Oh Soop, that annoys me so much. Hospitals making false promises, they know how stressful something like this is and still they drag their heels.
Like everyone else has said, everything will be fine I'm sure, but I know no amount of people telling you will totally take away the stress.
Praying that you get the results asap and you are totally adopting the right attitude. Positive positive positive. The risk is extremely small so chin up hun and try and enjoy your weekend. Put it to the back of your mind til Tuesday morning, spending extra time stressing won't change anything and isn't good for you or baby.
Big hugs sweetie
Hi Beach, glad you had a great birthday on the boat. How's the house plans coming on?
Hi Nicki, glad you are feeling better after the op. enjoy the loooong weekend, you deserve a rest after the madness of last week
Ayc - You've got your hands full with two babies. Hope you're enjoying being mummy
Mommylov - as I said, sending you lots of vibes and luck for the TWW
Hi to anyone else I've forgotten.
AFM - I'm good at the moment, looking forward to the long weekend although I've agreed to go into work on Monday for a few hours (couldn't resist as double time) but I'm off Tues and Weds so shouldn't be a problem

Baby getting more active. Was lying in bed this morning with my hands on my tummy and one side went hard, wonder if it was a bum or something

I still stress especially if I haven't felt him move for a bit, as midwife said I should be feeling him everyday, but don't really notice it unless I'm concentrating on it.
Got a wedding do tonight and nothing to wear - great!
Happy weekend everyone