send me your email address privately. I hope you get some answers, I got tested for all sorts of things with this pregnancy after they tracked my chemical in March, they took 9 vials of blood
Monro, glad you are feeling better, yeah it's no fun being preggo and sick, especially since you can't really take anything. And sneezing while your uterus is stretching, talk about OUCH!
AFM, my cold is wearing off, good riddance. I am finally 24 weeks!!
my lil bean is no longer a fetus but a baby
Wow 6 months officially
time is flying! Make it slow down some! I had
with OH Tuesday night and when I went to the toilet I had some light spotting, went away really quick, I hate spotting
I know what caused it though...
he stimulated my nipples which the OB/Gyn said is a no-no, so I told him we would wait 2 weeks and try again with no nipple stimulation, if I spot again then no more
Going to my appt tomorrow and will let the doctor know...