Hi ladies :wave:
Wookie good luck for Tuesday, really excited to hear when she has arrived
Lexi time really has flown, hope you're all doing well
Monro congrats on team blue, that's wonderful news, so so pleased all is going well, I can't believe how far along you are already!
Soop all I can say is

You most definately have a bfp there, I agree with Nicki, if you do a frer now you are definately going to get a lovely pink line, congratulations hun I'm so happy for you
Beach hope you're doing ok and life is slowing down a little for you
Nicki I know we are catching up on fb but I still need to say hello

and thanks for the update on patiently, it's amazing news that she is finally almost a mummy, please pass on my very best wishes to her
Mommy hope you're doing ok hun
Who have I missed? lots of people I reckon, has anyone heard from Emme or lady?
Afm, well I'm supposed to be taking a little break from the stress of ttc, so I have still been ttc but not temping and not using bnb and well basically that has stressed me out more! I decided I was going to use agnus castus this cycle, but then after about a week of taking it I started to come out in a little rash on my chest, I don't know if it was due to the agnus or not but I stopped taking it, anyway my boobs have been really hurting for a week now, so this means that if I have ov'd then I definately ov'd earlier than I have been, this is good! but also a pain because I don't know if this is the case or not because I haven't been temping for a couple of weeks, and now I feel totally out of control with my cycle