NTAT, Yay for a heartbeat!!!

that is wonderful news!!
Lexi, I've heard
BAD things about the synthetic medicine

makes me shudder. I'm so happy you have your baby in your arms though!!!! And that you are both healthy and fine!

Sorry to hear you had an episiotomy

I've heard they give you a spray to use down there that will help with the pain. My sister told me it was a life saver

Get some rest hun after all that your body went through, you need to get your strength back. We are all going to be here waiting for an update from you.
AFM, ultrasound and doctor appt this afternoon. Ladies I am in pain... I barely slept last night, my inner thighs pelvic area was hurting, as was my lower back. TMI, the only thing that felt good was when I went to the restroom to pee and just sat there, legs wide open

my husband kept asking if I'd fallen in the toilet

I am thinking next Friday will be my last day at work, I'll be 38 weeks by then and honestly it gets harder to get out of bed and going as the days go by

send some labour dust my way Lexi

I want bubs out.