A group for TTC#1 and had more than one loss?

Hi ladies sorry ive been mia for so long!

Emme sounds like you got a big healthy boy in there! :thumbup: I dont know much about cervix length i never got told mine at my 32 week scan.

Monro so pleased you got to see a heartbeat, fx for you this time. :hugs:

Thurl i had a pretty short surge and often missed it, id bd tonight and tomorrow if i were you, good luck! :hugs:

Ntat glad you and dh are getting along better, hopefully you will hear from Prof Q very soon. :hugs:

Soop are you due to test soon? Good luck if you are :hugs:

Nicki how was your appointment? :hugs:

Ambi almost 2nd tri! :happydance:

Wookie, ayc. Lady, Nsn, beach and anyone i missed :hi: i hope you are all keeping well! :hugs: :flower:

Afm so dad was kept in hospital over the weekend and let out on the monday (3 weeks tom). We saw hardly any staff all weekend yet on the mon the hospital was full of people and they kicked him out, dont be old, on your own, and in hospital over the weekend or you have got no chance!! It's a joke! But that's a whole other story! :growlmad:

So since hes been out they have had speech, physio and occupational therapists coming to the house and hes made really good progress, the speech and physio are done with him now and its just practice on his part. As if the stroke and me being heavily pregnant wasnt enough the had an offer on their house 2 weeks ago so are probably moving in january.... we dont know where yet, they will prob rent for 6 months.

The first week he was out i was at work and was trying to come round at lunch and after work and it was all too much esp as work is pretty stressful too, so i started maternity leave at 34 weeks instead of 36 weeks, and im so glad i did.

It has been a stressful few weeks but is getting a bit better..... until baby comes and they move i guess but we will have to cross that bridge when we get to it.

On a lighter note my pram and car seat came this week and ive packed my hospital bag and done my antenatal classes so pretty much ready now, just a waiting game! :shrug:

Will try and keep up with you all a bit better now, and keeping my fx for some xmas bfps!!! :thumbup: xxx
For those of you that knew a little on strokes it said on his discharge form, CAA cerebral something i looked it up and seems to happen to the elderly a protein weakens the blood vessels in the brain causing them to leak or burst. From what i can see theres no cure and every chance it could happen again. Scares the shit out of me but i cant spend the next few years worrying about something that might not happen. Easier said than done though. I hope both of them will be around for a long time to come, i dont have any other family and this baby needs a few years of being spoilt, which she so will be! :thumbup:
Hi Lexi, glad to hear your dad is out of hospital and making good progress. Long may it continue.
I have a little knowledge of strokes, my mum has had numerous TIA's (like mini strokes) over the past 15 years or so. I used to worry every day as they say the more of those you have, the more likely you are to have a big one... but *knock on wood*, she's been fine.
I can understand how worrying it can be, but please try not to worry about what might not happen.
Glad you were able to bring your mat leave forward a bit - I reckon your parents are pleased and you get to spend lots of time with your dad.

Take care hun, thinking of you :hugs:
Hi Lexi, nice to hear from you, I think about you and how you're doing every time I post here, really pleased to hear your dad is home and making progress, the therapists do a wonderful job and it's always easier to recover at home. It sounds like a good thing that you started your mat leave early, you definately need to forget work and focus on you and your family, hope you're feeling ok too, not long at all left now x
Hi girls, thought I'd try and quickly catch up! Meant to at the w/e but have had the biggest, thumping head, it's driving me mad! Still there a bit, grrrr.

Thurl, yay for pos opks! I hope you catch the egg for a Christmas bfp xx

Lexi thanks for the update, that's great he is home. I'm pleased you have left work early too, try and take some time for yourself as well as family visits, so close for you it's great xx

Emme, he does sound like a big un! I don't know either about cervix, for instance does it take a long time to prepare itself for labour? X

Monro, I'm so pleased you have a hb? Your numbers sound great and so strong, fx this is it for you xx

Nicki how are you? Ntat :wave: and glad you are getting on better with you oh. X

Noptop, how are you? And Beach, Wookie, ambi, sath, everyone! X

Afm, as I mentioned, I've been getting a splitting head, which after cutting out processed sugar and booze, I'm annoyed! Unless this is a pg symptom? I've also got sore boobs, feeling a bit weird too. I may test tomorrow........xx
Thurl, I typically ovulated within 24-48 hours of my first smiley digi...but my OB specifically told me to dtd on the day of the smiley, and then once or twice more in the 72 hours following the first smiley. Your bases will be well and truly covered. Using some preseed can help those swimmers survive a bit longer too. You should be okay dtd yesterday, and today. I'd say you'd be adequately covered!

Lexi- I'm glad to hear your dad is out of the hospital. Praying that he continues to recover.
Hiya, quick update, so I just got light pink spotting, I'm cd28, 13dpo. I wish I knew what was going on..... :( I'm hoping for ib but wondering if it's a bit late? It's def early for af.....
Quick post.

So, had my results this morning.

Summary as follows:

Glands have developed normally, stromal cells developed normally, blood vessels appear normal, epithelial surface looks normal.

Changes mean that ovulation occurred, as did post-ovulation rise of progesterone levels. Changes had desired effect on endometrium.

uNK cell count is 11.51%.

Upper limit of normal is 5%

Test indicates high uNK cell density.

So I have high NK cells. It's still sinking in but at least I finally have an answer.

Looks like my own body killed my babies.

A sobering thought.
Thurl, I called the doctor and left a message for the doctor to go over my results, I asked them to specifically tell me about my cervix length when they called back. The nurse called me and said since I am already 32 weeks, the doctor is not concerned with the length :shrug: so I guess all is fine. I hope you catch the egg, lots of :sex: for you! :thumbup: sending you lots of baby :dust: :)

Lexi, crazy about them releasing your dad so soon, I’d be mad too. Glad to hear he is doing better though.
How long is your maternity leave for? We get 6 weeks where I work plus any vacation time accumulated. We are also picking up the stroller and carseat this week as well, that’s the final item on the list :) and I’ve started getting the baby’s bag ready. Just haven’t done mine yet :haha:

Sooper, I know the cervix shortens/starts to efface as labor approaches, but aside from the research I did online I have no idea either. All I know is walking/baby’s weight plays a factor. Remember it's not over till AF comes, I'm crossing my fingers for you and also sending you lots of baby :dust:

NTAT, at least you have an answer and you can get treated for it. Lexi had that and see how far along she's come! There's hope once you can get treatment :hug:

Nicki, how did things go? :hugs:

Afm, I have another doctor appointment on 12/11, I will make sure to ask more about my cervix and have them check it out. I DTD with OH yesterday and felt kinda crampy afterwards, it may have been the prostaglandins from the :spermy: which supposedly help ripen the cervix?

:wave: hope everyone else is doing ok. Lots of baby :dust: to those trying for BFP’s :flower:
Lexi - can I ask what your uNK levels were?
Also the miscarriages you had after your results-were you on steroids with them?

Just psyching myself up for what is to come. Don't want false hope that all will be ok next time.
Thurl--Yay!!! Thats great on the positive opk:happydance: Get as much in as much :sex: in as you can. Even if you only do it 2 days before and day before O it still works. If you can pree see works also at least it cannot hurt. :winkwink: Hoping to see another 2 lines in 2 wks :winkwink: I have a very short surge so when I get my positive at least the last few times I O'd that day. And I ckd every 4 hrs and they kept getting darker. But use to I would O the next day or 2 after the posiive.GL go catch that eggy.

Lexi--So glad your dad is making so much progress thats great. I know that I do not get paid maternity leave where I work but I can take off up to 8 wks if I want However I can use up my sick days and vaca days which might give me 3 wks paid. But at the most I will take off 1 month. My DH says I am only taking off 2 wks lol little does he know :winkwink: Not much longer before you meet your little girl. :happydance:

Soop ---Oh I hope its IB. Maybe the weird feeling is your exta sticky baby getting cozy in there.

NTAT--It's good you finally found what was wrong and you can control it and move foward to your forever sticky baby. How do you treat it?

AFM---- Be carful what you wish for I think the MS is kicking in. I was a little worried b/c Sat I woke up and boobs not as sore all day, no sickness not even when I brushed my teeth. I really did not eat much either b/c I was not really hungry I believe all day I had an apple, chips and salsa and ramon noodles. Usually when I get hungry I get kinda nausas but it was nothing. Yesterday was not bad either just really tired. However this morning OMG woke up boobs SOOOOOO sore, and when i woke up I knew MS was starting b/c I had that feeling in the back of my throat it feels like a pressure like its kinda closed and you have to swallow to get rid of it but swallowing does not help.
Ooooh NTAT im so excited for you.... i mean i know it's crap that our bodies have been killing our babies and we have had to go through so much..... but you have an answer! :happydance:

My result was 10.2 %.

My 3 mc were not on any treatment, the chemical i had before this i just started meds and a week later tests were white, but it was a really late implanter, bfp was like 16dpo or something, and i didnt feel good about it from the start. I honestly just think it was one of those things and wasnt meant to be. So this is my first go with treatment, and look at me now 3.5 weeks to go! :happydance:

Dont get me wrong i still find it hard to believe i will bring a baby home, and wont believe it til i have her.

Is Prof Q ringing you to go through everything? Let me know if i can help with anymore questions!

How do you feel about it all? :hugs: xxx
Emme and monro our nhs service leaves alot to be desired sometimes but we do ok for maternity leave!

Im getting 2 weeks full pay then i think 4 weeks at 90% thats with mat pay included. Then i get 20 weeks at half pay from work, plus mat pay which is around £500 per month, so that takes it to 6 months. Then we get another 3 months just at mat pay, and can take a final 3 months unpaid if i want. Plus holidays still get added up and can be tagged on before i go back, i will def be taking the 9 months, maybe a little more i will see.

Emme sounds like you are getting all organized now! :thumbup:

Monro boo to MS!! :hugs:

Soop good luck :hugs:

Hey to everyone else xx
Emme and monro our nhs service leaves alot to be desired sometimes but we do ok for maternity leave!

Im getting 2 weeks full pay then i think 4 weeks at 90% thats with mat pay included. Then i get 20 weeks at half pay from work, plus mat pay which is around £500 per month, so that takes it to 6 months. Then we get another 3 months just at mat pay, and can take a final 3 months unpaid if i want. Plus holidays still get added up and can be tagged on before i go back, i will def be taking the 9 months, maybe a little more i will see.

Emme sounds like you are getting all organized now! :thumbup:

Monro boo to MS!! :hugs:

Soop good luck :hugs:

Hey to everyone else xx

Wow 9 months I wish we had something like that in the states but I think the only places that do that are big corporations and hospitals. Probably others but none that I can think of. I have worked in financial institutions and none have paid maturnity. :shrug:
Thanks for your answer Lexi :hugs:

I feel a bit more hopeful now that the treatment may work.
I have an appointment to ring Prof Q on Tuesday 11th at 18:45.... I have so many questions for her.

I hope she speaks to my FS like she said she would as he won't give out the steroids and just wants to administer the intralipids (at a huge cost)

Maybe I can get them off her directly, but when I get a BFP, I don't want to be waiting round for days for them.

My experience of the FS is that although they know what they are doing, they don't share my sense of urgency!

Up at this stupid hour as my mind is doing overtime :wacko:
Ntat it's good that you have an explanation but I understand it must feel bittersweet. I hope Prof Q can give you a good supply of meds and that it all works out like it has with Lexi next time :hugs:

Monro, I can't believe how little maternity you get! So will you be returning to work, and will it be full time? That's shocking, you should get longer.

I've had more spotting and it's getting a bit darker, so I think that's me out. I'm so frustrated and once again wondering what we can do differently next month. I just wish it would happen....so many people around me are pregnant, the bloody royals even! I just want our time....sigh x
Soop - I feel for you hun, it's so frustrating isn't it. I've been waiting for the Kate & Wills pregnancy, I bloody knew she'd manage it before me!
Having said that, she's still early. It's so out of character for them to announce it so early but I suppose speculation would be rife if they didn't as she's cancelled all her appointments.
How things are different, she'll not want for anything care wise and doesn't have to beg the doctor to sign her off work, whilst we have to drag our A holes into work every day.

Your time will come, as will mine.... and it'll be worth the wait :hugs:
Hello. been a mad week or so, hardly time to think! Must be time for a catch up.

Lexi, so sorry to hear about your Dad, you and your family are going through such a lot but its great he's making progress. Very wise of you to go on mat leave early too.

Thurl I hope you got lots of BDing in after the smiley face :) fx it's your month.

Monro how's beanie? I know ms is yukky but I bet you're a bit glad about it too. Due to Kate Middleton being up the duff the news is just full of stories about ms today.

Soop I'm so sorry if AF has arrived :hugs: Not fair.

NTAT, i saw your nk cells results! I hope this path has answers for you, I'm kind of hoping the same for myself. I can't wait to go and see prof Q. So I know you have to pay for the test but do you have to pay for the meds too?

Notoptomistic, emme, Wookie, how are you all doing?

AFM - the consultant apt was as expected really. She was really lovely but confirmed there wasn't really anything else she could do as all my results and kyrotyping were normal. She has referred me see Lesley Regan at St Marys for one more test - TEG (thromboelestogram), some sort of sticky blood thing which is different to the other blood conditions I've been tested for and it's the only place that does it. It will be great to go there, but she did say if the TEG was normal St Mary's wouldn't see me for anything else, just this condition.

I asked her about nk cells. I could tell she was a little sceptical about it and she printed out a research paper about findings to date which I haven't had chance to read yet. She said to go for it if I really wanted to but there's no solid evidence yet. I can see why she said that, she has to back up the nhs stance, BUT I will def go for it, it worked for lovely Lexi and a few others ive heard of so fingers crossed.

So that's 2 more avenues to go down still, sthg to focus on.
AF arrived for me yesterday, first one since the mc. Always a relief to get that one, feels like some progress! But I'm pretty sure the day for having the nk cells tests I.e 7 days after ov will arrive slap bang between Xmas and new year meaning I'll have to wait til end of Jan, then hopefully get the results end feb and start ttc again in March... Fx it goes to plan.

Re the TEG tests, the Dr just said she'd write to Lesley regan to refer me but I have no idea how long that will take. I'm just going to see that as a bonus test though and not wait around for that.
Thanks for your answer Lexi :hugs:

I feel a bit more hopeful now that the treatment may work.
I have an appointment to ring Prof Q on Tuesday 11th at 18:45.... I have so many questions for her.

I hope she speaks to my FS like she said she would as he won't give out the steroids and just wants to administer the intralipids (at a huge cost)

Maybe I can get them off her directly, but when I get a BFP, I don't want to be waiting round for days for them.

My experience of the FS is that although they know what they are doing, they don't share my sense of urgency!

Up at this stupid hour as my mind is doing overtime :wacko:

She will speak to them, she spoke to my gp and she still wouldnt prescribe the meds so dh had to drive all the way to coventry to get them! Once id managed to get in at the epu one of the ladies there got a doc in fetal medicine to prescribe the rest, as she could only give me a month at a time on a hospital prescription.

You will be ok, dont give up :hugs: x
Soop sorry to hear about the spotting, it's so frustrating when it keeps happening every month I feel exactly the same, perhaps another cycle of acu will help, hope you're ok hun vent here as much as you like :hugs:

NTAT you have an answer :) That's great you're no longer in limbo, although it's rubbish to think what our own bodies do to us, good luck with your appointment on 11th and definately don't hold back with the questions :hugs:

Emme that's good the doctor isn't concerned, now relax Missy :haha:

Monro you have MS :happydance: I have never had it so I don't know what it's like, but just think about the reason you have got it and that will get you through :hugs:

Nicki that's great you have a plan :thumbup: It's typical that xmas falls right when you need the test though! Still you can have a few drinkies over xmas and then get right on with your plan after :) x

Afm I'm stressing abit, my temps aren't doing what I was hoping they would and I haven't really had a rise yet even though I think yesterday would have been O day, the thing with PCOS is that it can cause an LH surge but no O according to the doctor so I'm praying that hasn't happened. Anyway, I dtd on Saturday night and Sunday morning, but we have been so busy that we haven't done it since, so I don't think I am particularly well covered now even if I did O yesterday, what a stress this all is :dohh:

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