A group for TTC#1 and had more than one loss?

Oh afm, got my 7dpo blood test tomorrow (I'm renaming it from 21 day test, hehe) and they are also checking thyroid function too. I'm doing a food diary for a week to show my acu lady next Thurs...quite looking forward to my next session xxx
JFG, Congrats! I took a test before AF was due with this one and it came out +, hope this is your rainbow!

SATH, sorry to hear the witch got you. It's hard to get through MC dates or EDD dates from previous MC's. :hugs:

Soop,I hope they give you good news for tomorrow's test, when will you get the results back?

AFM, feeling ok, I am huge and starting to waddle, my inner thighs hurt :( and baby is heavy now. Well probably Placenta more than baby. OH and I had :sex: day before yesterday, poor thing had been asking since Sunday. It's more awkward now because belly gets in the way. I was thinking yesterday how funny it would've been if Jonathan had started kicking :haha: that would've totally ruined the mood :rofl: I told OH last night and he was like yeah that would be totally weird, he said "I really want to be with you more than once a week or so but I do not want our son kicking me or being like what is that?" :rofl: I was literally crying when he said that!! I was like he is NOT going to notice, you will not poke him in the eye or anything like that LOL. Men are so crazy! :haha:
Congrats JFG! I hope you are the start of a lucky streak for this thread. Have you told DH yet??

SATH - :hugs: for your impending EDD. Such a toughie, thinking of you.

Soop - yay for your tests! The more tests the better I reckon. Glad you're enjoying acu.

Emme, did you have a chat to OH about the cuddles thing? Sorry to hear you're feeling so uncomfortable.

It's Friday tomorrow everyone :) the weekend cannot come soon enough. I'm really struggling with tiredness this week, not sure if its just my body recovering after the op but I'm so excited about a mega lie in on Saturday x
Hi Nicki, nope not yet, it's hard to really speak during the week, with dinner and such. But it will definately be brought up this weekend. I feel good knowing he still wants to be with me, I just need him to be more cuddly and loving.
Hi ladies

I did tell DH and he was really pleased but he did say I shouldn't test early because of what happened last time and then i only worry myself which is true but its easier said than done when the 2ww goes soooo slowly!!! But we are just going to have to wait and see nothing more we can do..just hope this is a sticky one.

I havent' tested since as couldn't bear to see line get lighter like last time so planning on testing with CBD on Monday when i'm 15dpo still no symptoms really but i'm only 4 weeks tomorrow so probably still way too early! fx
Hi all,

Just popping in to say I'm off for my biopsy this afternoon with Professor Quenby.
I will update you all on the gory details later.

It involves a long drive so maybe tomorrow before I get chance.
Well This past week was very sad . In my home town there was a girl (Shelby Harmon (20)) who was a victim of Domestic violence that sadly took her life. She was hit by a truck that her bf (Rodney Shelton Fulgham (23)) was driving last saturday morning which threw her into oncomeing traffic and she was hit by 2 more cars. He did not call 911 till he was a substational distance from the scene. He admitted to hitting her but that is all we know there are rumors that he watched from his tailgate swinging his feet while the other 2 cars ran over her. He is free and not charged with anything right now. There are other rumors also. Her friends said he was abusive to her but it did not start till about 4 months ago. They said he would lock her in the bedroom and she would have to break down the door to get out while he sat back and laughted. They said he would pull her by her hair, and choke her, and hit her. They said one of his ex girl friends was put in ICU by him b/c he pushed her out of a vehicle going 80mph.

We will not know the truth till more investigation is done however it is being botched by the coroners and pd and hwy patrol. Her mom said on the radio this morning that the first coroner at the scene said that it was going to be ruled as a homicide and there is no need for an autopsey. The mother even asked at least 3 times at the hospital where they took her remains if there needed to be an autopsey and they were told no. Now another coroner told her that it is going to be undertermined pending investigation and they needed to do an autopsey. This was told to them to late because her remains had already been cremated.

Her story is going to be on HLN the Jane Velez-Mitchell show tonight at 6pm Central.

It is amazing at all the support that they have gotten. I personally did not know her or him but it really hits you somewhere when something like that happens in a town that hardly ever sees anything like this. There are murders there but usually open and close cases and usually it is over drugs or something like that but really not very often.

Here is her page.

Please help us get the word out we are trying to get it on Nancy Grace and maybe she can get to the bottom of this.
I wanted to share this with you ladies b/c this has hit me very hard even though I did not know her personally. My husbands worker and his gf was the same age as her and knew her and him. He said all he knows is he has done drugs and he has heard the same as me about the abuse but no one ever thought he could do that to someone he supposedly loved.

Fly High pretty girl. :cry:
Jfg - totally understand your anxiety about testing again. Once you've had a chemical pg you will always fear that fading line. I have my fx for you that you get a stronger line next time and this will be your sticky bean x

NTAT - hope it was ok today and not too 'uncomfortable'. How long will you have to wait for the results?

Monro, what a sad story. Such a horrible situation, I hope her family get some justice for her.
Quick update as in bed after a very long day. Will write more in detail tomorrow.

It was very painful but didn't last long. At first Prof Q didn't think she cud get sample as my lining is thin but she managed it. She gave it a good scrape to try and encourage it to thicken. She said she's very interested in my case, its exactly what she's looking for.

She wanted me to go back to check my lining but we both agreed its too far.

She's going to have a discussion with my specialist to see what can be done with my lining as he hasn't offered do anything. I should get the results in 5-6 weeks.

Took us 3.5 hours to get home, traffic was a bloody nightmare. I was cramping and sore and just wanted my bed :cry:
Ouch ... Hope the cramps are easing. What a day you've had. Hope you have a relaxing weekend ahead of you.
JFG - I have just been through a chemical so I know how you must be feeling. Pregnancy after miscarriage is so scary but we're all here to support you.

Monro - awful story, some people are truly evil. I tried the FB link but it didn't seem to work for me.

Nicki - how you doing hun? Hope the good days outweigh the bad.

By the way, if anyone has any questions about the NK test, just ask. I'll be pleased to answer if I can.

I'll be back on tomorrow after a good sleep :sleep:

Nite all :hugs:
Monro- what an awful story! I hope her family gets justice for her. I too tried to click the link and it did not work.

NTAT - when you're feeling better I would like to know about your NK test. How awful to have that biopsy and them have such a long drive home when you're not feeling well. :hugs:

Soop- have you considered temping again? I may need to check into the Acu but I just hate needles!
NTAT - I wrote in your journal re your trip to see Prof Q

Hello Beech. I think you should give acu a go - you can always just go once if you hate it. The needles are sooooo thin and on my first time I hardly felt them at all. I do feel them now but not in a 'needly' way.
Hi Beach,

I can honestly say it wasn't as bad as I was expecting it to be. We arrived early so I was in the waiting room for 2.15pm (appt was 3pm), I got called in just past 3 and was out by half past.
She took a quick history from me and was VERY excited when I told her about my miscarriages. She said I am exactly the kind of patient she likes to deal with and she will be very interested to see the results.

She all but jumped up and kissed me, she even apologised for her excitedness as she said its not exciting for us... but I knew what she meant and I was pleased that she is so enthusiastic about her job.

I then was taken into the scan room (ugh, I hate the sight of those machines), I had to strip off my bottom half (the usual) and lie on the bed.
There was no nice curtain to undress behind so I just had to do it in the middle of the room with her and her assistant in there :wacko:, she did an transvaginal ultrasound first - she said this is to ascertain which way your uterus tilts before she does the procedure.

She puts a speculum in - similar to a smear and took the sample - I honestly didn't really feel that bit at all
She went back in to scrape the sides a bit to try and promote my lining to grow back thicker and O....M....G, that pain was horrific.
She said its cos your uterus contracts to get away from what is being done to it, and I did feel major cramping but I could also feel the scraping and its a pain I cannot even begin to describe.

Anyways, it was over very quickly and the cramping subsided within a couple of minutes.

She told me beforehand that some people don't bleed, some people spot and some have a lot of bleeding... I've had none.

I feel absolutely fine this morning, no pain - back to normal... just £360 lighter on the pocket :wacko: but if it gives us some answers, its more than worth it.

I should have the results in 5-6 weeks. As they only use part of the sample, she asked if I minded the rest being used for research - I agreed. If I can help in any way to stop others having to go through what I and all of you have experienced, I am all for it.

Any other questions, please ask. :hugs:
Hi everyone :wave: I'm sorry I am so behind with the group, I find it hard to keep up, hope you are all doing ok :hugs: x
Oh my gosh NTAT! What a procedure!!! :wacko: Did you need the extra scraping to promote the uterus growth? That sounds like the worst part. I am not sure i could have handled that part. I almost passed out when i had my HSG done. I am glad you are feeling better today. :hugs: I really hope you get some answers, I will be anxiously awaiting them too as no one seems to want to do that procedure here in the US.
Oh my gosh NTAT! What a procedure!!! :wacko: Did you need the extra scraping to promote the uterus growth? That sounds like the worst part. I am not sure i could have handled that part. I almost passed out when i had my HSG done. I am glad you are feeling better today. :hugs: I really hope you get some answers, I will be anxiously awaiting them too as no one seems to want to do that procedure here in the US.

Yes, she did the extra scraping as she was concerned over my thin lining and she said that it can promote it to grow thicker next month.
If you just have the biopsy, it should be pretty pain free. It was a similar pain to my hysteroscopy and I said I NEVER wanted to feel pain like that again - the things we do to try and get a healthy baby eh!

Have you found anywhere near you that can/will do the NK cell test?
I hope you do and can get it done soon, you need answers as much or if not more than I do. :hugs:
I have not found anyone to do it, in fact they haven't even really heard of it over here. My doctors still feel like we've just had a lot of bad luck and really feel that eventually we will b successful on our own. :shrug:
I have not found anyone to do it, in fact they haven't even really heard of it over here. My doctors still feel like we've just had a lot of bad luck and really feel that eventually we will b successful on our own. :shrug:

That may be the case but how much more can you take. If you're like me, you feel like you need to rule out every eventuality before you can consider carrying on.

I had a bit of a search on the internet (I'm sure you've done this already) and I did find an address on a thread about NK cells and it mentioned a company in Miami that does it (I know its quite far but I'm sure like me, you would travel).

University of Miami Medical Laboratories
1600 UM/JM Medical Center
NW 10th Avenue, Building RMSB Room 8190
Miami Florida 33136
Phone 305 243-6288 • Fax 305 243-4674

Someone else mentions Quest Labs that are dotted around the country.

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