Kmp, if you got your BFP at 11dpo that means the egg implated at a good time! YAY!! Hoping you have a happy and healthy 9 months.
Lady, glad Elsa is doing good, hope when the time comes she comes out of sur
Nicki, good luck catching the egg! I hope ProfQ has some answers for you.
Monro, light cramping is normal and the HB is normal as well, I think mine was around 167 at 11 weeks. As for MS, I never got it in the first trimester, but in the second trimester I think around 14 weeks I had it bad for like 2 or 3 days, so glad it was only that! I can’t imagine having it more

Sorry to hear about the dream, I think when you’re pregnant your hormones make you way more emotional. Like yours my first MIL was awesome, I totally loved her and it hurt like crazy when she passed away. To this day I remember her even though I divorced her son a while ago. I hope my husband’s mom is half as awesome as my last MIL was. Hope you don’t get any more bad dreams
Mommy, sorry you are feeling down, we’ve all been there
NTAT, remember brown spotting is not bad, I’ve had friends on here that have bled heavy and red and one had her baby in August and the other is 22 weeks pregnant. And speaking from experience, I thought for sure I was losing this baby at 7 weeks, I mourned him, cried, got mad at God and nothing happened, then I had 2 more scares, I bled not spotted at 11 weeks, went to the ER and they couldn’t find a reason! Then I spotted again around 14 weeks but at that point I didn’t let it affect me as much, I knew worrying wouldn’t do anything for me, so I just took it one day at a time and thought that for that day I was still pregnant. And here I am at 37 weeks almost ready to hold my baby. Once you've miscarried it's extremely hard to not worry when you have any amount of blood, no matter how minimal. We just immediately expect the worst, it's all natural. Just take things one day at a time, I am praying for you
AFM, I am just waiting on bubs to make his appearance. I got a surprise baby shower at work today, I am feeling very blessed, I got gifts for the baby; diapers, clothes, wipes and gift cards. And how about I was just informed the vice president of my department is getting me a crib!!! OMG!! I am so blessed! We had a nice department lunch and cake too, it was great

I am tired but trying to hold on as long as possible so I can spend as much time with the baby as possible when he is born. I have a week vacation and then my disability insurance is only for 6 weeks at 60% pay so I can’t afford to be out too long, but I’m thinking of taking 2 weeks without pay for a total of 9 weeks. I’m still getting cramps here and there, nothing consistent, but I have noticed my lower back has started aching when I have the cramps, plus I have bad pressure too. I’m hoping it’s a sign of progression, I have my next doctor appointment on Thursday.