A group for TTC#1 and had more than one loss?

NTAT - I've posted in your journal but lots more :hugs: ok. Mommylov is so right, pg is kind of ruined for us PAL ladies. Sending you my bestest positive vibes.

Mommylov nice to hear from you - it's only 4dpo don't feel too down yet! I know it's tough not to though.

Monro - v sad about your MIL, you obviously miss her lots. :hugs:

Ayclobes hope you're feeling better, sounds like you've had a rough time health-wise recently :hugs:

Hi everyone else :hi:
Kmp, if you got your BFP at 11dpo that means the egg implated at a good time! YAY!! Hoping you have a happy and healthy 9 months.

Lady, glad Elsa is doing good, hope when the time comes she comes out of sur

Nicki, good luck catching the egg! I hope ProfQ has some answers for you.

Monro, light cramping is normal and the HB is normal as well, I think mine was around 167 at 11 weeks. As for MS, I never got it in the first trimester, but in the second trimester I think around 14 weeks I had it bad for like 2 or 3 days, so glad it was only that! I can’t imagine having it more :nope: Sorry to hear about the dream, I think when you’re pregnant your hormones make you way more emotional. Like yours my first MIL was awesome, I totally loved her and it hurt like crazy when she passed away. To this day I remember her even though I divorced her son a while ago. I hope my husband’s mom is half as awesome as my last MIL was. Hope you don’t get any more bad dreams :hugs:

Mommy, sorry you are feeling down, we’ve all been there :flower:

NTAT, remember brown spotting is not bad, I’ve had friends on here that have bled heavy and red and one had her baby in August and the other is 22 weeks pregnant. And speaking from experience, I thought for sure I was losing this baby at 7 weeks, I mourned him, cried, got mad at God and nothing happened, then I had 2 more scares, I bled not spotted at 11 weeks, went to the ER and they couldn’t find a reason! Then I spotted again around 14 weeks but at that point I didn’t let it affect me as much, I knew worrying wouldn’t do anything for me, so I just took it one day at a time and thought that for that day I was still pregnant. And here I am at 37 weeks almost ready to hold my baby. Once you've miscarried it's extremely hard to not worry when you have any amount of blood, no matter how minimal. We just immediately expect the worst, it's all natural. Just take things one day at a time, I am praying for you :hugs:

AFM, I am just waiting on bubs to make his appearance. I got a surprise baby shower at work today, I am feeling very blessed, I got gifts for the baby; diapers, clothes, wipes and gift cards. And how about I was just informed the vice president of my department is getting me a crib!!! OMG!! I am so blessed! We had a nice department lunch and cake too, it was great :) I am tired but trying to hold on as long as possible so I can spend as much time with the baby as possible when he is born. I have a week vacation and then my disability insurance is only for 6 weeks at 60% pay so I can’t afford to be out too long, but I’m thinking of taking 2 weeks without pay for a total of 9 weeks. I’m still getting cramps here and there, nothing consistent, but I have noticed my lower back has started aching when I have the cramps, plus I have bad pressure too. I’m hoping it’s a sign of progression, I have my next doctor appointment on Thursday.
Nicki - yes, i am much better, well besides this constant cough//congestion//crap i have in my throat.

My leave starts in 2 1/2 wks i cant believe its that time already! hope everyone is well!
Thank you girls! Ive never had issues and both times I got pregnant, it happened on the first try. Now I fear that I didnt O or something this month even though I had a + OPK last friday. I dont know why but Im fearing things that havent happened to me (Atleast not that I know of). This tww is going to just kill me this time :(
mommylov--Don't worry I have seen alot of women with MTHFR go on to have a full term babies. Your really early but I know how it is feeling out before 5 dpo. I actually felt out this time b/c I thought me and DH did not catch it b/c we did not dtd on the morning of O but I was wrong so don't count your self out yet. :hugs:

NTAT--So sorry your going threw all this but spotting is ok as long as there is no red so brown is old. Thats good your able to get in for a scan tomorrow. GL I bet you see the LO with a strong HB :hugs:

ayclobes--Wow that does suck so sorry you had to go threw all that during the holidays but glad your feeling better now. I have decided to not get the flu shot. I am finally about over the congestion now.

Nicki--thank you. I really do miss her b/c I could talk to her about things that I could not talk to my own mom about. :cry: Now we just found out right after Christmas that his 95 yr old Grandmom (dad's mom) has stomach cancer. I am hoping she will make it to see the baby but she does not know she has it yet we have not told her she will know by Fri though b/c she is having a CT done to see how big it is.

Emme--the cramping is a little more then light but it is no where near as bad as my 2nd day af cramps are. I have light cramping all the time the was a little worse last night and th night before but its ok right now. I have had no spotting and the HB is fine and I got an appt tomorrow so I am not as worried about it as I would be if I had to wait a few more wks for the appt. Sorry to hear about your x mil. I got my fx for your new mil to be just as good. Soo sweet about he baby shower. It is so nice that you work in a place that cares for your so much and supports you. The cramps ur having especially the back ach sounds like there is progression. . FX you are dilated more tomorrow. :hugs:

AFM--broke down and got some Zofren (generic). soooo much better. But took 2 days and 2 phone calls for the Nurse to call me back so they could call it in. :dohh:
Monroe, Im scared of the same thing! The past two times I concieved I knew that I O late so we dtd about cd14 and on. This time I got a + opk on cd14 so I was shocked and we hadnt bd at all. We did last friday night (The afternoon I got the +) and every day after (Fri, sat, sun, mon, no bd yes, will bd tonight). Sooo hoping that we caught it. I had a glop of ewcm on sat (Sorry TMI :oops:) so Im thinking thats when I actually O. Its very encouraging to know that you have heard of people having MTHFR and they went on to have healthy babies :D Im hoping! Fx Thanks hun! :hugs:

Oh, and I am very sorry to hear about your MIL... thoughts and prayers for you xxx
NTAT, I will be thinking about you and praying your ultrasound goes well.

Monro, I will be high risk because I have kidney disease that i was diagnosed with in July 2011 (did I mention that was a great year! (sarcasm)

Got hcg beta on monday and at 13 dpo it was 136, so that sounded good to me. Got bloods drawn again today annd will find out results tomorrow. I think I will feel much better after betas are hopefully doubling and early scan on Monday. I am soo glad I pushed for it!!
Excellent news.... baby Haribo is doing just fine, measuring 6 weeks 6 days with a lovely strong heartbeat, I am over the moon and cannot believe it.
She checked to see if she could see a reason for the spotting but couldn't see anything so she thinks all is fine and it could be the clexane.

Next appointment is 3 weeks today - 31st Jan... she wanted me to be positive and wait. I'm happy to do so at the moment. Its going to be long month, lol.

I'll leave you with a much bigger picture of Haribo (who incidentally is called Haribo as its DH's favourite brand of sweeties and goes with our surname which begins with an H).

She's given us an EDD of 1st September <3

mommylov--Sounds like you may have caught the egg. Usually when i get a + opk I O that days so no warning really. The cycle in Nov when I got pregnant we only did it 3 times that cycle and the first time was cd 7 so way to early the only ones that I can count is Cd 12 that in the AM and cd13 that evening around 10 or 11. He left at 4 the next morning to go on a hunting trip and even though we tried he did not finish since his mind was on something else. I was pissed. lol :dohh: I got a postive they day he left however I did not temp that morning b/c I got up so early and it would have been messed up anyways so it is possible I O'd on cd15. :shrug:

kmp--everything sounds good I have my FX for you and sending you some sticky dust:dust:

NTAT--Thats great I believe this one is your rainbow baby. The appt in 3 wks will be so much better b/c you will have a such better US pic that will look like a little baby. :happydance:

AFM--been cramping off and on I am now thinking constipation b/c of the zorfran but this is only the 2nd day I hve not gone which is not uncommon for me when I am not pregnant but since I became pregnant I have gone almost every day until now. :shrug:
KMP, yay for your betas and hope Monday they are steadily climbing!

Monro, I hope youre right! I have a weird feeling today. Almost gassy/achy,poopy(no 2 :oops:).. I dont want to get ahead of myself but these are good signs right? hahah Only 5dpo and Im fishing or ANYTHING to tell me If I am or not. I got my +opk last frida. We bd that night, sat, sund and mon and then havent since. I have been testing with cheapy o tests to see if I get a second surge just incase but noting so Im hoping that we covered it. Im not too familiar with the med you are taking but I know that as far as constipation goes, it def can come and go. My friend that had a mc in jan last year got preg 2 months later and told me about it coming and going for her. Factor your meds (I dont know what the side effects are) and Im sure it will throw you for a loop. No harm in asking the dr though if it really starts to concern you.

Newtoallthis, so gald baby is measuring fine and love Haribo too! heheh

Hope everyone is doing well!
Um... back from dr appt. Found out it was yesterday:blush::dohh:. I did the drinking sprite 1 hr before appt and in 15 min time frame too. Got nothing done today rescheduled for Mon at 10:30 I know I will be sick in that time frame b/c not suppose to eat anything before appt.
aww man Monroe! I guess you werent meant to see bubs until Monday. He/she will just be that much bigger and better for you to see! :hugs:
Kmp, my hCG at 13dpo was 94 so you're doing great!

NTAT, sounds like my freak spotting/bleeding, I bet you have a friable cervix like I did. Glad all is ok with your bean.

Monro84, sounds like you are getting pregnancy brain already :haha: it'll get worse as time passes.

AFM, doctor appointment went great, I'm 2cm dilated 60% effaced. Doctor thinks I've had contractions and not really noticed. She said she thinks I'll go into labor on my own but just in case, she scheduled me for an induction Thursday, I have to be there at 6:30 a.m. to get admitted. So please send me lots of positive vibes/thoughts so I can go into labor on my own.
Oh Emme how exciting! Sending you tons of positive vibes lady as requested :)
Oh Emme how exciting! Best wishes for an easy delivery!!!

Got betas and after 48 hrs I went from 136 to 400 YAY!!!

Been a little concerned with some pains, but will hopefully be relieved after the scan Monday FX
:mommylov--Yeah I know:dohh: but maybe I can get a good nub for some fun guessing.

Emme--lol tell me about it. It has been pretty bad but this is the worst so far. :dohh: sending you labor dust:dust:.

Kmp--Yay!! Those betas sound great so happy for you.:happydance:
Got my bloodwork back for my progesterone this morning and it was at 10.12 which indicated that I ovulated. At first they said that I didnt need to take the Crinone (progesterone) but I said since I was on the boarder can I just take it to be on the safe side and they said to go ahead and start it tonight. Im hoping that being at 10.12 last night (Night of 6dpo) wouldnt affect implantation. Also, still hoping that we caught the eggy!
Yay for those betas kmp :) and good Luck mommylov. Fx everyone !

Happy weekend everyone!
mommylov good luck :hugs:

Emme how are you doing? sending you lots of positive vibes :hugs:

NTAT I love the pic, so pleased everything is going well, I have a feeling this is your time :hugs:

Monro I hope you're starting to feel a bit better now :hugs:

Hope everyone else is doing ok, has anyone heard from beach recently?

I have alot going on at the moment so I'm popping on here when I can, currently on CD26 and not so patiently waiting to O, it takes so long every month I just lose the will :dohh: I have a weekend of study ahead to try and make progress to getting up to date on my course, atleast that's a distraction from my non compliant ovaries!!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend :hugs:

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