A group for TTC#1 and had more than one loss?

Thanks New, yeah I am just about getting over the holiday thing a week and a bit later! Grrrr DHs work is so full on at the moment. But we're going to take a four-night mini break instead as a compromise, I'm hoping to sort it out this weekend. So that and the moonwalk training (did another 4.5 miles last night) are taking my mind of wtt time x
Oh also - Thurl I agree with New and Soop in that I found temping v stressful too but opks were fine. I do tend to have a long surge though so it's always easy to pick it up. Might be worth a try for one month though?

Soop - I was told prog up the back passage (!) was just as good so if you're worried about spotting go for it! Can totally understand that you are nervous, PARL is so tough - we are here for you :hugs:
Morning everyone :wave:

KMP I haven't tried a CBFM because I have heard they aren't appropriate for people with PCOS, I have also been told by my doctor that PCOS can cause false positive opk's, so if I temp I can confirm that I have ov'd. I am considering a CBFM though because I don't have PCOS that bad really, I have more visible symptoms than cycle symptoms so will see, thanks for the suggestion :hugs: how are you doing hun? x

Soop that line is flippin awesome :yipee: huge congratulations hun this is fantastic news :hugs:
Re the opk's I got smileys for the last 2 cycles, but this cycle I think I ov'd earlier and I missed the smiley, I might think about a CBFM x

NTAT 15 weeks already that's fab, how are you feeling? Yes I am really considering a CBFM now x

Nicki I definately think not temping is more stressful, I took my temp this morning and it was almost pre ov so I didn't bother taking a test, I feel much calmer knowing my temp so it's back to it when I start my next cycle :dohh: x

Hope everyone has a fab Friday x
Morning everyone :wave:

KMP I haven't tried a CBFM because I have heard they aren't appropriate for people with PCOS, I have also been told by my doctor that PCOS can cause false positive opk's, so if I temp I can confirm that I have ov'd. I am considering a CBFM though because I don't have PCOS that bad really, I have more visible symptoms than cycle symptoms so will see, thanks for the suggestion :hugs: how are you doing hun? x

Soop that line is flippin awesome :yipee: huge congratulations hun this is fantastic news :hugs:
Re the opk's I got smileys for the last 2 cycles, but this cycle I think I ov'd earlier and I missed the smiley, I might think about a CBFM x

NTAT 15 weeks already that's fab, how are you feeling? Yes I am really considering a CBFM now x

Nicki I definately think not temping is more stressful, I took my temp this morning and it was almost pre ov so I didn't bother taking a test, I feel much calmer knowing my temp so it's back to it when I start my next cycle :dohh: x

Hope everyone has a fab Friday x

I've had a rough week or so with nausea, headaches etc. but feeling ok today, hope it lasts :thumbup:
Having no symptoms makes me worry though :wacko:
Good Morning ladies! Hope everyone is doing ok :)

NTAT, with everthing that we have gone through, its hard for us not to worry. Im really sorry you are experiencing headaches and nausea etc. To be honest, I think that is a great sign hun. Lets you know that your body and is working and hormones are doing what they are suppose to do. I know its a sick way of thinking about things but I hope you know what I mean. :)

Thurl, temping can be such a pain! This is my first full cycle doing it and I question everything! lol I hope that you dont get too stressed over it. Where are you in your cycle now?

Soop, :hugs:

Nicki, your vaca sounds so exciting!!!! :)

:wave: to everyone and daily :dust: to all! :)

AFM~ Got my crosshairs finally this morning on FF so we'll see how the rest of the cycle goes. This is the longest TWW ever and its only 5 dpo.. oye lol
Soop...:wohoo: awesome line copngrats and buckets of sticky :dust:

Ladies my head is useless at remembering...I really ought to keep on top of this thread but I barely update my own journal these days.

Just want you all to know I do think of you and can't wait to see you all with BFP's and pics of your beautiful rainbows.

:hugs: love, :dust: and whatever

I'm sorry you are stressing and struggling Ntat...I hope it eases off soon. I never feel in a good place when I'm unwell, it's hard to when you aren't on top of your game. Keep resting and hopefully you can feel a bit brighter soon. 15 weeks along is great and you have your scan soon. That'll be amazing I'm sure :hugs:

Mommylov, I hope your tww flies by and that you get a lovely bfp v soon!! :hugs:

Aw thanks never! :hugs: I keep staring at the tests to believe it. Hope it stays this time, rainbow baby pls....hope lovely Louis and you are keeping well, thanks for the message it's lovely to hear from you xxx
Oh my gosh Soop- just popped in fora quick hello and saw your BFP!!!! Congrats I am over the moon for you!!!:yipee:
Thank you so much Beach, really appreciate your message!! :hugs:
I'm trying to stay really calm and not panic etc or assume that this will be another loss...I keep saying to dh it is so long since the last ones, maybe this time my body is more healed and more ready for this? That's what I'm trying to focus on.Having said that, I woke up this morning sobbing in my sleep, having had a vivid dream that I was having a loss again. It's always there isn't it, the worry :'(

Anyway...I'm going to try and get an appt tomo and book some betas. It would be good to have proof that everything is progressing. All I have to go on is tiredness, sore boobs that are getting sorer, plus a bit of left side pinching. Fingers crossed....

Happy uk mothers day today...I keep wondering will I be part of that by next year...hope so! Xxx
Oh and a headache going on in the background, with a level of dizziness. So quite a few s&s....x
Hi guys,

Been lurking but not much time to post, supporting you all in the background though!

Couldn't not post though to massive congratule to Soop :happydance: just so happy you have a BFP after being so patient for the last year :hugs:. Just try to take each day at a time and fingers crossed this is your rainbow.

Hi to everyone else, lots of :dust: to those trying. NTAT, glad all is going well but it's pants when you feel ill. Just take it easy and MS will soon pass. Lexi, glad you're enjoying Neve a bit more now - it is hard and pretty relentless being a mummy sometimes :hugs:.

AFM, Elsa's op has been postponed 3 times now - fist time a hour and a half before admission. The lastest has been moved because Elsa's got an ear infection and so they need her to be better first. It's been a rocky few weeks - been having a glass of wine or two in the evenings to relax as I'm all knotted up! Hope to get a new date soon and get this ordeal over and done with for all our sakes :wacko:

Happy mothers day to those of us lucky enough to be a mummy this time round and fingers crossed and :hugs: to those who are still trying, it's days like today that bring our losses back into focus so thinking of anyone who'd feeling sad.
Thank you so much Lady! It has been such a long wait, I hope so much that this is my rainbow...thanks, I'm trying to take it by each day. I do wish I was further down the line and would certainly breathe a huge sigh of relief once I (hopefully) pass the milestones of my other losses.

Oh no to the cancellations! I can't imagine the emotions you have been going through, especially only an hour before the surgery. Will it be rescheduled for soon, do you think? It will be so good for it all to be behind you. I hope Elsa recovers from her ear infection v soon xxx
Mommylov--Thank you. We are beyond excited. Now I feel like I can start getting things together.

lexi--Thank you too. Well my DH what's him to be a jr. I am still trying to warm up to the idea. I don't mind dh's name but we have 2 him and his little cousin have the same first name so there will be 3 now :dohh:. I also work in the finance and have seen problems with the son's credit being on the dad's and vica versa. But he is dertimined to have a jr. :dohh:

Wookie--Thanks you one more day till your little girl is here I bet you are thrilled. :happydance:

NTAT--Thank you. When did you say you go for gender scan? Do you have a guess at what you might be having? Headachs I have heard can mean girl. You never quit worrying but I have relaxed alot more and started doing stuff I did not do during the first tri. ie. sex vag and oral and caffinee here and there. However I still ck when I feel a gush of something but I am not sure if you have a doppler or not cannot rember if you got one but I got a sonoline b 3mhz and have heard his heart beat since 8 wks which is suprising since I just found out the placenta is on the front of the uterus so that is why I am probably not feeling very much movement.

nicki-yay for vacca.:happydance:

soop--headache for me always ment my hormones were rising and as long as the test get darker up till like 5 wks then the hook effect takes effect any you have to diluit your pee either by drinking water or adding water to the pee. So if you do test more later on remember that that's if you already did not know:blush:

thurl--so sorry the witch got you but at least you might have o'd earlier this past cycle so GL. :hugs:
Oh no Lady! How frustrating. Im sorry to hear about the cancellations but I hope they can get her in for sure soon! :flower:

Monroe, so excited that you are feeling better and are able to start getting things together :thumbup:

Soop, hope the headaches have subsided and you are feeling better.

:wave: to everyone! :flower:

AFM~ I started off feeling optomistic about this cycle but that has since come and gone and then come back again and now gone again lol :dohh: This is my first month of temping and I thought it was going to give me more relief of knowing whats going on but instead I find myself questioning everything even more! I swear, this is all going to just drive me to the loony house :wacko: I actually got my progesterone bloodwork done last night so Im just waiting for those results this morning. They put me on 50mg of clomid last cycle and 100 this time but Im going to talk to my dr about not taking it anymore. I dont see the point. I ovulate on my own just fine and it doesnt seem to be helping my progesterone any so whats the point? Unless they tell me my results this morning and its very high, Im going to say no more. Also have been feeling down lately like I want to stop ttc all together :cry:. I am suppose to have a 1 month old right now and instead Im not even pregnant. I got pregnant twice (both losses) pretty easy without anything like Clomid so I dont know whats going on now. :shrug: Idk, I guess we'll see what happens.
So once again Im eating my words lol... progesterone came back at 26.88!!! Im beyond thrilled with that news! :D
Hi Lady. Always lovely to hear from you. I'm sorry to hear about all the op cancellations, Im sure you just want to get it over now. But best to wait til elsa's in the best of health. Keep up posted.

Great progesterone results a mommylov. I hope that has cheered you a little. Ttc is so hard and def sends us loopy, but don't give up! My brother and SIL had their baby today, I have a new nephew. I am mostly so happy for them but a teeny bit of me is sad that we are not there yet. With my last pg I was just 5 weeks behind them so obviously could have been 5 weeks off having a baby myself and I've been reflecting on that today. But mostly I'm ok, we will get there one day, one way or another, of that I'm sure.

:hugs: to everyone x
Thanks Nicki and yay for new nephew. I totally understand how you feel. I was pregnant at the same time as a childhood friend of mine. Her and I are 3 months apart and our babies were going to be 3 months apart and I lost mine. TTC does take a toll on you but trust that you will have your rainbow baby soon xoxo. I wish I had better words to take your pain away. :( Big hugs :hugs:
Mommylov--Thank you. We are beyond excited. Now I feel like I can start getting things together.

lexi--Thank you too. Well my DH what's him to be a jr. I am still trying to warm up to the idea. I don't mind dh's name but we have 2 him and his little cousin have the same first name so there will be 3 now :dohh:. I also work in the finance and have seen problems with the son's credit being on the dad's and vica versa. But he is dertimined to have a jr. :dohh:

Wookie--Thanks you one more day till your little girl is here I bet you are thrilled. :happydance:

NTAT--Thank you. When did you say you go for gender scan? Do you have a guess at what you might be having? Headachs I have heard can mean girl. You never quit worrying but I have relaxed alot more and started doing stuff I did not do during the first tri. ie. sex vag and oral and caffinee here and there. However I still ck when I feel a gush of something but I am not sure if you have a doppler or not cannot rember if you got one but I got a sonoline b 3mhz and have heard his heart beat since 8 wks which is suprising since I just found out the placenta is on the front of the uterus so that is why I am probably not feeling very much movement.

nicki-yay for vacca.:happydance:

soop--headache for me always ment my hormones were rising and as long as the test get darker up till like 5 wks then the hook effect takes effect any you have to diluit your pee either by drinking water or adding water to the pee. So if you do test more later on remember that that's if you already did not know:blush:

thurl--so sorry the witch got you but at least you might have o'd earlier this past cycle so GL. :hugs:

Gender scan is this Saturday Monro, scared and excited all at the same time.
I have a doppler, yes and have found the HB since just before 12 weeks. Great peace of mind aren't they?

My sickness and headaches are quite intermittent now. I felt ok for 4 days and now feel rough again, but hey I'll take it!

Have you felt baby move yet? :hugs:
Hi everyone, I've taken some time off to take care of Jonathan but I'm back. I went back to work Friday, and today is his first day at the baby sitters. He'd been with his daddy Friday and yesterday. I have lots of catching up to do, but congrats to Soop!! YAY! :happydance: I hope to see more BFP's :)

Here is a picture of my little man.


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