A group for TTC#1 and had more than one loss?

Cute bump Monro!

Soop, sending you all the bestest vibes for tomorrow.

I am feeling sore today, should have stayed home another day but was worrying about how much I have to do at work... Oh well. Going to have some more pain killers and an early night. X
Thank you Nicki xxx oh you poor thing...work can wait, your health comes first. Don't go in tomo if you aren't right, I hope you are ok and feel better for the early night xxx
Nicki --Thank you :blush: I think when I had that done I was off work for a day well 2 the day I had the surgery and the day after and went back that next day. But I also had a lap done to to see if I had endo which I did have stage 1. I was still pretty sore but the main problem I had was since I had a lap they had to blow up my stomach with air and I had gas pains in my shoulder. I also had a ballon (to help with scarring) but I got it out earlier then recomended I think I only had it in 2 or 3 days when he recomended 5 but I had to go back to work so I could not have it in that long.
Soop I am so happy you got to hear the hb! Good luck tomorrow!

Monro very cute bump, looks like mine and I am only 20 weeks!

Nicki I am so happy they found a septate, as strange as that sounds. It really helps relieve some stress from the next bfp when you feel like the cause of your mc's is taken care of. My most recent surgery was may of last year and I got pregnant in Dec. FX a nice bfp for you soon. Just be sure to allow the uterus to heal properly before ttc.
Ntat thank you! Can't wait for the morning now, I hope to see a lovely baby shape :) Did you have downs screening? Did you wait until the blood results were back before telling people? I think if all looks good tomo we may just start telling friends/extended family...will see how it goes.

Awwwww Monro what a cute bump! Yes it is quite small I guess but you can tell lots is happening there :) I have a bit of a bulge already....eek!

My downs screening failed as baby wouldn't cooperate. So I was booked in for the 16 week bloods, but ended up declining them as they are just a risk factor and with my age etc, I would probs have a higher risk factor so decided against it. I told close friends and family after the dating scan but waited til the 20 week before telling everyone else. I still haven't come out on FB though and don't think I will. Way too scary.
Thanks for that NTAT, it sounds like a good call to make.
What a day! Had to go in and out of the room about 3 times - the baby was visible on the screen each time, but apparently the positions weren't right to get the measurements properly. So I drank a load of water and kept going in and out. It all looked lovely - heart beating away, brain all good, legs, arms, spine, nose bone there - I even saw them swallowing, I think! The only question mark is on the NT measurement on the nuchal front....they took lots of readings showing various numbers and they settled on 3.2mms - so a little above what they want. At one point it was 3.4mms and when they started talking about it, I got really upset. I think it was the tensions and apprehension and just wanting them to be completely healthy and fine.

I had the blood test and they're rushing it through so I get the results tomorrow lunchtime hopefully. The more I think about it, the more I'm sure it'll be fine - my dh is being really positive and the fact that the nose bone is there I've been told is good at this stage. I just want the all-clear before announcing it to friends.

I got a couple of pics - I'll pop them up probably tomorrow.

Oh - I'm 2 days ahead of what I thought I was! So 12w2ds....woo.

Hope everyone is well xxx
NTAT, so I am not the only one not posting the news on FB?! I don't know why but I have no desire to even at 20 weeks. Kind of feel like it is not everyone's business which is funny cause I told family and friends quite a while ago.

Soop that is great that the scan went well. 3.2 does not seem that high. Isn't 2 or 2.5 that they want it to be under? I have heard of much higher numbers that were fine. My NT was fine, but the first trimester blood screening was high risk for DS. We got the DNA test and it showed no problems so was a huge relief. Keep that in mind if you want to look into getting more info without an invasive test.
Soop, congrats on the scan. Hope you get your NT results quickly. :hugs: I still worry about there being something wrong, but hey ho, nothing I can do about it now.

kmp, yes I thought I'd be looking forward to announcing on FB but I feel like you, don't want to make it 'that' public. The people who matter know, the rest can wait. I think eventually it will come out (i.e when he's born) but for now it's an FB secret and my friends on FB who know, know to not mention it!
Thanks ladies for all the birthday wishes!. Had a great weekend out on the boat.

Mommy – glad your HSG went well. Those are awful aren’t they!!?? They say you are very fertile right after those so good luck this month!!! :thumbup:

Nicki – your procedure sounded painful, but I hope this helps you get tour rainbow! Hope you are feeling a little better now! Its almost time for your Moonwalk can’t wait to see your decorated bra pics!!! :happydance:

Monro – Awwww what great bump pics! :yipee:

Soop – so glad your scan went well! Can’t wait to see your pics! When you said “them” in your post about the baby, I thought you might have seen 2!!!!

:wave: to everyone else.

Well better get back to work. I’ll check in with you girls later!
Thanks Beach! How are you doing hun? I had my scan this morning and turns out I was releasing so she went ahead and did the IUI as well. Officially in the TWW now!

Hope you all are doing well... TGIF! :)
Thanks Beach! How are you doing hun? I had my scan this morning and turns out I was releasing so she went ahead and did the IUI as well. Officially in the TWW now!

Hope you all are doing well... TGIF! :)

Good luck mommylov. Lots of dust coming your way :dust:
Thank you all - well NTAT, your scan pic looks gorgeous to me and hopefully all the organs and everything were in check. I'm sure you'll be fine xx

Beach - so pleased you had a lovely birthday! No - there's def only one in there. I just don't always like saying "it", so I went with "they" :)

Kmp - thank you so much for your words of advice and about the DNA test - it's not freely available here, but we have been told you can get it some places privately, so an option if it's needed. I'm not up for the invasive test at all.

Crap day - I got really tense and teary at work, I rang just before lunchtime for the results, was told actually it won't be lunch, it'll be 3pm. I said to dh "this is edging towards the bank hol weekend now, isn't it". Then 15mins later she called back, turns out the bloody hospital hadn't even sent my bloods off yet to be checked - so a quick result was out of the question! I got really upset when they said it'll now be Tues but more likely, Weds. I said everything else in the scan looked great, I wished I hadn't even had this extra screening and gone through this extra stress. I got so worked up I ended up leaving work but once I'd spoken to dh he really talked me down. He is so good with stats and interpretation of them and explained the chances really are quite low. I just want everything to be alright. So to stop driving myself mad, I'm letting go of the tension and I'm thinking massively positively...I really think overall it's going to be OK.

Urgh, have been quite sick tonight, I think the anxiety hasn't helped. Really, I'm only borderline/borderline....the marker is 3.5mms where they question things properly and I'm 3.2mms, where they begin to question things a bit.

I just hope the hospital can get their act together early next week and I am told it's fine for sure!

Happy bank holiday everyone xxx
Awww Soop Im so sorry you are so stressed. Darn hospital! I HATE when they do things like that and then say "Oh sorry we didnt send it in.. it will just be a few more days" or something like that. They have no idea what its like to go through what we have gone through. Being pregnant after a loss puts us on pins and needles as it is! Grrrr... hope you get the results back soon... Im sure everything is ok!
Soop I'm so sorry you're going through this stress. So not fair. It will be fine but its not conducive to a relaxing bank hol weekend.
The hospital still have not called me back to explain what happened in my op on Monday, despite me chasing them. Damn hospitals!
I am totally relaxing this weekend so I feel fully better next week in the final run up to the moonwalk. Just a bit of bra-decorating here and there.

Good luck mommylov!
Hi New :wave: hi Beach :wave: hi kmp :wave: Hi Monro :wave: and everyone else x
Soop - were you taking about the 1st tri screening? the nucal i think its called? I DID NOT have it done with Preston, and he turned out 100% healthy, don't worry yourself everything will be fine! I had the ultrasound in the 2nd or 3rd tri and/or the blood test to check to see if he'd have a syndrome and he didnt. I had that checked because with my 1st baby i had a mmc nov 2011--that baby was a boy also but stopped developing due to an extra chromosome with usually means the baby would have had down syndrome had the pregnancy continued--we wouldnt have loved him any less though..
Soop - sorry you had a rough day today! I completely understand how you are on pins and needles and thinking the worst but try to think positively, look how far you've come!!!

Mommy - yeah for being in the TWW, I hope to join you in a couple days!
Oh Soop, that annoys me so much. Hospitals making false promises, they know how stressful something like this is and still they drag their heels.
Like everyone else has said, everything will be fine I'm sure, but I know no amount of people telling you will totally take away the stress.

Praying that you get the results asap and you are totally adopting the right attitude. Positive positive positive. The risk is extremely small so chin up hun and try and enjoy your weekend. Put it to the back of your mind til Tuesday morning, spending extra time stressing won't change anything and isn't good for you or baby.

Big hugs sweetie :hugs:

Hi Beach, glad you had a great birthday on the boat. How's the house plans coming on? :hugs:

Hi Nicki, glad you are feeling better after the op. enjoy the loooong weekend, you deserve a rest after the madness of last week :hugs:

Ayc - You've got your hands full with two babies. Hope you're enjoying being mummy :hugs:

Mommylov - as I said, sending you lots of vibes and luck for the TWW :hugs:

Hi to anyone else I've forgotten. :hi:

AFM - I'm good at the moment, looking forward to the long weekend although I've agreed to go into work on Monday for a few hours (couldn't resist as double time) but I'm off Tues and Weds so shouldn't be a problem :thumbup:
Baby getting more active. Was lying in bed this morning with my hands on my tummy and one side went hard, wonder if it was a bum or something :shrug:
I still stress especially if I haven't felt him move for a bit, as midwife said I should be feeling him everyday, but don't really notice it unless I'm concentrating on it.

Got a wedding do tonight and nothing to wear - great!

Happy weekend everyone :flower:
Hi ladies,been a while I posted here....jst want to share that I got my BFP on may 1st

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