Thank you so much ladies xxx And Kmp for sharing your
experience of the DNA test.
It's so lovely and comforting to know you are all
Ok, we've found out more about the DNA from a UK POV. It
would take at least 2 weeks to get the result, it would start
from £700 and from what we understand, it still puts you in a
high/low risk camp? The chance of which they could still end
up recommending amnio....I completely understand Kmp that if
the cloud is over the pregnancy then the test is a good move.
Having trouble justifying that cost and the chance it may not
answer everything. Also once I've booked it, had it and
waiting for the results, 3 weeks or more could have gone
past. I don't know if I can take that stress. Somehow it's
worse when you know you are waiting for the results...I end
up climbing the walls!
Dh is wonderfully rational and he keeps saying 0.8% risk or
even 99.2% that everything will be fine...I went to acu last
night and she suggested maybe writing that figure down for
visual reassurance...might do that. She said she knows she
can't be conclusive but my kidney pulses have always been
fine and that relates to the baby's heart. So that's good. I
don't know if I want to put myself in a stressful situation,
we should be enjoying it all and have got so much further
than the sounds of it on the phone yday, nothing
in my blood was excessive, so it was more on the measurement.
Which she struggled to get for quite a while. Hmmmm. Kmp was
the presence/absence of a nasal bone taken into account in
your test? I hear this can be a good sign-we had one but it
wasn't noted anyway. Grrrr
Basically we may just wait for (hopefully) the 20week scan,
which I understand picks up any other potential
abnormalities. It's been a hard week or so, taking all this
in and wondering why on earth we had this test! Ntat, I'm
with you next time, if there is one. When is your 20wk scan?
Massive post here, my thought process is literally pouring
