Thanks girls! Nicki good on you for the cocktails! Hope they were yummy and no sore heads the next day. Mommy, yay for the hsg clearing the way and hopefully a bfp for you v soon!
Had my 1st joint obs/endo appt yday. The endo said I can stay on my current level of thyroid tabs, which is good as I was worried they would reduce me a bit. The obs woman was ok on the whole but was really pissed off that my gp had prescribed me progesterone and gave me the 3rd degree about it. She said it should only be issued after 3 ms's after investigation and I thought eff off, I wouldnt even be here at all if that was the case! So I'm pleased I wasnt relying on her to issue me any! That pissed me off but I kept my cool and just said this is the furthest I've got so that has to be a good thing. I don't need to justify anything to her! She was like well this is nothing to do with me and your gp will have to make the call of when you come off it....fine! I've known her for years and this one for about 5 mins, so whatever!
Before the main appt, the nurse got a Doppler out and started looking for a hb. She couldn't get one at first and said maybe she should have waited until next appt and don't worry...I was holding my breath and willing she would find it! Eventually she did and I got about 10seconds of hb noise. *It was lovely! It eased my mind for Thurs. Can't wait!
Hope everyone is well xxx