A group for TTC#1 and had more than one loss?

I know it's too early to brag about progression, but it's a great start... :happydance:

It is already darker than chem #1 ever was, and only a couple of shades lighter than chem #2 was ... at 16dpo? I know lines aren't everything but in both chems the "warning sign" was lines that darkened much more slowly than what you get when you Google Image search for "frer progression."

I put down $200 non-refundable for a scuba class next month anyway!! If that doesn't make the bean stick out of spite, I don't know what will. :haha:


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OMG those lines are beautiful! And SO GREAT for progression!

I think you got a sticky bean in there! (who will be joining you for scuba class next month lol :haha:) Underwater baby!
i'm aj- very new to the whole concept of forums but my SIL encouraged me to check it out today. Hubby and I have been TTC #1 for 2 years now- 3 mc & 1 mmc.
specialist will do nothing for us at present as aside from mild PCOS, all testing has come back normal- including genetic testing. (the most frustrating part!)

I POAS today, and got an extremely faint positive! having my fingers crossed until our specialist appointment in 2 weeks, because then we can start taking preventative action!

I've enjoyed reading about everyone's journeys, and hope you'll share this one with me!

Hi aj :hi:

Welcome to this thread and the forum. So sorry for your losses :hugs:

Just wanted to ask if you've ever been tested for high NK cells?
I'm like you, I've had 3 m/cs and was tested for everything that the NHS offer, including genetic testing and everything can back normal.
After the 3rd loss, the FS suggested paying privately and being tested for natural killer cells which isn't recognised on the NHS.
We did, it came back positive, I got pregnant, was treated with steroids and here I am at 29 weeks pregnant.

Cruise - keeping everything crossed for you :hugs:
Nicki--Hopefully O is just around the corner :happydance: FX for your BFP this cycle

Thurl--FX this is your BFP sticky baby cycle

NTAT--wow 29 wks thats great :happydance:

Beach--looks like you got it covered for this month hoping to see a bfp this weekend or when ever you decided to test.

Honey--sorry about your mc's but hopfully having the polyp removed makes the next one a bfp.

Soop--moving right along can't believe your almost half way there :happydance:

cruise--wow great line especially for 10dpo maybe more then one:winkwink:

aj--so sorry for your losses any reason they won't do rpl testing fx this on is a sticky.

mommylov---So sorry!!!!:hugs: Have you ever been tested for a septate uterus or something like that. I got mine diagnosed by Saline US or you can get an HSG. With a septate or partial septate you cannot really see it on a regular US so if it is not something that is looked for then it can be easily overlooked. But if the baby implants on it or near it then it has very little blood supply but the blood supply gets to a certain point where it cannot sustain a pregnancy past so many weeks so it keeps causing mmc at around the same time. It is very easy to correct. I know after my 4th mc that was a mmc and started out as 3 sacs and I absrobed one and mc'ed the other a wk later and had a hb at around 6 wks 4 days and at 7 wks 4 days no hb I wanted to get to the bottem of this. Just something to think about maybe asking about that is if you have not already had your uterus tested for abnormalitles. And if the dr is not familier with it then its best to get one who is b/c usually drs who are not familier with it don't catch it b/c sometimes a small one can cause problems b/c mine I think was 2 cm long and I am certain that I would have at least one baby from that triplet pregnancy if I had not had the partial septate.
Monro!!! Are seriously that far along??? And Soop??? AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

monro -- congrats on your baby!!! :)

how do you move past being scared of loss and onto trying to enjoy the pregnancy?
Monroe, I did have two hsg. The first they couldn't see my right tube and the second everything was perfect. :( I really don't know what to make of this other than god hates me and I'm not meant to have children of my own.

Opted not to have another d&c this time so just waiting until fri. If I don't start to bleed, I will be given a pill. Made an appt with the fs next week to get paperwork done. I know they won't be able to start any kind of testing until I'm done with this mc and have had one cycle so it will be awhile before I can even think about trying again. Third loss and just no hope in sight. I have had blood work done but I guess the specialist will do more detailed testing like genetics.
Oh Mommylov I'm so sorry. I was thinking about you lots yesterday. :hugs: get through the next few days the best you can and then get onto the specialist. I have lots of experience of tests for this that and the other, PM me if you want.

I'd also recommend the book 'miscarriage - what every woman needs to know' by Lesley Regan if you haven't already read it. It's a little out of date but still really informative and helps you understand what they are testing for, and what to ask for.

cruise--I had always prepaired myself for loss and I always thought the worst. I really was not able to stop worrying as much until I got to 28 wks. I have IC (incompitant (sp) cervix) so I had to get a stitch put in at 23 wks 5 days but so far it has held good and dr said if we can get to 34 wks then we can quit worrying. I had steroids at 28 wks. I will have stitch removed at 37 wks if I make it that far. But I got a doppler at 8 wks and was able to hear the hb from then on whenever I wanted and that put my mind to ease some. I started worrying a little less when I hit the 2nd tri. but still worried (but like I said doppler helps alot and I was fortunate enough to be able to hear the hb so early even with a frontal placenta however I think it was higher up so it did not muffle the hb). The doppler is a sonoline b 3 mhz probe for like $55 online. after I hit 20 wks a little more worry dropped off. Then at 23 wks I was worrying again b/c of the stitch but if I had not problems I would have probably been able to start to enjoy the pregnancy at around 24 wks but it was not till 28 wks I started to worry alot less b/c he had a 90% chance then. I even got me a frozen white chocolate and carmel coffee that I had been craving that was sooooo good. (I know coffee a no no:blush:). But now I am starting to worry about the birth. However there has not been a day that I have peed that I did not ck the tolit paper for blood. Really you never quit worrying I learned to accept that each mc I had God just did not think we were ready yet and there was a reason that they happened.

mommylov--kinda puzzling that they were not able to see your right tube the first time. Don't say that that God hates you:hugs: that is so not true. You will get your sticky baby soon. It took me 5 mc's and almost 3 yrs before I got mine. The only thing that kept me going was that I was able to ttc again pretty soon after however if I had lost this one past 12 wks it would have taken me a while to ttc again. I know its hard and you want answers. I know u did not want a d&c but would it be possible to test the baby for genetic issues I tried to get it done on the triplet mmc but they would not do it w/ out doing a d&c so not to compromise anything. This time when I got pregnant I took baby asprin as a precaution I don't have any know clotting disorder and inserted progesterone cream till 10 wks (he told me that if my body was for some reason fighting my husbands dna then there have been trial studies to say that progesterone can help that) but I don't have any known problem of that either it was just as a precaution. I am truely sorry but it will get better and you will have your rainbow baby soon:hugs:
I did the same and inserted progesreone cream vaginally and was suppose to for the 1st 12 weeks. Also was taking baby asprin as just a "what if". Was taking extra folic acid and NeevoDHA because I have MTHFR (Heterozygous). Other than that, there is no other issues that they were able to see. I think the blovked right tube may have had something to do with my second pregnancy. We were never able to really tell what happened there and I did have pain on the right. When I went in for my last HSG last month, it was so painful on the right that they think it cleared out some debris. Thats what made me think this one was a keeper and meant to be but that wasnt the case. I know there are others out there that have had more losses than me and I cant imagine what you all went through. 3 makes me feel like Im at my vreaking point. Because I did have so much testing and monitoring I really thought we were good. Now having to go to a specialist to have even more done like genetic and chromosome and I dont even know what other kind of testing, makes me scared that they will tell me that I just cant have a healthy baby. :(
Hi girls! Sorry I have been away for a few days things have been crazy!!!

Mommy- did I miss something... Are you having a MC? I didn't see a post about your appt, maybe I need to check your journal,

Welcome to the new girls! We have a great supportive group here and everyone knows the pain of PAL even if they are pregnant now, the worry never really stops.

Cruise - that looks like a BFP to me!!! Will they let you postpone your scuba classes? Maybe they will make an exception with a doctors note, I know they will definitely not let you dive while pregnant. I got certified a couple years ago as well, it's amazing!!! :thumbup:

Soop- so sorry you are not feeling well :sick: Wouldn't it be nice to get a break with some of the stuff with all the other bad stuff we've been through!!!

Nicki, Thurl - hope this is our month!!!

:wave: to everyone I've missed!

AFM - it looks like I've O'd so I started my progesterone this month. I think I've got it covered with BDing but we'll see.
Mommylov, I just saw that you are having your 3rd miscarriage. I am so sorry for your loss, once again. And I absolutely still believe that it is possible and LIKELY that you'll go on to have a healthy pregnancy. If you need to take a break, I do understand, but if having a child is something you REALLY REALLY want, and I think you do, then never stop digging for answers, or trying for that baby. Many, many, many ladies on this site have had multiple losses, and have gone on to have their rainbows. All hope is not lost, although I'm sure you feel completely defeated right now. One foot in front of the other.

Again, I am so sorry, and am sending tons of thoughts, and prayers.
Thanks girls, Im beyond heartbroken at the moment but dh thinks we should still move forward. Im going to be 33 this September so if we really want to try for 2 kids then I dont think I can afford to stop.

Beach, yes I went to my scan on tuesday and saw the baby didnt have a heartbeat anymore and was measuring the same at the previous week. :(

My dr is sending me to a speclist so I will be starting the process with them next Wed. Ill meet with someone to go over paperwork as well as meet with a PA and a RE. My hcg levels yesterday were 31898 so Im sure it will be a while before I get to 0. Then I will have to wait one full cycle I guess for dating purposes and I dont know if they will test that cycle or wait until the next one. Then I dont know how the long this testing will be so go knows when we are going to be able to try again. I know Im the one that chose to not have a D&C this time but I thought it would be better on my body and would help me heal faster. For all I know, I just set myself for even more punishment.
Oh mommylov, sweetie, so so sorry to hear this shitty news. Like Wookie said and some of the girls, get through the next few days however you can. Including getting angry, it really pisses me off some of us get dealt such blows like this and others sail through. We're here for you and I hope the testing proves insightful. And lots of time for those gorgeous 2 children to come, I hope it isn't too long for you both though xxxx
Still sending hugs and lots of prayers to you, Mommylov. I'm sure you're beyond crushed, but, I'm glad to hear your DH is supporting the journey to move forward...sometimes ttcal is the only way to deal with loss, if that makes any sense.
mommylov--its good you are going to get to see a specialist I know they will find out the reason like I said I know you want answers. I truely believe by this time next yr you will be pregnant with your rainbow baby. :hugs: Just to give you an idea on the HCG #'s I had induced my triplet/twin mc on 10/3/11 and it started at 7pm and on 10/6 my numbers was 32315 by 11/3 it was 17.5. However everyone is different and your numbers may drop quicker. My ob was trying to tell me that I had to wait 6 wks after a neg blood test to see the specialist. I called the specialist and they told me that I could come in and I did not have to wait 6 wks just had to have AF. So if you feel something is not right with anything don't be afriad to be your on advocate. Needless to say I switched back to the ob dr I wanted in the first place.

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