Morning everyone :wave:
KMP I haven't tried a CBFM because I have heard they aren't appropriate for people with PCOS, I have also been told by my doctor that PCOS can cause false positive opk's, so if I temp I can confirm that I have ov'd. I am considering a CBFM though because I don't have PCOS that bad really, I have more visible symptoms than cycle symptoms so will see, thanks for the suggestion

how are you doing hun? x
Soop that line is flippin awesome

huge congratulations hun this is fantastic news
Re the opk's I got smileys for the last 2 cycles, but this cycle I think I ov'd earlier and I missed the smiley, I might think about a CBFM x
NTAT 15 weeks already that's fab, how are you feeling? Yes I am really considering a CBFM now x
Nicki I definately think not temping is more stressful, I took my temp this morning and it was almost pre ov so I didn't bother taking a test, I feel much calmer knowing my temp so it's back to it when I start my next cycle

Hope everyone has a fab Friday x