Emme--anything progressed yet???
thurl---I might get some lemons and do that.

I found a drink that is sparkling water that I am in love with. But it has green tea extract 50mg so not sure if alot of it is good or the baby.

It also has suralose as sweetner in it I found another that has asperthaine (sp) but I know thats not good but I did not find that out till I was about through with it.

I don't think it hurt anything.
kmp--congrats on your BFP!!!

I know your excited. I had my septate removed Dec 2011 and I am now the farthest I have ever made it. Are you high risk b/c of the etopic that you had in Dec or septate removal? I had my first scan at 4 wks 5 days b/c I had a pain on my left side but turned out to be corpus luthum cyst. GL and Sticky dust. Praying LO is in the right place this time.
Lady- So pleased Elsa is doing so good.
Nicki--I am doing good so far got an pap, GD test, Blood work, and US on Thurs. GL with catching O.
AFM--Feeling better with the cold/sinus congestion. I have reached less then 200 days today

. I have been having some cramping but I am figuring that is growing pains since I can still hear the HB on the doppler. The HB has gone down some now its in between 165-170 (active) and 150 to 155 (sleeping/nonactive). MS has gotten worse in the last week or so I thought it was suppose to get better as you get farther.

I had a sad dream last night where I woke up crying I have not done that since I was 8 or 10 but I drempt that I was in a church type place and it had a long glass hall into another room. That other room contained a loved one that passed that family members individually were allowed to visit for a certin amount of time like 60 seconds maybe 3 minutes very short amount. I just went in there and hugged my MIL and started crying and did not stop I even got in trouble for staying longer than the alotted time limit.

She was like a second mother to me I just miss her so much and wish she could share this pregnancy with me here on earth. she would have been in the delivery room proably keeping my own mother from worrying so much and calming her down lol.